Chapter 706 Bullying my man?

 Baili Rongze's face didn't look good either. He didn't know that the prince was so rich?

"Even if the prince has spare money, he should not be so extravagant and wasteful. Thinking back to the past, among the brothers, the prince was the most impoverished. At that time, the Seventh Emperor also said that if one day the prince gets spare money, I am afraid that the sun will Come out from the west."

This may seem like a joke, but it doesn’t sound like that.

 In the past, Baili Fengming was not taken seriously by the emperor, so he was short of money.

Fan Qingyao looked at Baili Rongze with a heavy look in his eyes. After two lifetimes, he was still so disgusting. No matter whether he was a person or a person, he would always do all kinds of despicable things.

Baili Fengming did not show any anger, but looked at Baili Rongze and smiled, "What the Third Emperor Brother said is true, that's why I said Ayao is my blessing. Ever since my father and I decided to marry each other, Ayao was rewarded with many valuable items for his marriage. "

Yunyue laughed after hearing this, "So, this is all the result of the Crown Princess?"

It’s really a mockery of Baili Fengming’s eating soft rice, don’t make it too obvious!

 Baili Fengming nodded and smiled, "This is natural."

 Yunyue, “…”

 Is it unreasonable to eat soft food?

Fan Xuening saw that Baili Rongze's expression was not good, so she thought for a while and said, "What His Highness the Crown Prince said was too profound. As a woman, I can't understand it. But I do remember that our Third Highness, Shi Changchang, said that a real man must stand upright for heaven and earth. You deserve to be born in this world..."

Fan Qingyao sneered and interrupted, "Is this the tutor at the third prince's residence?"

Baili Rongze’s face froze.

Originally, he thought it was okay for Fan Xuening to help him, but now that he thought about it, it was no longer the case.

Fan Qingyao can sit here and talk to them because Fan Qingyao is the future crown princess.

To put it bluntly, if the prince really continues to sit in the prince's position smoothly, Fan Qingyao will be the new queen of Xiliang in the future.

But what about Fan Xuening?

 She is just a concubine, even if she gives birth to a child, she is not worthy of being called mother!

 Such an identity cannot appear even at banquets of wealthy families, not to mention that Fan Xuening is still criticizing the prince.

Fan Xuening gritted her teeth and said, "I don't have any other intentions, so why do you need to make a fuss out of a molehill?"

"I don't dare to accept Aunt Fan's name as sister. I haven't seen Aunt Fan call me a word since I was a child, but now she calls me affectionate. Aunt Fan has time to think about having a relationship, so she might as well think more about how to speak. The eldest grandma of the Fan family didn't know how to teach things when she was here, but that doesn't mean Aunt Fan can do whatever she wants with the help of the third prince. "

At this time, Zui Ling's most shameful life experience was directly put on the table.

Fan Xuening's face was completely pale and turned blue, and she was forced to burst into tears.

Fan Qingyao looked at Fan Xuening coldly, without any pity.

What did Baili Rongze say to Yunyue? As the royal daughter-in-law who had never been married, it was not easy for her to get involved. Anyway, with Baili Fengming's mind like a sieve, she would not suffer any loss.

 But no matter what others say, there is no room for Fan Xuening to speak.

 Does the man who ridiculed her in front of her really think that she is a dead person?

Yunyue looked at everyone present, but she was still unsure in her heart.

She clearly noticed at the palace banquet last time that her father didn't seem to be optimistic about the harmony between Fan Qingyao and the prince, but she didn't want them to be too unfamiliar on the surface, so she had been observing secretly during this period. Fan Qingyao, even now.

She just wanted to see if Fan Qingyao and the prince were really married just because of marriage.

However, Yunyue couldn't tell anything from what Fan Qingyao just said.

The prince had been quarreling with Baili Rongze since he entered the house. At that time, Fan Qingyao did not speak. On the contrary, Fan Xuening was severely punished by Fan Qingyao when he talked too much.

