Chapter 717 The fifth prince joins the army

Early in the morning the next day, the minister of Dali Temple entered the palace with the interrogation and confession.

Emperor Yongchang took a look at the confessions. When he learned that those people were the servants of Princess Rui, he didn't say much and left everything to the minister of Dali Temple to make the final decision.

 After the Minister of Dali Temple returned to Dali Temple, he decided to kill these people in September.

After July, the weather is getting hotter and hotter day by day.

 The disaster situation in Subei has been alleviated. The fifth prince received the news and set off to return to the main city.

The journey from the north to the main city was not counted as a stop and stop along the way, and it took almost half a month to arrive at the palace.

 At this time, Queen Zhenxi came to deliver old duck soup to the emperor.

Emperor Yongchang thought that the fifth prince was not an outsider, so he invited the queen in.

 Baili Lingyu saw the queen and quickly saluted and said, "My son, please give my regards to the queen."

Empress Zhen Xi looked at the people in front of her and went outside for a walk. She also matured a lot and now she looked like an adult when she stopped there. "It's worth going outside. The fifth prince will be more important in the future." Help your father, so that the emperor’s hard work in sending you to Subei will be in vain.”

Baili Lingyu lowered his head and said, "That's what the Queen Mother said."

Empress Zhenxi smiled again, then walked to the emperor's side and placed the soup cup in her hand on the desk.

After Emperor Yongchang drank a spoonful, he seemed to say casually, "The queen came at the right time. I don't know how to arrange the fifth child. Why don't you give me some advice?"

Empress Zhen Xi smiled and said, "The emperor just likes to joke, and I don't dare to go beyond the rules."

“I remember that when Lao Wu’s mother-in-law was still alive, she was very close to you. Even before her death, she entrusted you to help take care of Lao Wu. Now you just talk casually, and I just listen as if it’s normal.”

Emperor Yongchang said it very casually, but Queen Zhenxi knew that it was not the case at all.

It was precisely because the fifth prince's mother-in-law had entrusted the fifth prince to her before she died. The emperor was afraid that she would secretly join the prince's faction, so he cruelly threw the fifth prince back to the prince's residence, leaving him to the rough hands of those old ladies. Serving with thick feet.

 This is also the reason why the emperor now feels that he owes the fifth prince.

“I think that since the fifth prince wants to help the emperor take care of his worries, his filial piety is good, but after all, the fifth prince has never set foot in the court before, and now he will have to restrain his hands wherever he goes.”

Empress Zhen Xi frowned as if in embarrassment, and looked at the emperor's expression carefully. After a long while, she smiled as if she was suddenly aware of it, and said, "Look at my memory, hasn't the third prince already served in the Military and Horse Department for a long time? In that case, , I thought it would be perfect to ask the third prince to help look after the fifth prince."

Emperor Yongchang frowned, "Bingma Division?"

Queen Zhen Xi looked at the fifth prince and blinked quietly, "Isn't it best for brothers to work together?"

 Baili Lingyu was not too surprised about going to the Military and Horse Division.

 After all, the emperor had already written to him on the way back.

However, after looking into the eyes of his mother, Baili Lingyu was very cooperative and showed an I don't want to go, I don't want to go, I'm impatient expression, "Father, I don't want to go to the Military and Horse Division."

Emperor Yongchang raised his eyebrows, "Oh? Then where do you want to go?"

Baili Lingyu's attitude was firm, "No matter where I go, I won't go to the Army and Horses Division!"

Emperor Yongchang looked at the expression of the fifth prince, and saw that he was really impatient, and felt a lot more at ease. The fifth prince had always been close to the prince, so naturally he and the third prince were alienated. If he went to the Military and Horse Division this time It was the queen's intentional act, and Lao Wu would never be so disgusted.

"Your mother is also thinking about you. You have never worked as an errand in the court, and you are not familiar with where you go. It is better to go to the Military and Horse Division to practice with your Third Emperor Brother."

When Queen Zhen Xi heard this, she just felt like hehe. The reason why the emperor agreed so happily was because he wanted the third child to monitor the fifth child?

What a scumbag, you can use the skill of a donkey under the **** to master it very easily!

 Baili Lingyu remained silent, expressing silent protest.

However, the more he behaved like this, the less likely Emperor Yongchang would change his mind. After Queen Zhenxi and the fifth prince left the imperial study, the news that the fifth prince went to serve in the Military and Horse Department came out.

It was Baili Rongze who was discussing matters with his staff in the mansion. When he heard the news, everyone was very angry.

 He spent one year in the Army and Horse Division, and then he was considered a general and opened up a little bit of potential in the Army and Horse Division.

 But what is your father going to do now?

  The restless Lao Wu was put into the Army and Horses Department, saying that he would be given guidance and support, but who didn’t know that Lao Wu was very close to the prince? This clearly meant that he had placed a pair of eyes belonging to the prince beside him!

The staff did not expect that things would turn out like this. Looking at the distorted face of the third prince, they could only persuade him, "If you think about it carefully, this actually goes both ways. Now the prince is restless, and the fifth prince has come to the army. Si, His Highness the Third Prince can also visit the Prince’s every move through the Fifth Prince.”

  Baili Rongze, “…”

 Now I can only comfort myself in this way.

After Concubine Yu learned about the matter, she couldn't sit still and immediately took Aunt Ying to see the emperor.

 Unexpectedly, not long after leaving Yueyue Palace, I met the Queen.

When Concubine Yu saw the Queen, her teeth were broken, but she still walked over and said hello, "Queen, what a coincidence."

 Queen Zhenxi, “…”

What a coincidence, I am waiting for you.

"Concubine Yu is in such a hurry, where are you going?" Empress Zhen Xi turned around slightly with Lily's support, her every move and smile was so elegant and luxurious.

Concubine Yu smiled and said, "I just have nothing to do and walk around."

 The queen wanted to trick her into dreaming.

“I didn’t expect Concubine Yu to be in the same place as me.”

 Concubine Yu, “…”

 What does it mean?

"I also saw that the weather is good today, so I invited the concubines in the harem to go out for a walk together. If Concubine Yu is interested, why not join us for a walk?" Queen Zhen Xi said, and she saw Concubine Zhang Shu and others coming from a distance. When I came over, there was Concubine Liu Ren among them!

Concubine Yu’s face turned green. What is the queen going to do?

“It’s really lively today, it’s rare that Concubine Yu is here.” Several concubines hurriedly paid their respects to Concubine Yu.

Concubine Yu forced a smile and stood there, staring at Concubine Liu Ren with her eyes.

However, Concubine Liu Ren kept her head lowered and did not look at Concubine Yu at all.

Concubine Liu Shu didn't seem to notice Concubine Yu's look that was trying to devour Concubine Liu Ren. She asked with a smile, "Concubine Yu, do you want to take a walk with the concubines?"

Concubine Yu turned her eyes and looked at Concubine Zhang Shu, "I..."

But before she could finish her words, Concubine Liu Shu smiled again and said, "Could it be that Concubine Yu originally wanted to go to the emperor, but was accidentally bumped into by the concubines? If that is the case, but the concubines It’s a sin.”

 Concubine Yu, “…”

Why doesn’t this **** die?

 (End of this chapter)

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