The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 715: Why do you still force someone to buy and sell?

Chapter 715: Why are there people who buy and sell by force?

Yunyue's slap was really hard, drawing blood from the corners of Baili Rongze's lips.

"Are you crazy?!" Baili Rongze stood up and pushed Yunyue in front of him aside.

Yunyue's lower back was heavily placed on the nearby wooden table, and her face changed color from pain. She picked up the tea cup on it and continued to smash it at Baili Rongze without even thinking about it.

 “That’s enough!” Concubine Yu yelled angrily.

 In the palace, it was as quiet as a chicken for an instant.

Concubine Yu frowned and looked at Yunyue, "I know what Rongze did yesterday was a bit risky, but now both the prince and the queen are firmly on our backs. If there is really any other leeway, how could Rongze take you?" Give it a try?"

Yunyue looked at her mother and concubine blankly, the grievance in her eyes was self-evident.

Seeing this, Concubine Yu sighed again, "Since Rongze has decided this matter, he has already considered your comfort. In this palace, you and Rongze are the closest people. How could Rongze do this?" I won’t save you until death, and what Rong Ze is doing now is not for our future.”

Yun Yue gradually calmed down under the teachings of her mother and concubine.

Concubine Yu watched Yunyue gradually regain her original expression, and then she said suspiciously, "Yunyue, you have been calm and self-possessed since you were a child. Why are you so impulsive today? But what did someone say to you?"

Yunyue was shocked, and said aggrievedly, "I just suddenly thought of it, and I couldn't accept it for a while."

Concubine Yu looked at Yunyue again, then stood up, took her hand, and led her to sit next to her, "I was worried that you wouldn't be able to accept it, so I asked Rongze to hide it from you, but I didn't expect that you would So smart, he actually thought of it himself. In this case, it’s good to talk about it. Remember, we are a family forever. "

Yunyue looked at the kind-faced concubine and nodded, but felt sad in her heart.

Of course she knew that she was not the only one who thought of this because she was smart.

But she didn't dare to tell her mother-in-law that she had listened to Fan Qingyao's instigation.

Now that she thought carefully about what Fan Qingyao just said, Yunyue realized that she had fallen into a trap.

Seeing that Yunyue had calmed down, Concubine Yu turned to look at Baili Rongze and said, "I didn't expect the queen to be so treacherous. She encouraged the emperor to investigate the matter as soon as the incident happened. Now the emperor personally ordered Dali Temple to investigate the matter. I’m afraid I won’t give up until I find something.”

 Baili Rongze wiped the blood from the corners of his lips, "I have already prepared. Since Dali Temple insists on catching a few people, I will just throw a few people out."

"Remember to handle this matter safely and make sure there are no mistakes." Concubine Yu warned softly, but she was holding her breath in her heart.

 Ever since she entered the palace, she has never lived such a cautious life.

 Every moment in the past, wasn’t the queen living in her shadow?

But look at it now, facing the Queen's pressing step by step, even she has to live with one breath all day long. She was too kind at the beginning and should have found a way to get rid of the Queen early.

 Fortunately, it's not too late now. By the time his son sits on that chair, it will be the Queen's death anniversary!

 Baili Rongze had indeed been prepared for it long ago. After leaving the palace, he arranged for someone to throw out a few scapegoats.

 That night, Dali Temple captured all the people.

The Minister of Dali Temple was so busy for two days and one night that his eyes turned into rabbits. He forced himself to drink tea to refresh himself. He was preparing to fight with these thieves all night. Unexpectedly, in less than a moment, all of these people were killed. Recruited.

 The reason is very simple. They were all former servants of Prince Rui’s Mansion and wanted to seek revenge on the Crown Princess.

 The Minister of Dali Temple, “…”

 Surprises really don’t come too quickly.

 But just after the Minister of Dali Temple concluded the case, someone came from outside to report, "The Prince is here."

Minister of Dali Temple, “…” Sure enough, behind the surprise is fright?

The Minister of Dali Temple hurriedly followed the person who came to deliver the message. In the alley opposite Dali Temple, he saw His Highness the Prince standing by the carriage and looking at the scenery.

 “I’m going to bow to His Highness the Crown Prince.” The minister of Dali Temple saluted and said hello.

 Baili Fengming followed the sound and came back to his senses. He looked at the Minister of Dali Temple and smiled lightly, "I heard that the Minister of Dali Temple has arrested someone?"

The Minister of Dali Temple felt pain all over his body whenever he thought of the scene when he had dealt with the prince. Now he listened to these words and dealt with it carefully, "It's a former servant of Prince Rui who is seeking revenge and causing trouble. This is a minor matter." It will be reported to the emperor tomorrow."

In short, the minister will definitely handle this matter according to the rules. If there is nothing else, His Royal Highness can go back to wash up and sleep.

Baili Fengming smiled faintly and said, "The Dali Temple minister is indeed very fast in handling the case, but he is a little too fast."

 The Minister of Dali Temple, “…”

Your Majesty, can we say something humane?

Baili Fengming smiled slightly and did not speak anymore, but looked at Shaoxuan aside.

Shaoxuan reached out and pushed open the car door.

 The car door, which was originally closed, opened instantly.

The Minister of Dali Temple looked over curiously, and the result was this look, which almost made him lose his temper, "This, this is..."

 “This is a small gift for the Minister of Dali Temple.” Baili Fengming said lightly.

Dali Temple Qing felt that his whole body began to hurt again.

 Is this a gift?

Who gives a gift and a carriage with a large number of people!

“Wei Chen doesn’t understand what His Highness the Crown Prince means.” The Minister of Dali Temple looked into the carriage again, but he really didn’t understand the Crown Prince’s purpose of scaring him half to death in the middle of the night.

 Baili Fengming spoke slowly, "Isn't the Minister of Dali Temple really curious about why the thief who was nowhere to be seen yesterday was caught so quickly and happily today?"

The Minister of Dali Temple was not very happy when he heard this, "Dali Temple always handles cases very quickly."

"If it is really fast, it will be good, but I am afraid that the Minister of Dali Temple will be kept in the dark and not know about it."

“The Minister of Dali Temple can take this small gift back to you and review it slowly. It won’t be too late to come to me later to express your gratitude.”

 The Minister of Dali Temple, “…”

 Why is this gift accompanied by forced buying and selling?

Seeing that the prince left at his will, the Minister of Dali Temple had no choice but to ask people to take everyone in the carriage into Dali Temple first.

The Minister of Dali Temple originally thought that since the prince had sent people here, maybe it was because these people had some issues with the prince. Although the Minister of Dali Temple was not a person who took sides, he still had to give him the face he deserved.

While Xiao Hongfei was leading the people to sign over there, he personally interrogated these people.

In a place like Dali Temple, the most indispensable thing is torture tools. No matter how hard they are, they have iron teeth and bronze teeth. Once they enter Dali Temple, they have to spit something out. These people couldn't hold it in for two hours, and finally they were able to hold it in. I spoke out what was on my mind.

 After saying this, the Minister of Dali Temple couldn't sit still!

what are you saying?

You were the ones who intercepted the carriage of the Crown Princess and Princess Yunyue on the street?

Several people have been shadowed by the punishment of Dali Temple. Before the Minister of Dali Temple can continue to ask questions, they themselves revealed their identities.

 “I, we are all people below Lord Wan...”

 (End of this chapter)

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