Chapter 705 Praise to Fan Qingyao

 Baili Rongze didn't notice Fan Xuening's gaze, he just kept staring at Fan Qingyao opposite.

It was clear that Fan Qingyao was the one he wanted to choose at the beginning, but in the end, he was intercepted halfway by the prince.

It would have been better if the mother and concubine hadn't stopped her in the first place. Since Fan Qingyao and the prince were together, the prince's career has been smooth. What about him?

 It’s okay not to mention it!

Yunyue looked at Baili Rongze's expression and smiled coldly in her heart. It was indeed the case.

"We are half-sisters, the similarity is just what we think in our hearts." Fan Qingyao's face remained calm, but in his heart he was very disgusted with the way Baili Rongze's eyes fell on his face. He picked up the tea cup in front of him and covered half of his face with his sleeves.

Yunyue seemed to be stunned for a moment, looked at Fan Qingyao and asked, "Yes, I remember that the Crown Princess's biological mother used to be the eldest grandma of the Fan family. What about Aunt Fan's biological mother?"

Hearing these words, Fan Xuening's face turned pale instantly.

If you get to the bottom of it, her mother's identity cannot withstand scrutiny.

Fan Xuening didn't believe that Yunyue really didn't know, but now she said it like this, what was she trying to do?

Fan Qingyao smiled and said, "It happened too long ago, and besides, I was still young at that time, so I basically don't remember much."

Yunyue was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't expect Fan Qingyao to be so ignorant.

Of course Fan Qingyao knew very well that Yunyue wanted to use her hand to slap Fan Xuening in the face.

Although the grudge between her and Fan Xuening will never be cleared up, she doesn't have the habit of being a gunman for others.

Seeing Fan Qingyao say this, Baili Rongze could only look back with a smile.

By chance, the food was all served at this time, and everyone picked up their chopsticks.

Although the royal family of Xiliang never asked them to be silent during eating and sleeping, talking too much during meals would make them appear uneducated, and the conversation at the table was significantly reduced.

Fan Xuening planned to leave quickly after eating, but for some reason, she felt that Baili Rongze was eating very slowly, much slower than usual.

This was nothing. What was even more unacceptable to Fan Xuening was that Baili Rongze was picking up vegetables and serving soup for her the whole time. He looked like a prince with no airs at all. He held her in the palm of his hand and took good care of her. .

If it were normal times, Fan Xuening would naturally be happy.

 But now, Fan Xuening knows that is not the case at all!

It wasn't the first day she had dinner with Baili Rongze. Baili Rongze was very old-fashioned in continuing the royal tradition. Every time she ate, she had to stand aside to serve the dishes. She could only wait for Baili Rongze. After Li Rongze finished eating, she could pick up the rice bowl.

 Why did everything change today?

 Of course it’s because of Fan Qingyao!

  Men will only show generosity and consideration in front of the woman they like!

Yunyue looked at this scene and felt quite happy.

If the third prince's concubine hadn't found her, she wouldn't have known that Baili Rongze had been blinded by a bitch.

Fan Xuening was just a chess piece from the beginning. Logically speaking, things in the palace failed, and this chess piece was useless. Later, when she saw Fan Xuening still beside Baili Rongze, she didn't pay much attention to it, but What is Baili Rongze doing now?

 He is doting on his concubine and destroying his wife!

Yunyue naturally cannot let it go.

The purpose of bringing Fan Qingyao here today is to let Baili Rongze see her thoughts clearly. Fan Xuening is just a substitute and has no value at all.

Fan Qingyao didn't want to see the frowns of the people in front of her, so she just took a few bites and put down her chopsticks. "Since I met the third prince, I won't disturb Princess Yunyue and the third prince to reminisce. I'll leave first." Fan Qingyao said and was about to stand up.

Upon seeing this, Yunyue quickly took Fan Qingyao's hand and said, "It's rare to meet, so it's better to sit for a while."

Just as Fan Qingyao was about to speak, he saw another person coming upstairs. There were not many people coming, and they were holding a lot of things in their hands.

The eyes of Yunyue and Baili Rongze were also attracted by these people. They were both curious about which high-ranking young master was so wealthy. Looking at the servants holding in their hands, they were all daughters. Household stuff.

As a result, a few people were watching enthusiastically and saw those people walking towards this direction in an orderly manner.

Yunyue and Baili Rongze looked at each other with doubts on their faces.

At the same time, I saw those people put everything in their hands in the private room, and then walked downstairs.

Yunyue stood up quickly and wanted to stop the person, "Are you admitting your mistake..."

Before he finished speaking, there were footsteps on the stairs again.

As the footsteps became clearer, a familiar figure appeared on the second floor.

  When Baili Rongze saw the person coming, his expression suddenly changed several times.

 Prince? !

Yunyue didn't expect to see the prince here. She was surprised for a long time before smiling and said, "I didn't expect that His Highness the prince would also come here to eat. What a coincidence."

Baili Fengming stepped into the elegant room and sat beside Fan Qingyao without any hesitation. Then he looked at Yunyue with a smile and said, "I just saw Princess Yunyue and Ayao on the street. It’s not a coincidence.”

Yunyue was stunned for a moment, unable to react. Since she had seen it a long time ago, why did she show up now?

As a result, Baili Fengming looked at Fan Qingyao and said, "Seeing that you and Princess Yunyue were having a good time shopping, I didn't have the heart to disturb you. However, I bought all the things you like for you. You can look carefully later." Look, see if there’s anything missing, and I’ll ask someone to buy it.”

 Yunyue, “…”

 It turns out that these things were all those that Fan Qingyao had just seen, touched, and missed!

  Baili Rongze, “…”

Is there a limit to showing affection?

 Fan Xuening, “…”

One Baili Rongze is not enough, now there is an additional prince supporting Fan Qingyao?

 This is trying to elevate Fan Qingyao to heaven!

Fan Qingyao really didn't expect Baili Fengming to rush over suddenly, but thinking about it, Baili Fengming is now the spy in this main city, what else does he not know?

However, in front of outsiders, Fan Qingyao still had to show a lukewarm attitude.

Baili Fengming didn't mind, and said with a smile, "I have free time today to visit my mother, and my mother also mentioned the scene when you entered the palace last time. Counting it, it has been a while. My mother has received a lot of blessings in the past few days." "Edelweiss bird's nest, remember you like to eat it, I asked you to come and sit in the palace when you are free."

Fan Xuening's face turned completely pale and she couldn't even hold the chopsticks in her hand.

They are also the daughters-in-law of others. Look at Fan Qingyao and then look at her.

Even if the Queen is just acting on occasion, she is at least willing to maintain a superficial relationship with Fan Qingyao, but her concubine and mother-in-law are too lazy to even do superficial things.

 (End of this chapter)

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