Chapter 726 What kind of monsters are these?

Pan Yulu looked at Fan Xuening who was so close, and her heart twitched with hatred.

She still clearly remembered how Fan Xuening caused her to lose her child. Now she finally got the opportunity, and of course she would not miss it.

With just a stretch of her hand, she could avenge her child.

 As long as you reach out your hand...

“The third prince’s concubine is here.” A hand suddenly pinched Pan Yulu’s wrist tightly.

Pan Yulu looked at Yan Hanbai who appeared next to her in shock, and couldn't recover for a long time.

Yan Hanbai was obviously standing there just now, how come in the blink of an eye...

If it weren't for Fan Qingyao's previous reminder, Yan Hanbai would naturally not have discovered Pan Yulu's little move.

No one knows how lucky Yan Hanbai is now that he and Fan Qingyao are on the same front.

Especially looking at Pan Yulu's shocked look, Yan Hanbai felt that he must have been kicked in the head by a donkey before, so he was so stupid that he kept being an enemy of Fan Qingyao.

"What does Princess Pinglai want to do?" Pan Yulu looked at her wrist that was grabbed by Pan Yulu. Although she didn't explain it, anyone who knew it would understand.

Yan Hanbai smiled and said, "The road beside the lake is slippery. It is not safe for the third prince or Aunt Fan to stand here. Now that Aunt Fan is pregnant, I have to be careful to remind her."

Fan Xuening's heart skipped a beat, and she looked at Pan Yulu in shock and confusion. No wonder she insisted on bringing her over, but she said that Pan Yulu was not so kind and that he was indeed plotting against the child in her belly.

Pan Yulu's face was extremely ugly. She was one step away from avenging her child. Why did Yan Hanbai stop her? "As far as I know, Princess Pinglai used to be loyal and loyal, but now she has become so willing to meddle in others' affairs. Sure enough, everyone will change.”

Yan Hanbai listened to Pan Yulu's sarcasm and wanted to kick him.

When she was demoted to a commoner along with the eldest prince, both Pan Yulu and Fan Xuening complained, but they complained, but she didn't hate anything.

 But now Yan Hanbai really hates him.

 Hate myself for being blind in the first place and being able to be friends with someone with such a distorted outlook!

Fan Qingyao is surrounded by people who can survive, but look at those around her...

They are all a bunch of monsters and monsters!

"Who am I? I have nothing to do with the third prince and concubine. To put it bluntly, after leaving Prince Pinglai's palace, I have no right to stop the third prince and concubine from going to heaven. But as long as she stands in Prince Pinglai's palace, she will Even if the princess wants to escape, she must obtain my permission."

Today is a banquet at the Pinglai Palace. No matter who has an accident here, the Pinglai Palace must bear the unshirkable responsibility. But Pan Yulu only hates that her revenge has not been avenged, but she doesn't want to think about what happens if the child in Fan Xuening's belly really happens. If it falls, what should the Pinglai Palace do?

Pan Yulu was trembling with anger and stared at Yan Hanbai.

Fan Xuening bent her knees and said to Yan Hanbai, "The third prince had a miscarriage some time ago and has been depressed since then. She must have been a little touched by the situation today, so she did some crazy things. I hope Princess Pinglai will forgive her."

It would be fine if these words were said by other people, but it would be too harsh if they were said by Fan Xuening.

 This is clearly rubbing salt on Pan Yulu’s wounds!

In an instant, Pan Yulu's eyes turned red, and she clenched her fists to resist the urge to seek revenge on Fan Xuening.

Of course Fan Xuening knew that even if Pan Yulu hated her to death, he would not dare to face her in front of so many people, unless Pan Yulu really didn't want to be the third prince's concubine.

 Han Jingchen was so disgusted that he vomited when he saw Fan Xuening's triumphant appearance. Even the eighth and second princes' concubines felt nauseated. They couldn't understand how there could be such a hateful person in this world.

Fan Xuening didn't care about the opinions of the people around her. After waiting for a long time and seeing Pan Yulu holding back her intention to take action, she turned around and wanted to leave first.


Just when she turned around, her foot suddenly slipped... "Plop—!"

By the time everyone came to their senses, Fan Xuening had already fallen into the lake.

Everything happened so suddenly that no one could see clearly what was going on.

Han Jingchen looked at the eighth prince and concubine beside him, "How did you fall in?"

 Eighth Princess, “…”

 To be honest, I am also very confused!

"Help...Help me...Here comes someone..." In the lake, Fan Xuening waved her hands randomly, struggling in panic, and her calls for help were so helpless.

But the people on the shore watched indifferently, and no one even shouted for help.

These people present today, in addition to the princes and concubines, also have well-known daughter-in-laws in the main city.

To put it bluntly, they are all people's wives. Who can tolerate Fan Xuening's gloating behavior just now?

The so-called evil will be punished, I am afraid it is nothing more than this.

 A figure suddenly walked out of the crowd.

“Hurry up and save the person! Remember not to touch Aunt Fan’s belly. You must lift the person and push her to the shore.”

“And you, go and get your cloak quickly, and prepare to come out to a clean room.”

“Let someone boil some hot water and some silver charcoal. After fumigating the house in advance, open the windows for ventilation.”

 While everyone was stunned, the man had arranged everything in an orderly manner.

But what people didn’t expect was that that person was not Princess Pinglai, but the Crown Princess!

The relationship between the Crown Princess and Aunt Fan was a sensation in the main city. As long as you are born and raised in the main city, who doesn't know about Aunt Fan occupying the magpie's nest and driving the Crown Princess out of the Fan family?

Even now, the Crown Princess is nominally a fatherless person.

Normally speaking, the Crown Princess and Aunt Fan would be incompatible with each other, but now it is the Crown Princess who is the first one to help save people...

 Everyone said they couldn't understand it at all.

"Don't touch me! I belong to the Third Prince, how can I be touched by you despicable things? Let me go..."

In the lake, Fan Xuening broke away from the boys who had swam to her side. Even though she was given a few more mouthfuls of lake water, she still didn't want the boys to touch her.

Yan Hanbai couldn't bear it, let alone other people, being so ungrateful.

"Since she doesn't know what's good for her, why should we worry about it? Everyone has seen it, and she didn't let others save her." Yan Hanbai walked to Fan Qingyao's side, and even thought about the excuse for being interrogated afterwards.

Fan Qingyao said, "If this matter happened to other people, it might be possible to explain it clearly, but if it happens to the third prince, even if you and King Pinglai have ten thousand mouths, you still won't be able to explain it clearly. "

 “These people are watching...”

“How many people do you think would dare to testify in front of Concubine Yu?”

 (End of this chapter)

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