If you analyze this matter carefully, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it.

Even if Fan Qingyao and the prince have no feelings, they will be tied together in the future. If Fan Xueying slaps the prince in the face as an aunt, does Fan Qingyao's face look better?

Thinking like this, Yunyue had no intention of speaking again. Since everything is reasonable, she will not stand up for Fan Xuening.

At this moment, Lin Yi went upstairs and said, "Your Highness, the Emperor has summoned you to enter the palace quickly to meet the Emperor."

Baili Fengming nodded, and then looked at the other people at the round table, "I wanted to sit for a while longer, but I didn't want to see my father and Zhao. It seems that what the Third Emperor Brother said is really good. Ayao is me. The blessing.”

 Humbling, he took Fan Qingyao's hand and walked out without even looking at everyone's faces.

Soon, the room became quiet.

Of course Yunyue would not argue with Fan Xuening and lower her own worth, but since she was outside, she couldn't really argue with Baili Rongze, so she sat for a while and then went out.

Fan Xuening looked at Baili Rongze's darkened face and felt a little guilty, "Your Highness, I..."

Baili Rongze didn't even look at her. He stood up and said, "I still have something to do, so you can go back by yourself."

Fan Xue's vision immediately blurred as she stared at Baili Rongze.

  She is still pregnant, did she really leave herself here?

Just as I was thinking about it, I saw a few boys opening the door.

Fan Xuening quickly held back her tears, but she was still a little happy in her heart, "But His Highness asked you to come?"

The boy who came in was carrying things in the private room and said, "We are from the Hua family. We have received news from His Highness the Crown Prince, and we came here specially to pick up things for my young lady."

 Fan Xuening, “…”

Fan Qingyao followed Baili Fengming out of the teahouse. Lin Yi had already led the carriage to the door.

"When was the third prince released from the ban?" Fan Qingyao asked gently while walking in the direction of the carriage with Baili Fengming.

"I just learned the news too." Baili Fengming held her hand tightly. It was precisely because of this that he specifically inquired about the news in the main city. Unexpectedly, he heard that Yunyue had made an appointment with Fan Qingyao.

Fan Qingyao frowned.

The emperor is not even paying attention to government affairs now, so why would he suddenly think of the banned Baili Rongze?

"I will send someone to investigate this matter. If nothing happens, I will go back early. I will visit you when I have time." Baili Fengming smiled and touched the top of her hair.

Fan Qingyao thought that Baili Fengming would go to the palace to pay an audience, so he nodded and said nothing more.

Watching the carriage speed away, Fan Qingyao waited until the carriage completely disappeared at the end of the street before she cheered up. Unexpectedly, when she turned around, she saw Yun Yue standing in front of the restaurant, smiling at her. Princess.

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

  It’s really a lingering ghost.

"Is Princess Yunyue going back to the palace?" Fan Qingyao took the initiative to say with a smile. Since he saw her, it was always hard to pretend to be arrogant.

"It is necessary to return to the palace, but I still have to send the Crown Princess back to the palace safely first." Yunyue came over, took Fan Qingyao's hand, and looked affectionate as if nothing happened just now. .

Fan Qingyao's lips twitched, but she didn't dare bother Princess Yunyue to see her off.

But before she could speak, Yunyue said again, "I made the appointment. If I can't see the Crown Princess return home safely with my own eyes, I will always feel uneasy."

Of course Fan Qingyao didn't believe that Yunyue would have such kind intentions, but after dealing with Yunyue several times, she knew that if Yunyue wanted to do something, she couldn't hide from it. Instead of letting Yunyue do it behind her back, It would be safer to replace the dark ones with the bright ones.

  "That's enough trouble for Princess Yunyue." Fan Qingyao stepped onto the carriage.

Yunyue smiled and said, "What the princess said is what I should do."

 (End of this chapter)

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