Chapter 704 What a coincidence

Fan Qingyao could see that Princess Yunyue's expression was a little bad, but she pretended not to see it.

She couldn't refuse Princess Yunyue's invitation, but she didn't have to coax Yunyue to play the whole time.

Fan Qingyao hoped that Yun Yue would leave immediately as soon as she lost her temper, so as to save her from continuing to be pretentious and submissive.

It's a pity that Princess Yunyue quickly regained her composure, "I never expected that the Crown Princess is so powerful. Even I am ashamed of her ability."

Not only does he have a smile on his face, but he can also pretend to be a sincere compliment.

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

This Princess Yunyue is really good at it.

The two of them walked back and forth. Yunyue may have really not returned to the main city for a long time. Now everything she sees is strange. Fan Qingyao accompanies her in a good-tempered way, helping Yunyue give her opinions from time to time. If she doesn't know, Those who were on the inside, really thought they were sisters with a close relationship.

But most of the time, Yunyue is looking at something, and Fan Qingyao is also watching. It can't be said that he likes it very much, he just passes the time. After all, anything he looks at is much more pleasing to the eye than Yunyue next to him.

 In the blink of an eye, Yunyue bought a lot of things.

 It has everything you need to eat, use and play.

Looking back at Fan Qingyao, he was still as empty-handed as when he first arrived.

"I really bothered the Crown Princess today. Look at what I have in my hands. Look at the Crown Princess and didn't buy anything. If you didn't know better, you would have thought that the Crown Princess was just hanging out with me. I wonder what the Crown Princess saw. If You really like it and I bought it for the Crown Princess." Yunyue smiled.

"Princess Yunyue doesn't need to feel so guilty. If it weren't for Princess Yunyue, I wouldn't have planned to go out today." Fan Qingyao also laughed. Originally, she didn't care much about these external things.

 Yunyue, “…”

 Being poor means being poor, and you are full of excuses.

Yunyue didn't believe it, there really was nothing that could catch Fan Qingyao's eyes.

However, Yunyue heard that since the husband of the Hua family died in Huaishang, even if the Hua family is completely in despair, it is estimated that it has not recovered now, otherwise as a default crown prince, she would not be like this. Money is tight.

When passing by a restaurant, Princess Yunyue couldn't walk, "Why don't we go in and have a rest? I'm the host today, so the Crown Princess must not be polite to me."

Fan Qingyao subconsciously raised his head and saw the plaque of Yunzhong Pavilion.

This restaurant was newly opened not long ago, but because of its novel and poetic dishes, it attracted the attention of the dignitaries and literati in the main city.

I think that on the first day of Sun Congtong's wedding, he invited Fan Qingyao and Han Jingchen to come here. Fan Qingyao thought about it briefly and found that the food here was really good.

 The two people entered the door, and the waiter came to greet them.

Since it was noon and there were not many diners, Yunyue asked the waiter to find a more secluded place.

The waiter immediately led the two of them to a corner on the second floor. The location was a bit off, but fortunately there was a full moon window behind them, and the scenery was very good.

Yunyue smiled and gestured to Fan Qingyao to order, "Princess, please don't be polite to me."

When Fan Qingyao saw Yunyue handing over the menu, he didn't refuse. Thinking about the dishes he had eaten last time, he randomly picked a few dishes, "Flower-cooked quail, lychee white loin, and three-crispy soup." ”

Princess Yunyue never thought that Fan Qingyao would really say what he said, and the corners of her lips twitched. She is a good eater.

Fan Qingyao had just ordered his food when he heard a familiar voice next door.

Originally, the private rooms on the second floor were separated from each other, but because the place where they were sitting was only a small corner, and there was only a bead curtain between them and the private room in front, so people who walked into the private room were stunned. Sitting down, we immediately saw each other clearly and clearly. Fan Qingyao looked at Baili Rongze and Fan Xuening sitting at the round table not far away, his brows knitted together.

  Since the end of the new year, Baili Rongze has been banned by the emperor.

Now he can show his face openly. It seems that the emperor has lifted the ban on him.

Normally speaking, if the emperor wants to lift the ban on Baili Rongze, he needs at least an opportunity and a reason.

 But she had never heard of this matter from Baili Fengming or her grandfather.

No wonder Yunyue came out to her in a good manner. She must have planned this chance encounter.

 But what if we really meet him?

 Is it possible that just because of a meal, there will be no gap between them?

Princess Yunyue laughed first, "I didn't expect that we were really destined."

 Baili Rongze seemed a little surprised and stood up quickly. He glanced at Fan Qingyao first and then asked Yunyue, "Why are you here?"

Yunyue smiled and said, "Seeing that the weather is nice today, I thought of asking the Crown Princess to go out for a walk."

 Baili Rongze nodded and glanced at Fan Qingyao again.

Of course, Fan Qingyao couldn't let Baili Rongze find fault with her, so he stood up and returned the favor. When he looked back, he caught a glimpse of Fan Xuening standing beside him with pale faces, obviously not happy about this encounter. .

However, Yunyue only focused on pulling Baili Rongze to talk, and didn't even care about Fan Xuening beside her.

What could Fan Xuening do? She could only stand aside with a stiff face and act as a foil.

Fan Qingyao didn't have time to go over and be irritating. After returning the gift, he sat back on the round stool and looked at Fan Xuening while he was bored. Although he was pregnant, his face was not good, and he had lost a few ounces of flesh.

I guess it’s hard to live with fear after getting pregnant. Who told Fan Xuening to do something shady when Pan Yulu was pregnant? Now it’s her turn, so she must be worried.

Yunyue and Baili Rongze talked more and more. The waiter was a discerning person, so he simply put the dishes on the two tables together.

Yunyue quickly greeted Fan Qingyao with a smile, "It's just fun to sit together."

Now in this scene, Fan Qingyao couldn't just turn around and leave. Almost under the watchful eyes of Baili Rongze and Fan Xuening, she sat on the other side of the round table. Whether it was with Fan Xuening or Princess Yunyue, she remained calm. at a certain distance.

"It is said that sisters are the most alike. Originally I thought Aunt Fan and the Crown Princess were similar, but now that we are sitting together and looking at each other, I feel that they are a little different." Yunyue smiled and looked at Fan Xuening for a while. He would look at Fan Xuening again.

Hearing this, Fan Xuening almost lost her smile.

Of course she knows that she is not ugly, but now she has a severe pregnancy reaction, and she is not as delicate as Fan Qingyao's child. Now sitting with Fan Qingyao, no matter how straight her back is, , and it is obvious that the gap between the two is getting wider and wider.

Almost subconsciously, Fan Xuening looked towards Baili Rongze quietly, and happened to see Baili Rongze staring at Fan Qingyao for an instant.

 Fan Xuening, “…”

Fan Qingyao was a **** in the dream, and he still is like that now.

It's not enough to hook up with one prince, now you want to hook up with the third prince? !

 (End of this chapter)

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