Chapter 713 Playing hooligans openly

Fan Qingyao nodded, Baili Fengming was right.

 Either for killing people, or for other interests.

There is no turning back when the bow is fired. Things have become such a mess. With Baili Rongze's temperament, there is no way that his hard work will be in vain, so he must take action next.

Fan Qingyao was thinking when his shoulders suddenly felt warm.

 The warm breath blew along her shoulders and blew into her ears, and the broken hair scattered around her ears was also blown around, gently scratching her face.

Baili Fengming carefully avoided the redness and swelling on Fan Qingyao's back. He only put his arms around her shoulders, rested his handsome cheek on her neck, and smelled the unique medicinal fragrance on her body. He kept After mentioning it, my heart finally settled down again.

Fan Qingyao knew that he was worried, "It's just a little red and swollen. It will be fine in a few days."

 Baili Fengming sighed, his hoarse voice full of deep self-blame, "I'm still too weak."

Fan Qingyao said helplessly, "Such words come from the mouth of your majestic prince, how do you let other people live?"

Baili Fengming smiled softly, "You are quite reasonable."

"Since I have chosen this path, I have never regretted it. Every road under my feet is never comfortable." In this troubled world where the strong bullies the weak, comfort will only become a thorn in the side of others. However, Fan Qingyao was still lucky that he was lucky enough to be with him on this road full of thorns.

Baili Fengming seemed to hold her tighter, until he could feel the body temperature transmitted from her body through his clothes, then he buried his head in her ear and said, "The prosperous age you want to see will eventually bloom in your life." in front of my eyes.”

As he spoke, he gently bit her earlobe with a touch of endearment.

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

Why do I think you are playing a gangster in an upright manner?

"Go to sleep, I'll stay with you." Baili Fengming smiled softly.

Fan Qingyao nodded, really starting to feel sleepy again.

In the quiet moonlight, Baili Fengming looked at the person in his arms, his eyelashes fluttering slightly, and he fell asleep unpreparedly in his arms, with the smile on his face never disappearing.

Hunted until the sky outside became dimly light, Shaoxuan's voice sounded outside the window, "Your Highness, it's almost time."

 Baili Fengming slowly propped up his body. The person on the bed was still sleeping soundly. He carefully covered him with a thin quilt and reluctantly kissed the fat face before getting up and leaving.

It was Ta Xue who was stretching in the yard when he saw Baili Fengming coming out. He walked over like a cat and rubbed against Baili Fengming's legs.

Langya, who had already learned from Ningtian that the Crown Prince was here, bowed his head and saluted when he saw Baili Fengming.

 Baili Fengming waved his hand and touched Ta Xue beside him before leaving with Shaoxuan.

Getting on the carriage back to the palace, Baili Fengming asked softly, "What can Lin Yi gain there?"

Shaoxuan said matter-of-factly, "Those thieves are very cunning and are still being traced."

“Brother Three Emperors has worked so hard, how can he be easily caught by his tail?”

“I heard that the Minister of Dali Temple also led people to search the city all night last night. It seemed that the situation did not look like an act.”

“The Minister of Dali Temple has been in official career for thirty years, and he has long been accustomed to being slippery. Such an old man is not something that the three emperors can win over if they want to.”

Shaoxuan frowned, "I just don't know what the third prince wants to do now. Do you need my subordinates to find out more about it?"

Baili Fengming sat back on the soft couch and looked out the car window nonchalantly, "My mother forced my father to investigate this matter strictly. Now the whole city is under martial law. If this matter is delayed for one more day, there will be more It’s extremely dangerous. Brother Three Emperors may not be able to understand such a simple truth.”    “What your Highness means is...”

“Today’s court is bound to be very lively.”

As Baili Fengming had expected, when the court came today, all the three princes and their party discussed were related to yesterday's incident of the Crown Princess and Princess Yunyue being in danger. When the atmosphere reached its climax, Baili, who had been silent among the crowd, Li Rongze even took the initiative to claim credit for the eldest prince.

"If the eldest brother had not appeared in time yesterday, it would not have been known whether the Crown Princess or Princess Yunyue were safe. In my opinion, the eldest brother has made a contribution in rescuing the crown princess and Princess Yunyue. I sincerely ask my father to reward them generously!" When Baili Rongze mentioned something emotional, he even lifted up his robe and knelt in the court hall.

 The other princes looked at the third prince's sincere expression as if they were dreaming.

I think back when the eldest prince was demoted, the third prince didn't even let go. Now, is it because he was kicked in the head by a donkey or pinched by the door panel? Otherwise, why would he be willing to take credit for the eldest prince?

In today's court, the princes can participate in politics, but they are not allowed to discuss matters at will. Therefore, no matter how many greetings they have in mind, they cannot easily question them. They can only look at the third prince helplessly. No matter how they look at it, they feel that this guy It's the weasel that pays New Year greetings to the chicken.

Even the Sixth Prince, who was used to rowing in the court, felt that the matter was not simple.

Emperor Yongchang was silent for a long time, and suddenly looked at Baili Fengming beside him, "What do you think, Prince?"

 The ministers in the court were all confused when they heard the emperor calling the prince.

Everyone knows why the eldest prince has fallen into such a miserable state. Now that the emperor is asking the prince for his opinion, the intention of probing his words should not be too obvious.

Although it is human nature, after all, once the eldest prince comes back, the first person to be insulted is the prince. Just imagine, who can laugh at someone who once had a butcher knife pressed to his throat?

The third prince and his party all bowed their heads and remained silent, their hearts already exploding.

The emperor asked the prince for his opinion, but he was still concerned about the prince's feelings. This was not a good thing for the third prince, but these ministers were not worried. After all, they had spent the whole night discussing in the third prince's mansion yesterday.

To put it bluntly, as long as the prince refuses, they will have ten thousand reasons to ask for his life.

 Baili Fengming walked out of the queue under the gaze of everyone, "I think what the Third Emperor Brother said is true."

Emperor Yongchang narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "How much does the prince think the eldest prince has done this time?"

“I just sincerely thank my elder brother for his help, but I would like to rely on my father to decide how to decide this matter.” Baili Fengming lowered his head and said it sincerely.

 Princes, “…”

 Is the prince so big-hearted?

 Three princes and one party, “…”

 I always feel that the prince is the one who wishes the rooster a happy new year!

The place where Hua Yaoting should have been standing before Heshuo County Dynasty took a look at the empty place. He saw that this old guy was a worry-free person. He had not come to court even after taking leave, leaving him alone in court. The hall was lonely and cold.

But since the prince has already spoken, Prince Heshuo will naturally stand up to show his support.

Seeing this, the other ministers who were already standing behind the prince also agreed.

In the end, with almost everyone's approval, Emperor Yongchang conferred the title of Prince Pinglai on the eldest prince. The three princes petitioned the Xiaogan Court for their brothers and were reinstated in their posts. However, the incident of the Crown Princess and Princess Yunyue being in danger still needs to be investigated thoroughly. , thinking that the Crown Princess had made a contribution in rescuing Princess Yunyue, she ordered a heavy reward.

The third prince and his party looked at each other. It was clear that the matter had settled as they had imagined, but they didn't have the slightest urge to laugh. What's going on?

 The main reason is that this scene seems a bit familiar. I think that on New Year's Eve, His Royal Highness also helped the third prince to speak like this, but what was the result?

The eldest prince appeared out of thin air and directly wiped out all the achievements of the third prince in the cold wind.

Now that the scene has reappeared, how can the three princes and their party not be afraid?

 I feel very uncomfortable in my heart.

 (End of this chapter)

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