Chapter 728 The child is gone

There are indeed many current princes and concubines present, but compared with the native Yunyue, they are not worth mentioning.

Since Yunyue came back, which of the princes and concubines has not been pretending to be grandsons while giving way?

 But look at the Crown Princess...

Not only was he not being used to it, he also pointed at his nose and scolded me!

 In the sunshine, Fan Qingyao's eyes were dark and heavy, and he stood straight and calm.

 Such Fan Qingyao reminded everyone present of the man who dared to drag a coffin into the palace, and even more so of the man who brought the daughter of the Hua family to force the merchants of the main city to bow their heads.

Yunyue's face turned black and her chest hurt.

She really didn't care about the child in Fan Xuening's belly, or she was just delaying it on purpose.

Fan Xuening is just a humble aunt who cannot be put on the stage. Even if there are no children in the third prince's mansion for the time being, how valuable can a child born from an aunt be?

Now that the sixth prince's concubine has given birth to the emperor's eldest grandson, Fan Xuening's status, even if he gives birth to a flower, cannot be compared with the emperor's eldest grandson.

Since he was born with no status, it would be better to let this child die in a better way.

Yunyue really wanted to delay the matter. A concubine's child was not worth much, but if she could use this to make King Pinglai catch his tail and submit to the third prince again, it would be a profit.

But unexpectedly, Fan Qingyao made the matter clear directly.

 The most straightforward thing to do is to say that she did it on purpose.

"Did Princess Yunyue do it on purpose?" Fan Qingyao's voice sounded again, clear and slow.

 Yunyue, “…”

 Can someone please sew Fan Qingyao’s mouth shut?

Fan Qingyao didn't play his cards according to common sense, and now he was so aggressive that he didn't give anyone a break. Yunyue, who was eloquent in his intentions, was actually frozen in place.

Everyone felt a chill in their hearts when they saw Yunyue's speechless look.

 Is it really true that the Crown Princess was right?

Yan Hanbai was so angry that he wanted to kick Yunyue into the lake. He was so insidious and shameless!

With everyone's gaze on her, Yunyue could only turn around and look at Fan Xuening behind her, pretending to be concerned. At this time, Fan Xuening was already covered in sweat, her palm-sized face was pale, and even her breath seemed a little weak.

Seeing that Yunyue finally turned around, Fan Xuening quickly pulled Yunyue's sleeve, but before she could speak, Yunyue once again cast her eyes on Fan Qingyao, "Aunt Fan's body is so weak, Princess You should have told me earlier. I know that the Crown Princess and Aunt Fan are deeply at odds with each other, but the child is innocent. No matter what, the child should not be involved in this matter."

Yunyue's move clearly wanted people to mistakenly think that Fan Qingyao was deliberately refusing to save Fan Xuening.

 After all, everyone in the main city knew that Fan Qingyao and Fan Xuening did not get along.

 But as Yunyue's words fell, those around him who should have resonated and looked at Fan Qingyao with hatred did not react at all.

 The affairs of Fan Mansion are indeed well known to everyone.

 The Crown Princess and Aunt Fan are not compatible with each other, and it is well known throughout the city that they are incompatible with each other. It's just a pity that those of them who stood here from beginning to end clearly saw how the Crown Princess saved people, with such urgency and sincerity that no one could doubt her intentions.

It was Aunt Fan who took over the magpie's nest and kicked the Crown Princess out of the Fan Mansion. This kind of thing would make anyone hate it, but at the critical moment, it was the Crown Princess who was the first to lend a helping hand to Aunt Fan. , with regard to this intention to save people, what else is there to doubt?

Yunyue never expected that she would get no response from her words when she threw them out, as if they were lost in the ocean without even making a sound.

Pan Yulu stood up and walked over. Of course she couldn't watch Yunyue suffer. She looked at Fan Qingyao and said, "Princess Yunyue is the biological sister of the third prince. Is the princess deliberately sowing discord by saying this?"

Fan Qingyao smiled coldly and asked instead, "As the person in charge of the third prince's residence, the third prince's concubine didn't think about how to pressure people to protect the third prince's queen. Instead, she fanned the flames here. Could it be that the third prince's concubine didn't actually want to Is the baby in Aunt Fan’s belly safe?”

 Pan Yulu, “…”

Fan Qingyao's mouth was not the one who spoke, he was clearly a sharp knife that saw no blood!

Fan Qingyao made it so obvious that no matter how much Yunyue wanted to delay it, she couldn't.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw that Fan Xuening's body had fainted and there was a pool of blood. Yunyue quickly took Fan Xuening's hand and said, "I originally wanted to diagnose and treat Aunt Fan in person, but I didn't expect that the Crown Princess and Aunt Fan are so close as sisters. If that’s the case, it’s not convenient for me to bother you.”

With Fan Xuening's current amount of bleeding, both Yun Yue and Fan Xuening themselves knew that it would be difficult to save the child. At this time, when Yunyue said these words, the relationship should not be too obvious.

With human life at stake, Fan Qingyao was too lazy to argue with Yunyue anymore, so he quickly asked Yan Hanbai to call someone to carry Fan Xuening to the small courtyard where the guests lived.

Yunyue took advantage of the crowd surrounding Fan Xuening and whispered a few words into Fan Xuening's ear.

This scene happened to be seen clearly by Han Jingchen.

"Qingyao, please be careful. I just saw Yunyue and I don't know what I told Aunt Fan." Han Jingchen quietly came to Fan Qingyao's side and reminded him softly.

Fan Qingyao raised his eyes to look at Yunyue, who was already standing aside, and nodded gently, "Okay, help Princess Pinglai comfort the other guests. Today is the first banquet hosted by Princess Pinglai. You must not neglect your words." "

"Don't worry, leave it to me." Han Jingchen nodded in agreement, but began to admire Fan Qingyao in his heart. Thinking about the things Princess Pinglai had done, it would be a lie to say that she would not be hated, but Fan Qingyao She was really able to put aside past grudges, and even she was afraid that she would not be able to achieve this kind of tolerance.

The servants of Prince Pinglai's Mansion were very agile and carried Fan Xuening into the guest courtyard in a quarter of an hour. Fan Qingyao followed closely, waiting for the maids to move Fan Xuening to the bed in a hurry, and quickly took out the He picked up the needle bag he carried with him, unbuttoned Fan Xuening's clothes with one hand, and dropped the silver needle toward the acupuncture point for fetal protection with the other hand.

The heart-piercing pain made Fan Xuening groan in pain.

“Bite.” Fan Qingyao took the soft handkerchief from the shelf nearby and handed it to Fan Xuening’s mouth.

Fan Xuening endured the pain and looked at Fan Qingyao. She knew she should ask for the reason, but at this moment, she didn't even have the strength to ask, so she could only bite the soft handkerchief resignedly.

Fan Qingyao walked around to the other side of Fan Xuening, observing Fan Xuening's physical signs all the time, and the silver needle in his hand kept rising and falling.

I don’t know how long it took before the pain of the crack was relieved.

 But when Fan Xuening opened her eyes, the first sentence she got was, "The child is gone."

 (End of this chapter)

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