Chapter 725 The shocking princess

 The distance from the main hall to the lake is not very far.

As soon as Fan Qingyao walked off the bridge, he heard a woman's voice wailing, "I don't care, today we are rushing to Prince Pinglai's Mansion, and now my daughter has done something like this before she got married. , Prince Pinglai must give me an explanation!"

Yan Hanbai's face looked very ugly. After all, he was still pregnant, so he could only let the maid behind him help the daughter in the lady's arms to change clothes.

But the lady hugged her daughter and refused to let go. She had to give an explanation to Prince Pinglai one by one.

Fan Qingyao walked through the crowd and saw a woman sitting by the lake.

 with this woman Fan Qingyao, she is the wife of the Imperial Academy's Attendant, and I have met her several times at banquets in the palace before.

Let’s look at the daughter in the arms of the wife of the Hanlin Academy. She looks about seventeen or eighteen years old. At this age, for ordinary people, she is considered an older girl to be married.

"Prince Pinglai's house killed someone! Prince Pinglai's house killed someone! Fortunately, it was discovered in time, otherwise my poor daughter would have been swallowed to the point of losing her bones and she wouldn't even know it!" The wife of the Imperial Academy's attendant had a loud voice. , coupled with the heartbreaking crying, it was really shocking and made me cry.

 Some ladies who stood aside to watch the excitement had to cover their ears.

Yan Hanbai's face turned pale with anger. If she had the same temper before, she would have kicked the person out long ago.

But things are different now. My husband is the first to be crowned king. If something bad happens and the emperor is embarrassed, it will still be the couple who will suffer.

But Yan Hanbai really had a headache when faced with such a persistent and unreasonable wife at the Hanlin Academy.

 Suddenly, a hand held her hand.

Yan Hanbai turned around and saw Fan Qingyao standing beside her.

The moment she saw Fan Qingyao, Yan Hanbai's heart suddenly became quiet. She couldn't explain why, but as long as Fan Qingyao was there, she knew that no matter how difficult things were, Fan Qingyao could handle them properly.

"You have to follow rules when doing things, and you have to be reasonable when you are a person. When the wife of the Hanlin Academy opened her mouth, it was because the Pinglai Palace killed people, and when she closed her mouth, it was because the Pinglai Palace killed people. Then I was curious. When the Imperial Academy lady saw it, she saw the daughter of the noble family being pushed in. Are the people in the lake from Prince Pinglai?"

The wife of the imperial court lady who was immersed in crying was interrupted. She originally had a look of displeasure on her face, but when she followed the voice and looked at the face of the visitor, she had to retract her temper no matter how angry she was.

The current crown princess, even if she has not passed the test, is not something she can afford to challenge.

"The minister is just discussing the matter, why should the Crown Princess be so stern." The wife of the Hanlin Academy lowered her head. She was completely different from the aggressive person who made trouble just now. Now she seemed to have been wronged a lot.

“Since the Imperial Academy’s wife said that we should discuss matters as they arise, then let’s discuss matters as they arise.”

Fan Qingyao said, turning to look at Yan Hanbai next to him, "I would like to ask Princess Pinglai to check carefully how the daughter of the Hanlin Academy fell into the trap. There are many people in the mansion today. As long as you inquire carefully, you will find out." Will know the ins and outs.”

Now, the wife of the imperial concubine quit her job, "What do you mean, princess? My daughter has fallen into the water, so do you still want to examine my daughter like a prisoner? Besides, my daughter is still waiting to be married. , If this matter gets out, will my daughter still be a human being?"

The daughter of the Hanlin Academy's attendant, who had been silent, suddenly choked up and said, "I am the one who has embarrassed my mother. Don't worry, mother, if the trouble really becomes known to everyone, my daughter will definitely die to prove it." of innocence.”

 This is going to kill people!

Fan Qingyao's face darkened, and he threatened to die. What did he want to do?

Simply don’t be too obvious!

Of course, Yan Hanbai was afraid that things would get serious. He pulled Fan Qingyao and said softly, "If it doesn't work, let someone come up first. It's not always good to keep the stalemate going."

Fan Qingyao lowered his eyes slightly, and out of the corner of his eye suddenly caught sight of the scratches on the arm of his daughter, a student at the Hanlin Academy.

Seeing that the Crown Princess had stopped speaking, the Madam Attendant of the Hanlin Academy raised a proud smile, "Princess Pinglai still understands the truth. If this matter can be resolved, I hope that the big issue will be reduced to a small one."

