Chapter 712 There is only one answer

When it came to business, Ji Hongliao obviously became serious, "The emperor is an old fool who can even believe the absurd talk of immortality. In addition, there are a few people in Taiyuan Hospital who are trying to please the emperor, which further encourages the emperor." My determination was that I didn’t want to join them in the first place.”

"Speaking of which, this matter is my disciple's fault." If she hadn't come up with such an idea and let the emperor taste the sweetness, the following events would not have happened.

He had heard the prince talk about these things. Ji Hongliao didn't care about the power struggles in the court, but the emperor's complexion was visibly radiant, "What did you mix that spiritual blood pill with?"

Fan Qingyao didn't intend to hide it from his master, "My blood."

 Ji Hongliao, “…”

  After being silent for a long time, Ji Hongliao murmured to himself, "The rumors about the Tao family's medical daughter were actually true. The Tao family really has a medical code that can make people immortal..."

“My disciple discovered it accidentally, but he doesn’t know whether it can lead to immortality.”

"Those who are crazy about wanting to live forever will not care whether you know it or not, so you must not mention this matter to anyone again. Once you really let the emperor know about this matter, you should understand what the consequences will be."

Fan Qingyao nodded, she naturally knew.

Ji Hongliao sighed heavily. As a master, he really cared about the mother's heart.

"I heard that the emperor has reorganized the government affairs, and he probably has given up on immortality. Does the master really intend to never return to the Taiyuan Hospital?" The Queen is still in the palace. If there is no one of her own in the Taiyuan Hospital, Fan Qingyao is Really worried.

Ji Hongliao sneered, "The emperor is not the kind of person who gives up easily, especially when it comes to something he dreams of. Now that he is pretending to be like this, who knows what he is really planning in his heart."

Fan Qingyao frowned, "Master is saying that the emperor has other plans?"

"Who knows, but don't worry, I will return to the Tai Hospital in a few days. Okay, it's getting late, so you should rest quickly."

 “The disciple sends his master a respectful greeting.”

Ji Hongliao waved his hand and left with a cold expression.

Fan Qingyao lay on the bed thinking about his master's words. The master has been following the emperor for decades. When it comes to understanding the emperor's temperament, no one knows better than the master.

If it is true that the emperor has not given up the idea of ​​immortality at all according to what the master said, then what is the emperor trying to cover up now by pretending to be serious about the government?

I don’t know how long it took before Fan Qingyao fell asleep again.

When he regained consciousness, he noticed a slight chill on his back. The cold feeling gradually relieved the red and swollen pain in his back, causing Fan Qingyao to hum softly from his familiar subconscious.

When her consciousness was dim, Fan Qingyao thought it was her grandmother who came to change her dressing. After noticing that the movements behind her had stopped, she frowned and said, "Grandma, there is still some pain in the lower back."

The hand that had been withdrawn fell on her lower back again, stroking it gently.

Fan Qingyao squinted his eyes and said softly, "I know I shouldn't be so reckless about what happened today, but I really had no choice at the time. Only if I protected Princess Yunyue would I stop Concubine Yu's mouth. Grandma, don't worry, There won’t be another time.”


“My mother is still in her confinement, so I asked my grandmother to ask Uncle Sun to help me hide this matter for the time being.”


Fan Qingyao spoke piecemeal, but never got a response.

 At first, she thought her grandmother was worried and angry, but when she thought about it carefully, her grandmother was never an unreasonable person. Now that she had said so, why didn't her grandma speak up?


The person sitting behind her at this moment is not her grandmother at all!

Thinking like this, Fan Qingyao lost all sleep in an instant and struggled to get up. The hand that was still rubbing her back gently pressed on her shoulder, and then a familiar voice sounded behind her, "I'm just wondering how to agree to what you just said."

This voice…

 Hundred-mile phoenixes!

Fan Qingyao took advantage of the situation and tensed up his whole body, looking at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose.

 Baili Fengming noticed her nervousness and slowly raised his eyes, using the moonlight to see her face that was so red that it was almost burning.

“Isn’t it true that there is no distinction between men and women when studying medicine?”

  “That’s the relationship between medical practitioners and others, not others versus medical practitioners.”

Which doctor would take off all his clothes when treating a patient?

 Baili Fengming heard the smell of Qi and smiled softly. Even the fingers on Fan Qingyao's shoulders trembled slightly.

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

 Bring her the big knife!

Although Fan Qingyao did not expect Baili Fengming to come late at night, he thought that it was impossible for him to hide it now. After all, he had lived a new life, and he quickly calmed down.

 “What do you think about this matter?” Since he has come, it means he knows everything.

Baili Fengming frowned slightly, "My father has handed over this matter to Dali Temple for investigation. Now the whole process is under martial law. Unfortunately, the alley was too remote at that time. The people only saw the horses losing control and did not see those people going there. Where did he escape?"

 “Didn’t you even see your eyeliner?”

 Baili Fengming was silent for a moment, "My people are still continuing to investigate."

Fan Qingyao was startled.

 Baili Fengming’s eyes can be said to be all over the main city, but those people can perfectly avoid all eyes.

in this case…

 “So, those people are from the main city.”

It was impossible for those people to completely get rid of Baili Fengming's spy and show off in the main city, so they could only find a secret way to escape after attacking her and Yunyue.

Being so familiar with the layout of the main city, even the hidden roads, Fan Qingyao could not think of anyone other than the people from the main city.

Fan Qingyao has many enemies, but there are only a handful of people who have the courage to do such a thing.

Fan Qingyao barely had to think about it as a name came to his mind.

“I just can’t think of the purpose of what he did.” There was Princess Yunyue in the carriage at that time. Was he really so cruel that even Princess Yunyue could risk her life?

"Before I left the palace, I specially called the young **** who was driving the carriage today to the East Palace. If everything is as the young **** said, the purpose of those people's attack on you is not to kill you."

Since they have all appeared in broad daylight, they are determined not to give up until they achieve their goals.

If you really wanted to kill people, there is no need to deliberately stimulate the horses to go crazy. Wouldn't it be more satisfying to just silence them?

“If it wasn’t to silence him, why did he do all this?”

 “Maybe we’ll know tomorrow.”

 (End of this chapter)

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