Chapter 727 is correct

What kind of existence is Concubine Yu? Does anyone in the main city know about her?

Not to mention other people, even Yan Hanbai himself could not help but twist his legs and stomach when he thought of confronting Concubine Yu.

Looking at Fan Qingyao again, he had already taken out a purse from his sleeve, "There are a hundred taels of silver notes and broken silver in it. No matter whose maid is today, as long as she can save Aunt Fan from the Third Prince's Mansion, she will go ashore." , all the money in it belongs to her.”

In the main city, even the housekeeper of Gaomen Mansion's monthly salary is only a few taels of silver, and as for the monthly salary of the maids and servants, it is only a few taels of silver.

Fan Qingyao can make a hundred taels at a time, which is enough for ordinary people to live for several years!

Seeing the purse held high in the air by Fan Qingyao, not to mention the maids accompanying him in various mansions, even the female relatives present were stunned and speechless.

It’s not that they feel sorry for the money, but if they use one hundred taels to save someone who has harmed them, they will never be able to do it.

Even the Eighth Princess was dumbfounded this time, "Prince Princess, this is..."

Han Jingchen sighed, "I guess he is possessed by a ghost..."

At this moment, few people can understand Fan Qingyao.

Even many people think that Fan Qingyao is just showing off, using such actions to prove his kindness and kindness.

But when Yan Hanbai looked at Fan Qingyao's purse held high in the sun, it made his eyes sore.

 Others don’t know it, but she has to know that all Fan Qingyao did was for the Pinglai Palace!

How lucky you are to have friends like this!

 “Plop! Plop!”

Soon, some maids jumped into the lake.

This time, Fan Xuening did not struggle anymore and allowed the maids to work together to lift the person ashore.

At the Pinglai Prince's Mansion, the maids who had been waiting on the shore quickly wrapped their cloaks around Fan Xuening's body, and quickly brought hot tea to help him ward off the cold.

Fan Qingyao threw his purse to the maids who were rescuing people, and then quickly asked the maids to carry him to the house. But at this moment, there was a commotion outside the yard. As everyone looked, they saw Princess Yunyue. Accompanied by several palace attendants, he came over.

 “Good luck, what happened?”

 As soon as he entered the door, he asked questions, which was indeed Yunyue's style.

Facing Yunyue’s question, no one of the female relatives present dared to speak.

Yunyue walked to the shore in a few quick steps. Looking at Fan Xuening, who was wrapped in a cloak, with messy hair and water stains all over her body, she worriedly rushed over and hugged him in her arms.

Fan Xuening visibly stiffened, but soon bowed her head obediently.

"What the **** is going on!" Yunyue frowned and looked at Pan Yulu who was standing aside.

"Princess Yunyue, calm down. We just had a few words by the lake. Princess Pinglai likes to joke and doesn't care about the depth. I think she frightened Aunt Fan and she couldn't stand still, so she fell into the lake."

These words are not meant to appease anger, but they are clearly meant to support fire.

Yan Hanbai looked at Pan Yulu in shock. She didn't know that Pan Yulu was capable of telling lies with her eyes open!

Pan Yulu would be filled with hatred whenever she thought about her unavenged revenge. Now that she had the chance, she wanted to get it back.

Yunyue frowned and asked Yan Hanbai, "Are all the people in your house dead? Don't you know how to save people?" Yan Hanbai suppressed the anger in his heart and was about to speak, but he didn't want to be interrupted by Pan Yulu, "I think there are rules in this house. It's not that strict. The servants in the mansion have not been strictly trained. They were all frightened and stood there for a long time, which was a waste of time to save people..."


A muffled sound suddenly sounded, and Pan Yulu, who was still standing on the shore talking, was actually kicked into the lake? !

Everyone looked at the third princess struggling in the lake, and then at the initiator, Princess Ping Lai...

 The picture was so exciting that they didn’t know what expression to show.

 The boys who just climbed ashore, "..."

 Have to jump in to save people...

At this moment, Yunyue found a reason to vent, "What is Princess Pinglai trying to do? She did such a bad thing in broad daylight! Could it be that she wants to silence everyone standing here today just because she has a guilty conscience?" No!"

Fan Xuening's lower abdomen was experiencing severe cramping pain, and something was flowing out from underneath.

How could she not be afraid as she wanted to give birth to this child safely, but just when she was about to ask Yunyue for help, Pan Yulu, who was dragged ashore by the boy, took the opportunity and said, "Princess Yunyue must give it to me." Make the decision, Princess Pinglai wants to kill me..."

Pan Yulu coughed awkwardly and quietly looked away from Fan Xuening.

Yan Hanbai stood still and did not move. Now that she had taken action, she thought of bearing all the consequences. At worst, she would be demoted to a civilian again, but it was not like she had never been demoted before.

 A figure suddenly walked up to her.

 Quiet, yet extremely firm and steady.

Yan Hanbai looked at Fan Qingyao who was walking beside him, and his heart trembled.

Although she never thought about asking Fan Qingyao to help her stand out, the moment she saw Fan Qingyao, she felt inexplicably reassured and at ease.

"Princess Yunyue came halfway and it's understandable that she doesn't know the real situation. However, Princess Yunyue insists on keeping her mouth shut and accuses Princess Pinglai of murder. I'm afraid it's a little inappropriate." Fan Qingyao They seemed to be looking at Yunyue, but the corner of her eye fell on Fan Xuening. She could clearly see Fan Xuening quietly pulling on Yunyue's sleeve, but Yunyue broke away.

"I know that the Crown Princess has always been a bodhisattva. No matter how much hatred she has, she can turn hostility into friendship. But with so many eyes watching what happened today, I will definitely ask my father and mother to make the decision. The Crown Princess is partial to Princess Ping Lai at this time. It’s just inappropriate.”

As soon as Yunyue opened her mouth, not only did the emperor move out, but the queen was also involved.

Yunyue is a princess after all, and the emperor will instinctively be partial. These words are basically a warning to Fan Qingyao that if the entanglement continues, even the queen will be involved, and Fan Qingyao will definitely not be able to end it.

This is simply forcing, or even blackmailing Fan Qingyao to let go of the Pinglai Palace.

Nowadays, everyone can see that Prince Pinglai is close to the Crown Princess. Even though the third prince clearly asked for the title, Prince Pinglai still attaches great importance to the Crown Princess. It is obvious that Prince Pinglai also wants to join the Crown Prince. .

But if Fan Qingyao lets go at this time, it will definitely hurt the hearts of King Pinglai and Yan Hanbai. At that time, Baili Rongze will be able to take advantage of the situation and take advantage of it from the perspective of charity.

Fan Qingyao really wanted to sigh, Princess Yunyue is so calculating!

"No one wanted Aunt Fan to slip and fall into the lake. After the accident, the people from the Pinglai Palace came to rescue her immediately. However, after Princess Yunyue arrived, she opened her mouth and started to ask questions, but she didn't even care about Aunt Fan's life or death. So This... really makes people think that Princess Yunyue doesn't care about the child in Aunt Fan's belly, or... Princess Yunyue originally wanted to delay Aunt Fan's treatment. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone present gasped.

 Princess, this is...

 Did you quarrel with Princess Yunyue? !

 (End of this chapter)

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