Yan Hanbai was too lazy to talk to the wife of the Imperial Academy's Attendant, and hurriedly asked someone to help the mother and daughter up. But just as they were about to leave, Fan Qingyao suddenly held the wrist of the Hanlin Academy's Attendant's daughter.

The hair on the whole body of the lady at the Hanlin Academy stood on end, and she looked at Fan Qingyao warily, "Is it true that the Crown Princess is being irrational and is going to take action?"

Fan Qingyao said calmly, "Why do you need to take action when dealing with someone like the wife of the Imperial Academy's Attendant?"

  Mrs. Attendant of the Hanlin Academy, "..."    What are these words!

"The lake is surrounded by moss. If you really fell into the water accidentally, even an ordinary man would not be able to keep climbing on the shore, let alone someone as powerful as the daughter of your house. She is a woman, but the scratches on the arms of the daughter of your noble family are so obvious. They are obviously caused by scratching on the gravel on the shore." As Fan Qingyao spoke, he raised the arms of his daughter, a member of the Hanlin Academy, with a broad hand. Once the sleeves slipped off, the obvious scratches on his arms were revealed.

The wife of the Imperial Academy’s Attendant had a trace of panic in her eyes, “I don’t know what the Crown Princess means.”

Fan Qingyao smiled coldly, "It doesn't matter if the Imperial Lady's wife doesn't understand, but I believe the people in the government will understand. I'm afraid there should be such scratches on the arm of the Imperial Academy's Lady. "

Everyone really gasped when they heard this.

  What does it mean that both mother and daughter have scratches on their arms?

  It shows that when her daughter fell into the lake, the mother firmly grabbed her daughter's arm on the shore.

However, when everyone came following the sound just now, they clearly remembered that the lady of the Hanlin Academy came a few minutes later than they did. By the time the lady of the Hanlin Academy stood here, everyone had already been rescued. .

 So, where did the injury on the wrist come from?

 Of course, it falls when someone is pushed down!

Fan Qingyao stared at the face of the Imperial Lady's wife, "Princess Pinglai is pregnant, and King Pinglai has never taken a concubine. Under such conditions, it really makes people feel a lot more unrealistic." It’s not impossible to have ideas, but it’s really rare to see someone as ruthless as the Imperial Academy’s wife.”

It is estimated that the wife of the Hanlin Academy's attendant wanted to use her daughter's innocence as a threat, so that the people of the Pinglai Palace would have to keep her, so she designed such a play, but she did not expect that the daughter of the Imperial Academy's attendant was too He was so timid that after being pushed into the water by his mother, he held on to her mother's hand and did not dare to let go.

Mrs. Hanlin's face was livid, she gritted her teeth and said, "The Crown Princess is just talking and slandering me. Could it be that the Crown Princess's upbringing is not good enough?"

Fan Qingyao didn't even look at the wife of the imperial concubine, but said to Yan Hanbai, "Princess Pinglai, please report to the official position."

 The wife of the Imperial Academy’s Attendant, “…”

I want to hold on, but it’s obvious that I can’t hold on anymore…

He could only lower his head and admit his mistake, "It would be bad if this matter alerted the government. Please also ask the Crown Princess not to make a big deal out of this matter because my little girl has never been married."

Fan Qingyao looked at the Imperial Lady's Lady, and after a while he said, "Then I'll ask the Imperial Lady to write a deed in her own hand. In this way, both the Imperial Palace Lady and the Prince of Pinglai will be happy. of."

 The wife of the Imperial Academy’s Attendant, “…”

 Is this princess a devil?

The wife of the Imperial Academy's Attendant really had no choice but to obediently take her daughter and go down with the housekeeper of Pinglai Palace to write the declaration and deed.

Everyone looked at the dejected appearance of the mother and daughter, the attendants of the Hanlin Academy, as they left with their tails between their legs, and they all followed the deception in their hearts.

 Sure enough, the Crown Princess is still the familiar Crown Princess.

Behind the ordinary attitude, there are always hidden methods and courage that make people laugh!

Yan Hanbai was really lucky that Fan Qingyao was in charge today, otherwise she would have had to bite the bullet and keep the man. After all, in Xiliang, it was normal for men to take concubines.

Out of the corner of my eye, I suddenly saw someone moving in the crowd in the distance.

Yan Hanbai took a closer look and saw that Pan Yulu had walked behind Fan Xuening at some point, with a pair of slightly raised hands pushing towards Fan Xuening's back.

 (End of this chapter)

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