The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 714: Of course it can't be what you want

Chapter 714 Naturally, I can’t do what you want

On the other side, a quarter of an hour after the court dispersed, Chi Wu appeared in front of Fan Qingyao with a letter.

Fan Qingyao opened the letter with a sneer on his lips.

Baili Rongze was indeed very calculating. It was probably on the night of New Year's Eve that the emperor saw the eldest prince being moved, which reached Baili Rongze's ears. Baili Rongze knew that it was only a matter of time before the emperor would forgive the eldest prince. , so he just planned to put her and Yunyue in danger, and then manually pushed the eldest prince hero to save the beauty.

As long as the emperor takes advantage of the situation and crowns the eldest prince, the eldest prince will be indebted to Baili Rongze for a favor.

Of course, if the eldest prince did not come back to Baili Rongze's side because of this, he would not be afraid of Baili Rongze, because as long as he helps the eldest prince to claim credit, his good reputation for showing righteousness to his opponents will be known throughout the city. .

 No matter how this transaction is calculated, it is still a profit.

No wonder Baili Rongze even spared Yunyue yesterday. It turned out to be to plan this.

Ninghan hurriedly entered the door, "Miss, Princess Yunyue is here to visit you."

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

 In terms of superficial skills, no one in Xiliang can compare with Concubine Yu and her daughter.

Soon, the curtain was lifted, and Yunyue entered the door carrying a lot of things.

Fan Qingyao was lying on the bed, with no intention of getting up, "My daughter's actions have not changed, so I can't pay my respects to Princess Yunyue. Please forgive me."

Princess Yunyue, “…”

  I really don’t even bother to pretend.

"The Crown Princess doesn't need to be polite. I came here today because I actually have good news to tell the Crown Princess." Yunyue picked a round stool and sat down, looking at Fan Qingyao with a smile on her face.

Fan Qingyao smiled and raised his eyebrows, as if he was all ears.

"The reason why the Crown Princess and I were able to escape from danger is all due to the First Prince. However, I'm afraid the Crown Princess was unconscious at the time and would not remember the incident at all. However, the Crown Princess does not need to blame herself. The Third Prince has already replaced the Crown Princess as the First Prince's presence. The emperor asked for the title, and just now, the eldest prince was granted the title of King Ping Lai. "

While Yunyue was speaking, her eyes were always fixed on Fan Qingyao's face.

I think back when he was thirty years old, the prince somehow got connected with the eldest prince and appeared out of thin air to take away all the credit that originally belonged to the third prince. Now, another person should have a taste of this feeling.

 Don't think that she can't see that the prince has the intention to win over the eldest prince, but it's a pity that this opportunity slipped away quietly in Fan Qingyao's hands.

Thinking of this, Yunyue pursed her lips and smiled again. She was afraid that Fan Qingyao was going to be angry to death now.

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

Yun Yue really shouldn’t be too obvious about watching the excitement.

“If it is true as Princess Yunyue said, then it is indeed what the eldest prince deserves.” Fan Qingyao said with a smile.

"I just thought that the Crown Princess would be happy when she heard the news, so I came to tell the Crown Princess as soon as possible." Yunyue looked at Fan Qingyao, and she didn't believe that Fan Qingyao could really be so calm.

"I am indeed not well informed, but the third prince is too well informed. The accident just happened yesterday. Even I didn't know that I was rescued by the eldest prince. I didn't expect that the third prince knew about it."

Yunyue was confused when she heard this.

I always feel like something is wrong with this, but I say it again.

Fan Qingyao paused and then said, "At the first moment of the incident, everyone was probably thinking about how to catch those daring thieves, but they forgot about the eldest prince's contribution. Speaking of which, I also want to thank the third prince. , to be able to request a title for the eldest prince in such a timely manner.”

Yunyue frowned, finally knowing something was wrong.

Fan Qingyao was right. Since yesterday's incident, everyone's eyes have been on the thieves, but why did the third prince pay attention to the eldest prince?

