The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 711: This matter must be investigated strictly

Chapter 711 This matter must be investigated strictly

Queen Zhen Xi thought for a moment and then said softly, "I don't know much about government affairs, but I also know how to avoid suspicion. The Crown Princess is injured. If someone is found through the Crown Prince's hands, even if it is true, I'm afraid she will be implicated." People who have interests say it's just a matter of revenge. The prince was trained by the emperor. If the prince is criticized, wouldn't it be detrimental to the emperor's face? "

Empress Zhen Xi is not stupid. There are many strange things about this matter. If her son really gets caught up in it, and is bitten by those heartless people, won't it cause a lot of trouble?

Those people can even do this kind of banditry in broad daylight, there is nothing they can't do!

Queen Zhen Xi slowly raised her head and looked at the emperor sitting high up. Her eyes that had just been wiped dry were once again covered with a thin layer of mist. "If I had to choose one between the two, I would rather not have come." However, I don’t want the emperor to lose his reputation for such a trivial matter.”

The queen at this moment reminded Emperor Yongchang of the time when the two had just gotten married.

At that time, he was just a prince who was not favored by his father. There were many princes who were better than him. The queen's family was also considered a famous family at that time, and there were many princes who came to get engaged.

But the queen chose him alone among all the people.

Emperor Yongchang will always remember that on the night of their wedding, Empress Zhenxi sat on the bed in her phoenix crown, held his hand and said to him, "If you don't let me down, I will definitely not let you down."

 After all these years, Emperor Yongchang will inevitably feel a little nostalgic when he thinks about the past.

 Queen Zhenxi, “…”

What did this old pervert think of, so he could recall it so shamelessly!

Empress Zhen Xi really didn’t expect that what the emperor was thinking about now was what she looked like when she was young. If she knew about it, she would definitely dig out the emperor’s ancestral graves and scold her in her heart.

  To put it bluntly, they are a bunch of bullshit. Back then, because her mother's family was prosperous, the royal family kept trying to marry her mother's family in order to calm their suspicions.

 What Queen Zhen Xi wanted at that time was to find the most honest person to marry, so that at least she would not have to worry so much.

The results of it?

 She is blind!

Her whole family is blind!

  Why didn’t you see at that time that the person she married was the most sinister and shameless one?

Not long after Queen Zhenxi left the Imperial Study Room, the Minister of Dali Temple bravely entered the palace.

As expected, Emperor Yongchang handed over the matter to Dali Temple for investigation.

 When the Minister of Dali Temple walked out of the imperial study room, his heart was bleeding.

He just couldn't figure it out. When gods fight, why is he always the one injured? !

 The news that the Crown Princess and Princess Yunyue were in danger spread throughout the main city.

The Minister of Dali Temple led people to seal off all the streets that day, and personally led people to conduct strict inspections from house to house. The city gates began to be closed, and everyone who wanted to leave or enter the city was strictly scrutinized.

 For a time, the entire main city was shrouded in gloom.

When Fan Qingyao became conscious, the sky outside was completely dark. When she opened her eyes, she saw her master dozing off on the chair opposite. His hands covered with age spots were always pressed against her. on the wrist.

Fan Qingyao felt sour and warm in his heart, and his eyes were extremely red.

As if he noticed something was wrong with Fan Qingyao's pulse, Ji Hongliao opened his eyes instantly.

Ji Hongliao was also stunned when he saw the man lying on the bed with red eyes and looking at him eagerly. After a long while, Ji Hongliao snorted, "Traitor!"

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

She just wanted to ask, is it still too late to faint for a while?

Ji Hongliao had a bad temper, but as a disciple like this in his life, he still felt distressed. He knew very well how serious Fan Qingyao's injuries were. Even if there was no blood, his entire back was swollen. It looks like, if those people were a little stronger, their spines would be broken.

Even now, Fan Qingyao can only sleep on the bed.

Thinking of this, Ji Hongliao breathed a sigh of relief, "You have always been a lawless girl. When something happens, you don't think about how to protect yourself. Instead, you want to save others. I heard that Princess Yunyue will kill you." When it was delivered, it was with little reluctance and no gratitude.”

If you were really grateful, how could you not come by now?

Fan Qingyao said softly, "There is no need to be grateful or not, but just have a clear conscience."

 “You girl, you are quite reasonable.”

"The reason why the Hua family is so quiet is that I was the only one injured this time. If it were Princess Yunyue who was injured, I'm afraid the entire Hua family would be sent to be severely interrogated by now."

The Emperor's suspicion of the Hua family has never diminished, and Concubine Yu will add fuel to the flames. Even if the matter is really not the fault of the Hua family, Concubine Yu's ruthlessness and the Emperor's suspicion can prevent the Hua family from peeling off a layer of their skin. How could you give up?

Ji Hongliao looked at Fan Qingyao's mature appearance and sighed distressedly, "You are so young but you don't look like a little girl. You look old and arrogant all day long. Be careful of getting old before you get old."

Fan Qingyao knew that his master felt sorry for him and said with a smile, "Tianyu and my senior brother are going to get married outside. I'm afraid they won't be able to come back. My disciple has to fulfill his filial piety to his master. How dare he grow old before his time."

Ji Hongliao snorted, "You are quite sensible. I heard that the emperor has handed this matter over to that unruly man from Dali Temple for investigation. What do you plan to do?"

The dignified Minister of Dali Temple, ranked third in rank, turned out to be an unlearned hooligan and an uneducated **** when it came to your boss's mouth?

 Really, looking at the whole of Xiliang, you are the only one who dares to say that!

Ji Hongliao looked confident and confident. He hadn't even dug up the ancestral grave of the Dali Temple Minister yet, so he was already giving him a lot of face.

I think it was a coincidence that he also passed the official career all the way. That year, the minister of Dali Temple was also the one who entered the official career with him.

Most imperial doctors enter the Imperial Hospital through promotion from the Imperial Hospital, but it happened that Ji Hongliao entered the Imperial Hospital with great success by virtue of being the number one scholar.

It is really through his own efforts that he has improved the cultural quality of the entire hospital.

The minister of Dali Temple back then was also unlucky. Unexpectedly, he was beaten by Ji Hongliao along the way, and finally entered Dali Temple as the second best.

Ji Hongliao sneered and said, "To put it bluntly, he is a ten thousand-year old man. It is his honor to be mentioned by me."

The Minister of Dali Temple, who is leading his men to conduct a strict investigation, "..."

 A sneeze!

Fan Qingyao looked at his master's energetic look and breathed a sigh of relief. He had heard that his master was ill at home some time ago. He originally thought of going to visit him in the next few days, but something like this happened.

“Master, have you ever thought about when you will return to Tai Hospital?”

 (End of this chapter)

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