Chapter 708: The First Prince’s Rescue

Two carriages attacked the carriage, and countless sticks were inserted into the carriage and smashed everywhere.

Yunyue was really frightened. Apart from screaming, her mind was completely blank.

Fan Qingyao fixed his body with one hand, and held Yunyue's trembling body with the other hand. Large beads of sweat dripped down his cheeks uncontrollably.

 Suddenly, the carriage jolted violently.

Yunyue, who was completely unprepared, was knocked out and hit the sticks.

Although those sticks were blunt weapons, those people hit the carriage with enough strength. If they were really hit by those sticks, even if their lives were not in danger for the time being, there was still a risk of ruptured internal organs.

At the critical moment, Fan Qingyao gritted his teeth and rushed towards Yunyue.

When Yunyue came to her senses, she saw Fan Qingyao lying on top of her, protecting her tightly.

It’s true that Fan Qingyao doesn’t want to get hurt, and it’s even more true that he can’t watch Yunyue get hurt.

 But she was injured and it was her fault that she sustained herself to death, while Yunyue's injury involved too many things.

She has seen with her own eyes the sacrifices behind Baili Fengming's journey to this day, so Fan Qingyao also least wants to see it. Concubine Yu talks about Yunyue's injury, thus affecting Baili Fengming's hard work and stability. situation.

 If he had to choose one of the two, Fan Qingyao would naturally choose the latter without any hesitation.

Yunyue certainly knew the reason why Fan Qingyao saved her, but even so, the shock in her eyes only increased.

Hong to heart, if the matter were reversed, Yunyue would definitely not have the courage and courage like Fan Qingyao.

“Hold your head, don’t let the back of your head get hurt!” Fan Qingyao gritted his teeth and warned.

At this moment, Yunyue was surprisingly obedient and quickly hugged her head.

Fan Qingyao also lowered his head and buried his cheek in Yunyue's neck.

Suddenly, a severe pain came over my back!

Even though Fan Qingyao was prepared in advance, his chest was still shaken by pain.

 But Fan Qingyao was not given any time to buffer, and then another wooden stick hit her on the back.

The wooden sticks were struck at random, crackling in the carriage. Fan Qingyao, who was protecting Yunyue in his arms, had no way to dodge. He could only lower his head, using all his strength to protect his head and stay awake. mind.

 The sound of horses' tearing screams suddenly sounded.

The little **** driving the cart looked at the stick hitting the horse in shock, knowing that the horse was frightened.

  Immediately afterwards, the carriage began to rush forward uncontrollably.

 The speed was so fast that the little **** outside was jolted out of the carriage.

Yunyue seemed to feel something, and suddenly asked softly, "Will we die like this?"

Fan Qingyao took a long breath to relieve the pain in his back, "No!"

 She still had a lot of things to do, so how could she die like this?

Yunyue naturally didn't believe what Fan Qingyao said. The carriage was out of control at all. If it continued to gallop like this...

 Suddenly, the carriage trembled violently again.

Yunyue and Fan Qingyao in the carriage were bounced up and fell heavily into the carriage.

Through the rolled-up car curtains, Fan Qingyao saw a figure suddenly coming from a distance in the opposite direction.

 The eldest prince? !

The eldest prince did not expect to see such a horrifying scene. Seeing that the horse had gone completely crazy and rushed towards him, he did not hesitate at all and put the wooden wheel cart under him across the carriage and the carriage. among the horses. While the carriage slowed down, the eldest prince hung on the shaft of the carriage with all his strength, and untied the ropes between the horses and the carriage as quickly as possible.

 Finally, as the horse rushed out of the alley, the horse rope slowly fell to the ground.

The eldest prince was thrown to the ground, but before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw that the already shaky carriage had completely lost its balance and was tilting towards the opposite side of him.

Fan Qingyao in the carriage seized the opportunity and pushed Yunyue out of the window while the carriage crashed to the ground.


 With a loud noise, the carriage hit the ground heavily.

The eldest prince was stunned. It took him a long time to react and shouted, "Crown Princess! Crown Princess!"

  The little **** who was thrown away from the carriage in advance ran over in a hurry and was frightened when he saw this scene.

If something really happened to the Crown Princess, would he still be alive?

“What are you still doing? Hurry up and call for help!” the eldest prince angrily scolded.

The little **** came to his senses immediately and ran towards the street outside the alley.

When Yunyue came back to her senses, she saw the eldest prince dragging his naturally disabled legs, leaning on the ground with his elbows, and trying his best to squirm in the direction of the carriage.

 Who is the eldest prince? How come Princess Yunyue doesn’t know him?

Since his legs were disabled since he was a child, he wished he could think that the whole world owed him.

I remember that when she was a child, she fell down in the imperial garden, and the eldest prince pushed the wooden cart past her indifferently, without even looking at her.

 But what is such a selfish person doing now?

 Saving Fan Qingyao!

Compared with the other princes, the eldest prince is the most pampered one. He has never experienced such hardship before. In just a moment, his elbows were bruised.

But now he didn't care about the pain at all, he just wanted to rescue Fan Qingyao who was smashed inside first.

It's just that the carriage collapsed and was shattered into pieces. It was simply not something he could do alone.

Turning back and seeing Yunyue sitting in a daze, the eldest prince had never been so tough as he is now, "How long do you want to sit there and rest, and why don't you come over and help me?"

Yunyue bit her lip and said, "With you and me, there's no way we can push that carriage away."

The eldest prince angrily said, "Don't forget who saved you. If the Crown Princess hadn't pushed you out of the car window in time, it would not only be the Crown Princess who was smashed inside now, but also you!"

Yunyue's face turned red after being scolded by the eldest prince, and she could only stand up reluctantly.

Just at this time, the little **** also came back, followed by merchants from nearby streets.

Many of them were rented from the shopkeepers of Huajia Shop. When they heard that something happened to the Crown Princess, they ran over with their own assistants.

The eldest prince knew that even if he tried to get closer at this moment, it would be a waste of time, so he simply gave instructions from the side.

 In almost a cup of tea, the broken carriage was finally moved away.

Fan Qingyao, who has been immersed in darkness, always maintains a trace of consciousness.

Sensing the incoming light, she faintly opened her eyes. When she saw that Yunyue was not seriously injured, she relaxed and fainted.

Yunyue originally wanted an excuse to leave, but in the end, Fan Qingyao's look froze her in place.

Aware of the unkind gazes of the people around her, Yunyue felt that if she just threw her hands away and walked away, these people's spit would drown her.

Looking at Fan Qingyao who was unconscious on the ground, Yunyue could only accept her fate and carry him on her back.

 (End of this chapter)

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