The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 710: In front of the prince, what does the third prince mean?

Chapter 710: Who is the third prince in front of the prince?

As Liu Renfei spoke, she motioned to the palace attendants behind her to pick up the eldest prince.

Unexpectedly, the eldest prince slapped the most shameless **** in front of Liu Renfei on the face.

 The sound of "Pa!" stunned Liu Renfei.

 “What are you going to do?” Liu Renfei asked suppressing her anger.

"Can't my mother really see what I want to do? Today the Crown Princess risked her life to save Yunyue. No matter what the Crown Princess's purpose was, it is true that Yun Yue accepted the grace of saving her life. Now Yun Yue Yue asked the concubine to come and stop me, didn't she just want me to shut up and write off the matter of the crown princess saving her?"

The eldest prince knew that the third prince was cruel, but he didn't expect Yunyue to be even worse than him. As expected, they were both born from the same mother's womb, and they were both equally cold-blooded and selfish.

Liu Renfei's hands were shaking with anger, "You're crazy! If these words reach Concubine Yu's ears, everything I have done for you will be in vain!"

The eldest prince didn’t care at all, “Hasn’t the mother-in-law noticed it yet?”

 “What do you see?”

“If the third prince really values ​​friendship, how could he watch his son being demoted to a commoner and ignore him?”

“The emperor was very angry at that time, so what if the third prince wants to help?”

"So, the third prince just turns a blind eye to me and doesn't care whether I live or die?"

Liu Renfei gritted her teeth and said, "Then what did the prince do to deserve your desperate efforts?"

The eldest prince smiled bitterly, and only he knew the feeling, "If there had been no crown princess, I would have been dead long ago."

 He did not expect that when he was giving up on himself, it would be Fan Qingyao who would give him a hand.

He will always remember standing outside the window and looking at Fan Qingyao standing inside, protecting his unborn child without any calculation.

Perhaps there is really hope, and now even his relationship with Yan Hanbai has eased a lot.

With such a disability, no matter how hard he fought, he would never get the chair. His desperate calculation was just to hope that his life would be easier when the new emperor came to the throne.

He was blind at the beginning and believed the lies of the third prince. Fortunately, he woke up not too late. Now he can be regarded as someone who has one foot on the prince's boat. If he wants to let himself and his children live in the future, Feeling comfortable, now it is natural to rush forward without hesitation.

“After experiencing so much, can’t my mother and concubine still see who is more trustworthy?” The eldest prince did not want to get entangled with his mother and concubine anymore, and he still had more emotions left to meet his father.

Concubine Liu Ren grabbed the eldest prince's wrist and lowered her voice and said, "Concubine Yu has been favored for so many years, and even now she is still favored from time to time. The third prince has always been favored by the emperor, so what does that prince have!"

 The eldest prince, “…”

 He had thought so before, but reality slapped him hard in the face.

"In the eyes of others, the prince really has nothing, but such an ordinary prince is an existence that no one has shaken in these years, even the empress. No matter how favored Concubine Yu is, she will sit in the back The queen is the queen, the crown prince’s concubine!”

 The eldest prince suddenly smiled when he thought about all that had happened.

“To put it more bluntly, what kind of thing is the Third Emperor’s younger brother in front of the Crown Prince?”

Liu Renfei’s eyes widened instantly, and she was obviously very stimulated.

 Is her son crazy?

The eldest prince was too lazy to bother and signaled the guards to continue moving forward. Who is crazy will be answered soon.

As the eldest prince entered the imperial study, soon word spread in the palace that the princess was in danger.

 In Fengyi Palace, Queen Zhenxi got up and was about to walk out.

Lily was so frightened that she quickly followed her, "Queen, what are you trying to do?"

"What to do? Of course I went to cry in front of the Emperor." Queen Zhen Xi kept walking. As the saying goes, children who cry have milk to drink. They always have to cry before the Emperor will take this matter seriously. stand up.

"Queen, please calm down, the Emperor will definitely investigate this matter."

“Do you really think she is three years old and easy to fool? In the main city, at the feet of the emperor, which bandit is so impatient that he dares to come here to cause trouble and become a target!”

 “The Queen’s Empress means…”

Queen Zhen Xi smiled coldly, "No matter who it is, as long as it hurts me, it won't do!"

Now that the storm is in full swing, those who have done something wrong will have to keep their heads down. When the storm calms down, they will probably find a way to calm the matter down with the emperor as soon as possible.

How could Queen Zhenxi give those people this opportunity?

If you want to wait for the news to subside, I must rush ahead of you and let the emperor order a strict investigation!

In the imperial study, Emperor Yongchang had just seen off the prince and the eldest prince when he saw Bai Tu running in in a hurry again, "Your Majesty, the queen has arrived. She is crying outside the door right now."

 Emperor Yongchang, “…”

Crying and crying in broad daylight is really unlucky!

 “Let her in.”

 “Yes, Your Majesty.”

Empress Zhenxi really cried. Even though she was standing in the imperial study room, her tears kept falling.

Emperor Yongchang's head hurt from the Queen's crying, "Didn't you say that the person is not dead yet? Is the Queen making a fuss out of a molehill now?"

Queen Zhen Xi pretended not to hear the impatience in the Queen's mouth, and choked, "I know that the emperor feels sorry for me, and I am afraid that I will break down from crying and be unable to continue to uphold justice in the harem. But now I am like this Even before my daughter-in-law gets married, those thieves are so rampant. If this matter is really spread, I am afraid that anyone will step on my concubine's head in the future. "

Emperor Yongchang hesitated for a moment, but did not deny the queen's words.

Thinking about it more carefully, if Fan Qingyao really has the root cause of his illness, who can he find to monitor the prince's actions all the time? Moreover, what the Queen said is right. Fan Qingyao is the daughter-in-law of the royal family. Even though she has not married yet, she is also favored by the royal family. If it is really taken care of now, will the Queen be the only one who is embarrassed?

Even he, the emperor, and even the entire royal family, may lose face!

“Who do you think is more appropriate for the Queen to investigate this matter?” Emperor Yongchang asked without revealing his expression.

 Old scumbag, he still doesn’t forget to dig a hole for her even now!

The corners of Queen Zhen Xi's eyes were still very red, and she seemed a little embarrassed after hearing these words, "I don't understand the arrangements in the court. Doesn't it make it difficult for my concubine to ask such a question?"

Emperor Yongchang seemed to say casually, "Then leave it to the prince."

Queen Zhen Xi frowned, "I think it is not appropriate for the prince to intervene."

Emperor Yongchang's dark eyes were immediately fixed on the queen's face, and he asked probingly, "Didn't you just say that the queen didn't understand the arrangements in the court?"

 (End of this chapter)

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