Chapter 733 Isn’t that our young lady?

 Baili Fengming never concealed anything from Fan Qingyao. He just told Fan Qingyao all the things that Lin Yi had secretly investigated some time ago.

Nancheng and Fengcheng are not big cities, and their systems are not stricter than other big cities. However, due to their close proximity to the main city, the two cities can be considered peaceful. Since the founding of Xiliang, except for some robberies, Things didn't make much of a fuss.

 But just recently, children have been missing between the two cities.

"The people in Nancheng who first reported to the government, Lin Yi, checked the files of Nancheng County Government. It clearly stated that two drunk men disappeared out of thin air on the street. The person they saw at that time was a watchman, but the strange thing is that just before The watchman died on the street the same night he reported the crime.”

Fan Qingyao frowned, "But have you checked the details of the watchman? Does he have any enemies?"

 Baili Fengming shook his head, "Lin Yi once secretly inquired about the details of the watchman in Nancheng, but he had no clue. He didn't even find out where the watchman's family lived or who else was in his family."

 This is very strange.

 Nancheng is not too big. Normally, it is not difficult to find out about someone.

Especially for people like this who have had trouble, some clues can be found almost quickly.

Of course, it all makes sense if someone deliberately hid everything.

But what Fan Qingyao couldn't figure out was that for an ordinary reporter, even if the murderer wanted to hide, he should have killed and silenced him that night, instead of waiting until the watchman called the police and then letting him disappear.

Moreover, the smaller the place, the more complicated the relationship between people. There are many people living on the street who are related to each other. This is definitely not something that can be concealed simply by killing one person. Everything.

Moreover, people in Nancheng are still disappearing. Since the murderer is not afraid of making things worse, why does he have to hide a little watchman?

Baili Fengming sighed, "It would be okay if it was just a simple concealment. Lin Yi also found out that shortly after the accident in Nancheng, people in Fengcheng also disappeared one after another, and the person who reported the case in the Fengcheng County Government file The portrait is the watchman who reported the crime in Nancheng."

Fan Qingyao was so shocked that he dropped the tea cup in his hand.

Even in broad daylight, I was broken into a cold sweat.

Baili Fengming, with quick eyes and hands, caught the tea cup and gently put it back on the low table, "Lin Yi just found out some things. Two Zhang Ping from Nancheng and Fengcheng blocked in front of my carriage. I originally thought Let Lin Yi find out some clues and come back, now we can only put this matter aside for the time being. "

Fan Qingyao looked at Baili Fengming, "Do you really believe in ghosts?"

 Baili Fengming was stunned for a moment, and then smiled. He must have been really frightened, and even the ghosts came out.

“If this matter is really caused by ghosts, it might be easier to handle.” Baili Fengming touched Fan Qingyao’s hair.

Fan Qingyao nodded, it was true.

Ghosts kill people either for revenge or to kill innocent people indiscriminately. No matter what the reason is, at least the matter will be solved easily.

But Fan Qingyao never believed in ghosts and gods.

If there really is a ghost, she will not be reborn, but will directly become a ghost and seek Baili Rongze's life!

"I heard that my father summoned people from Dali Temple to enter the palace yesterday. I think it was because of the matter of Fengcheng and Nancheng. However, after the two Zhang Ping made such a fuss, my father's side will inevitably become suspicious, so the matter can only be postponed for the time being. "Yeah." Baili Fengming sighed almost helplessly.

Fan Qingyao nodded, feeling even more disgusted with Baili Rongze. Baili Rongze is still the same as in the previous life, doing whatever it takes to achieve his own interests. In the previous life, in order to gain the emperor's trust, he would not hesitate to forge evidence to slander the officials of the dynasty and push those innocent officials to the guillotine. In this life, he wants to gain the emperor's trust. For the emperor to doubt Baili Fengming, what's so strange about sacrificing the people of two cities?

 But the more this happens, the less she can let Baili Rongze get what he wants!

The cold fingers clenched tightly, and the fingertips dug into the palm of her hand due to force. Suddenly, the slender five fingers wrapped her little hand.

Fan Qingyao came back to his senses and looked at Baili Fengming's gentle eyebrows.

Soft, soft, even though she didn’t say a word, it was worth a thousand words.

 In an instant, Fan Qingyao's hand also became warm.

The carriage that was running smoothly stopped on the street. When Fan Qingyao followed Baili Fengming out of the carriage, the street was still bustling with people, and was not affected by Nancheng and Fengcheng. It was obvious that the court was keeping this matter airtight.

Since Baili Fengming wanted to make people feel like he was lying down, he had to assume a lying-down posture. Seeing that the weather was nice today, he took Fan Qingyao and walked from house to house.

Of course Fan Qingyao understood what Baili Fengming was thinking, and it was really difficult to relax for a day, so he simply became a tool man.

Isn’t it just shopping?

 Shopping around!

The main city is already big, and Baili Fengming and Fan Qingyao are not people who like to show off. Even if they are walking on the bustling streets, no people can recognize them, except for Baili Fengming's face. His face is really eye-catching, attracting people's attention everywhere.

It was Peng Jing who was watching the wind at the door of his house. He first saw Baili Fengming in the crowd, and he wondered, how much thick incense did this person have to burn in his previous life to be rewarded by God with such a face in this life? If he had a face like this, what else would he have to struggle for? It would be important to quickly find a rich family to be his son-in-law...

Just looking at it, Peng Jing felt that something was wrong.

Especially when he saw Fan Qingyao's face, Peng Jing was shocked.

Isn’t that his young lady?

 And a man who can get his own lady to accompany him when shopping...

It seems that there is only the current Crown Prince, right? !

When Yue Luo went out, she saw Peng Whale stuck in place like a wooden stake. "Did you get struck by lightning?"

Peng Jing came to his senses and quickly pulled Yue Luo and said, "Look, is that our young lady?"

Yue Luo smiled at a glance, wasn't it? That was their young lady. When she saw the man following the young lady, she suddenly realized, "It's good to go out for a walk. Our young lady is too tired." , I hope the lady can relax more."

 Ever since she followed the young lady, she has never seen her relaxed.

Looking at the young ladies from other families in the main city, at her age, which one is not carefree? But look at her young lady...

Peng Jing thought about it, "I was just wondering if I should invite the lady over for a cup of tea."

Yueluo nodded, "It's not impossible."

Peng Jing left as soon as he said it, and walked in the direction of Fan Qingyao and Baili Fengming with long strides.

Today's Qingnangzhai has long been known to everyone in the main city, and there are even more people who want to fawn over Qingnangzhai all day long in order to get new products every season.

Now I saw Peng Jing walking onto the street in person, obviously going to call for help. Both the people passing by and the vendors doing business around were looking at him eagerly, wondering who had such a big face and could do so. Let the people of Qingnangzhai be so proactive.

 (End of this chapter)

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