The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 716: This brain really didn’t grow in vain

 Chapter 716 This head is really not in vain

 Who is Mr. Wan?

Looking at the entire court, there is only one person named Wan. Even with his eyes closed, the minister of Dali Temple knew that Wan was kind-hearted!

Now Wan Shanshan is an official of the Military and Horse Division, in charge of prisons and official affairs. Logically speaking, it is impossible for such a person to have any trouble with the Crown Princess. As for Princess Yunyue, it is even less possible, unless he Wan Shanshan Kindness only dares to trouble the princess because he is impatient with life.

After thinking about it over and over again, the Minister of Dali Temple felt that something was not quite right.

There is no reason to be kind-hearted, but it happens that the third prince is also serving in the Military and Horse Department now. When he thought that something happened to the crown princess, the eldest prince happened to arrive, and today the third prince asked for credit for the eldest prince...

 After Dali Si Qing figured out the connection between all these, his face turned green!

If it is really said that the third prince did this, then who are those people who confessed on the other side?

The arrest was so quick, the interrogation was particularly smooth, and the confession was quite pleasant...

 This is clearly the third prince’s mole in his Dali Temple!

The Minister of Dali Temple is unwilling to get involved in the affairs of the government, but that doesn't mean he doesn't understand. The fights in the court have nothing to do with him, but if he reaches out to Dali Temple, he can no longer ignore it.

 Thinking again of the prince's smile when he left just now...

The Minister of Dali Temple felt so ashamed!

Since he came to Dali Temple and no longer had to live in the shadow of Ji Hongliao, the Minister of Dali Temple has never felt as embarrassed as he does today!

The Minister of Dali Temple was embarrassed, but after realizing the seriousness of the problem, he quickly asked his cronies to go and invite the Crown Prince with his own sign.

There is a ghost in Dali Temple. If it is really publicized, he, the minister of Dali Temple, will not have to do it anymore.

“Your Majesty Dali Temple, there is no need to be so nervous. Since I have sent people to you, I hope that your Majesty Dali Temple can clean up the house by himself.” A familiar voice suddenly sounded like a ghost.

The minister of Dali Temple suddenly turned around and saw the prince walking in leisurely.

 The Minister of Dali Temple, “…”

 Did it come too quickly?

 Baili Fengming, who was sitting on the Grand Master's chair, could see the confusion of the Minister of Dali Temple at a glance, "I have been waiting outside for the invitation of the Minister of Dali Temple."

 The Minister of Dali Temple, “…”

In order to see my joke, I am upset that His Royal Highness stood outside and drinking the Northwest Wind in the middle of the night. It really worked hard!

"I wonder how His Highness the Prince caught those people?" The Minister of Dali Temple was holding back his anger and had no intention of going around in circles.

Baili Fengming moved his body, found a comfortable position and leaned on the back of the chair engraved with a lion's head. He looked at the Dali Temple Qing with his black eyes, "Of course I have my own way, but I want Dali Mr. Si is probably not in the mood to listen to my story right now."

 The Minister of Dali Temple is in a bad mood, "Your Highness, if you have something to say, you might as well say it directly."

 Baili Fengming chuckled and said, "Dali Temple Minister, do you think I'm here to threaten you?"

 The Minister of Dali Temple, “…”

if not?

"I remember that when the Crown Princess was in Dali Temple, she was cared for by the Minister of Dali Temple. I still remember this feeling. Today, I hand these people over to the Minister of Dali Temple. I regard it as repaying the original debt of gratitude."

   Let His Highness the Crown Prince speak so wildly, the Minister of Dali Temple would not believe even a word of it.

If he really wanted to repay a favor, why would he lead someone to beat him in the face in the middle of the night?

Are you really trying to fool him into thinking he is a fool?

“Prince, don’t worry, this matter will be explained to the Holy Spirit as soon as possible.” It was because he was too short-sighted to see the culprit. Whether it was the emperor’s punishment or the gossip of others, he accepted it.

But just as the Minister of Dali Temple was beginning to prepare for his retirement and return to his hometown, he heard the prince say, "I heard that the Minister of Dali Temple has sent the news of the trial to the palace. My father is busy with everything. Since the Minister of Dali Temple knows The truth is, there is no need to disturb my father over these trivial matters."

 The Minister of Dali Temple raised his head in shock, wondering if he had heard something.

Now the third prince and the prince are fighting openly and secretly, and they are incompatible with each other. They only have to fight in the court with their arms exposed. Now that the prince has such obvious evidence against the third prince, he does not intend to let the emperor seek justice?

"Wei Chen thinks that the prince sent these people here today just to let Wei Chen report to the emperor." Otherwise, why did you attack people in front of me in the middle of the night?

"No matter what the crime of those people is, they can't escape death. In this case, the Minister of Dali Temple only needs to replace the plum with a peach. As for the inner ghost... I believe that even if I don't say it, the Minister of Dali Temple should know what to do. " Baili Fengming's slender fingers repeatedly tapped on the desk in front of him.

Dali Temple Qing watched every time the prince lowered his finger, his heart tightened, "His Royal Highness, are you really willing to take this opportunity to bite the third prince?"    "Being able to sell Dali Temple Qing a favor is no matter how precious an opportunity it is for me. It's all worth it." Baili Fengming smiled calmly. We are all smart people, so there is no need to waste time talking in circles.

Facing such a straightforward prince, the Minister of Dali Temple could not utter a single word except twitching his lips.

 He has been ups and downs in this court for decades, and he often hears the rumors and rumors of people in the court making fun of the prince.

To be honest, even he didn't pay much attention to the prince.

  But what’s the result?

 I learned a clear lesson today!

The emperor was not partial to the third prince for a day or two. Even if the prince caught the third prince at this time and sent him to the emperor, maybe the emperor would punish the third prince in anger, but with the emperor's suspicion, he would definitely do it after calming down. Be more wary of the prince.

 But it is different when the prince puts people into his hands.

The person who should be dealt with was still dealt with, and he could also use his hands to uproot the people buried by the third prince in Dali Temple.

And if he wanted this matter to settle, he had to be a favor to the prince.

 The Minister of Dali Temple, “…”

 The prince's head has really not grown in vain!

 Baili Fengming, who had been seen through by the Minister of Dali Temple, still smiled with a harmless look on his face, "What do you think, Minister of Dali Temple?"

 The Minister of Dali Temple took a deep breath and immediately bent down to salute, "Don't worry, Your Highness, I will handle the matter impartially."

Baili Fengming nodded slightly, stood up and left under the watch of the minister of Dali Temple.

The Minister of Dali Temple looked at the retreating figure of His Royal Highness, and even his teeth began to hurt.

 Baili Fengming did not return to the palace after coming out of Dali Temple, but went directly to the western suburbs mansion.

Fan Qingyao, who was sleepy-eyed, looked at the person who appeared beside the bed out of thin air again, and he was really used to it, "Why are you here at this time?"

 Baili Fengming lifted the quilt covering her back and looked at the injuries inside, "I'm here to tell you some good news."

Fan Qingyao was confused. She really couldn't think of any good news now.

 Baili Fengming smiled softly and recounted what happened to Dali Temple just now.

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

 That’s good news indeed!

“Dali Temple has said, when will those people be executed?”

“I think I’ll have to wait until early September.”

Fan Qingyao patted himself on the bed and showed a long-lost smile.


 Speaking of which, we really have to wait for a while before we can see Baili Rongze's furious face.

 (End of this chapter)

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