The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 709: I'm afraid it's going too deep

Chapter 709 I’m afraid it’s going to be too deep.

The nearby merchants all have their own carriages, so there is no need for Yunyue to carry Fan Qingyao all the way back.

As Yunyue and the eldest prince accompanied Fan Qingyao on the carriage, the merchants who rented the Hua family had already sent people to report the news to the Hua family.

When the carriage stopped outside the door of the western suburbs mansion, all the daughters-in-law of the Hua family were waiting on the steps.

Seeing Fan Qingyao being carried down by Yunyue, the daughters-in-law were so frightened that their legs went weak. They quickly picked up Fan Qingyao and rushed into the house in a hurry.

 “Where is the old lady?”

 “When I get back to Second Grandma, the old lady is already waiting in the yard of the young lady.”

"Qiuzao, why are you here? It's inconvenient for you to have a bloated stomach. Go back quickly."

“But I’m worried about Qingyao. I won’t worry if I don’t watch her wake up.”

The Hua family went all the way to the house, noisy all the way.

Yunyue sat in the carriage and watched silently.

She didn't want to admit it, but she had to admit that she envied Fan Qingyao at this moment.

  So what if she grew up in the royal family? In the eyes of outsiders, she has a distinguished status, but only she knows in her heart that she has never felt such family affection.

"Don't look at it. Those things don't belong to you anymore." The eldest prince leaned on the soft platform and said softly.

Yunyue glanced at him, "Don't you think the eldest prince is envious?"

The eldest prince chuckled, "Envy? Do you think these all belong to the Crown Princess?"

Yunyue was stunned for a moment.

"It's true that Fan Qingyao has the blood of the Hua family, but don't forget that her surname is Fan. It's not easy for foreigners like this to get the blessing of the opposite sex. You just saw that they have I pay so much attention to the Crown Princess, but I don’t know how much the Crown Princess has put in to get to where she is now.” When the eldest prince recalled the scene where the Crown Princess had forced herself to go to the palace for a boy from the Hua family, the corners of her lips twitched again and again. This kind of thing happened again and again. Not everyone can do it.

Yunyue was too lazy to continue listening to Fan Qingyao's past, "Where is the eldest prince going?"

The eldest prince spread his hands and said, "Of course he has to go to the palace if such a big thing happens. Why don't we go home and take a nap?"

 Yunyue, “…”

 When I just saved Fan Qingyao, why didn’t I see you being so venomous?

 At this time, the mansion in the western suburbs had already exploded.

  The scene when Fan Qingyao was carried back last time is still vivid in my mind. How can the Hua family not be afraid now?

It was Ji Hongliao who was sitting in the flower hall drinking tea. He got a letter from his son and knew that the two young children were going to get married quietly outside. He came to visit as an in-law. As a result, he saw that the Hua family suddenly became busy. figure.

Seeing Ninghan running past, Ji Hongliao quickly stopped him and said, "What happened? Everyone in your house is on fire."

Ning Han thought that Ji Yuanjian was her young lady's master and Miss Tianyu's future father-in-law. He was not an outsider, so she didn't hide it, "Something happened to our young lady. She is injured now. Our old lady...hey …Where are you going!”

Before Ninghan could finish her words, she saw that everyone from Ji Hongliao had already walked out of the flower pavilion.

“What else can I do? Of course it’s up to your young lady!” Ji Hongliao said without looking back.

 “But you didn’t bring a medicine kit!”

"What kind of medicine kit do you need at your Hua's house? The most important thing your Hua's house lacks is medical supplies. Go quickly, don't waste time. She has to live well. If I have anything, I still expect her to be filial to me. ” ˆ ˆ Ninghan, “…”

Looking at how fast you are walking, with your physical fitness, you will have no problem living for another few decades.

In the room, Tao Yuxian was treating Fan Qingyao's back injury. Ji Hongliao simply waited outside. After Tao Yuxian had taken care of it, he entered the door, sat down on the bed and hurriedly He raised his hand and pressed it on Fan Qingyao's wrist.

He waited until he noticed that Fan Qingyao's pulse was stable, then he breathed a sigh of relief, "This girl can do anything."

Tao Yuxian sighed, "I originally planned to let you come and have a good meal, but in the end, I made you worry again."

Ji Hongliao waved his hand, "Do you know what the reason is?"

"I don't know the details yet. The master has already entered the palace. We have to wait for the news from inside the palace. Just don't get involved too deeply." Tao Yuxian is a smart man, as long as he can pull the carriage Horses have been trained by horse dealers since childhood, and the chance of being frightened is extremely small. Although the person who came to deliver the message insisted that the horse was frightened, she was still worried about it.

 Now that the prince is in the limelight, who knows what the third prince will do.

 But once this matter involves the royal family, I'm afraid the emperor may not be able to give an explanation to the Hua family.

"Don't be afraid even if it really involves something that shouldn't be involved. The Queen is still here to take charge." Ji Hongliao didn't believe that the Queen's protective character would allow people to rub sand in their eyes.

 Taking a step back, this matter really put the queen's hands at a loss, didn't she also have the prince?

Ji Hongliao's lips couldn't help twitching when he thought of the prince's sieve-like mind. With the prince's methods, even if he really couldn't let the thief lose a piece of his flesh openly, he could still let him go secretly. Kilograms of blood.

  Anyway, his apprentice will never suffer any loss.

At the same time, there was a commotion in the palace.

The eldest prince and Yunyue drove directly to the palace gate in a carriage.

Yunyue looked at the eldest prince's embarrassed appearance and suggested, "Why don't the eldest prince follow me to Yueyue Palace to change clothes first? There are still many clothes of the third prince in the mother's palace."

"Princess Yunyue doesn't need to worry about it." The eldest prince waved his hand, and then called for a guard to carry him, and he went to the imperial study room covered in dirt.

Yunyue looked at the embarrassed back of the eldest prince and frowned in worry.

If the eldest prince was really allowed to cause trouble in front of his father, Fan Qingyao's risking his life to save her would definitely be known to everyone.

 What will she do next?

 Do you really want to return the favor to Fan Qingyao?

Of course Yunyue would not and did not want to return it, but she did not want others to poke her spine from behind. After thinking about it carefully, she called a guard and ordered, "Go to Liu Renfei quickly and say no matter what, We must stop the eldest prince from meeting his father!"

 When Concubine Liu Ren got the news, she was shocked and hurriedly led the people out.

In front of the courtyard of the imperial study room, the panting Liu Renfei finally blocked the eldest prince.

 “Where are you going?”

The eldest prince did not expect that his mother-in-law would suddenly come over, but after thinking about it, he sneered, "Yunyue is a smart person and knows how to find his mother-in-law to block my way."

Concubine Liu Ren glanced at the guard who was carrying the eldest prince and knew that this was not the place to talk. "Looking at the injuries on your body, you must be obedient and go back with your mother to take care of the wounds first."

 (End of this chapter)

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