 She was the one who thought of the eldest prince belatedly when she learned that the third prince had requested the title of empress for the eldest prince today.

Fan Qingyao didn't seem to notice Yunyue's expression, he just smiled to himself and said, "I didn't expect the third prince to be so attentive. I'm afraid even women like you and me are not as considerate as him."

 Yunyue, “…”

No one knows better than her what kind of virtue the third prince is. He has some truths about the city, but if he was really careful, he would still not be able to see that the child of the third prince's concubine was caused by Fan Xuening.

But if the third prince was not careful about this matter, why would he immediately think of requesting a title for the eldest prince?


 He knew it early on!

The more she thought about it, the harder Yunyue's heart beat, and the smile on her face was almost unbearable!

Fan Qingyao looked at Yunyue's pale face and knew that Yunyue had figured it out, so it was not in vain for her to spend so long lying here instead of pretending.

"The Crown Princess is still injured, so I won't bother her too much." Yunyue was thinking about things in her mind. She couldn't sit still, so she immediately stood up.

Fan Qingyao smiled and nodded, "Princess Yunyue, walk slowly."

Yun Yue didn’t even look back and almost rushed out of Hua’s house.

Fan Qingyao looked at Yunyue's hurried back, and the smile on his lips became deeper.

Of course she can't control the affairs in the court. Besides, now that the eldest prince is standing beside Baili Fengming, she will certainly not stop him from becoming the king. However, it would be a bit difficult for Baili Rongze to achieve his wish so comfortably. too naive.

But I have to say that Yunyue came just in time, because even if she didn't come, Fan Qingyao would still be looking for her.

 It’s easier now.

When Yunyue got on the carriage, her face turned black.

Originally, I wanted to see Fan Qingyao’s jokes today, but in the end, Fan Qingyao saw her jokes instead.

As soon as she thought of what Fan Qingyao had just said, Yunyue felt her cheeks swell and hurt.

 She was careless, she never thought that the third prince could even do such a thing!

After Yunyue returned to the palace, she went directly to Yueyue Palace. Baili Rongze, who happened to get off the court, was also there.

In the palace, Concubine Yu was talking to Baili Rongze, and mother and son were smiling.

Yunyue was already full of anger, but she couldn't help it any longer. She grabbed the vase next to her and threw it at Baili Rongze's feet.


The vase broke into pieces, interrupting the laughter and laughter in the palace.

 Baili Rongze frowned and looked at Yunyue, "You're so good, why are you so angry?"

Yunyue sneered and said, "Is it me who has a seizure, or did you do something shameful?"

 Baili Rongze felt guilty for a while when Yunyue looked at him, and turned away his gaze and said, "I don't know what you are talking about."

"You clearly arranged such a big drama yesterday. What else don't you know? I really underestimated you. In order to achieve your own goals, you even used my life as a bet. !" Yunyue put her finger on Baili Rongze's nose, her fingers trembling with anger.

Thinking about how she had foolishly shown off to Fan Qingyao just now, Yunyue wanted to find a crack in the ground and dig into it.

Baili Rongze said nonchalantly, "Since you know that the people who intercepted you yesterday were my people, you should know that I was just showing up. How could I let anything happen to you?"

Yunyue thought about yesterday's danger and didn't believe Baili Rongze's words at all, "If it hadn't been for Fan Qingyao yesterday, how could I have been unscathed!"

"Speaking of which, Fan Qingyao is smart and knows how to protect you. If you are really injured, she will be punished instead of being rewarded today." Baili Rongze frowned, and so did he. He didn't expect that Fan Qingyao would risk his life to save Yunyue, but it was a pity that he had a good opportunity to drag her into the water.

Yunyue was really mad. She rushed in front of Baili Rongze with a few strides, gritted her teeth and raised her hand to slap him.


The clear sound rang out in the palace, and even Concubine Yu was a little confused.

 (End of this chapter)

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