Chapter 734 The love engraved in the bones

Mu Yan, who was in the store, looked at Yue Luo at the door and walked out curiously. As a result, when she went out, she happened to see Peng Jing walking towards the third sister and His Royal Highness. .

Mu Yan reacted quickly. She quickly pulled Yue Luo and said, "Hurry up and call Peng Jing over."

Yue Luo was stunned, "Peng Jing just wants to invite the young lady and His Royal Highness to come in and have a rest."

Mu Yan paused and said, "Third sister and His Royal Highness rarely go out together, so how can they like to be recognized?"

Yue Luo was suddenly startled, as if this was what happened.

Looking at the surrounding shops and people, she saw that everyone was following Peng Jing. Yue Luo quickly picked up her skirt and ran towards Peng Jing, pulling Peng Jing to tell what Miss Mu Yan had just said. Read it again.

Peng Jing nodded belatedly, but nodding at this time was of no use. As he walked along, everyone's eyes on the whole street were focused on him. If he just said back at this time, Wouldn’t it be even more suspicious if the government was in charge?

Yue Luo and Peng Jing were struggling when they saw a carriage parked beside them.

As the carriage door was opened, Zhou Renjian stepped out of the carriage and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Of course he came to visit Mu Yan, but when he saw Yue Luo and Peng Jing standing on the street, he thought something had happened.

Yue Luo and Peng Jing stopped worrying the moment they saw Zhou Renjian. Especially Peng Jing, they shouted at the top of their lungs, "The young master of the Zhou family is here! Please come in!"

 The voice was so loud that it was deafening.

Zhou Renjian was so frightened that he took a step back, feeling that the smile on Peng Jing's face was so charming.

 When the people around him saw it, they were inevitably a little disappointed and looked away one after another.

Since the news of the engagement between the Zhou family and the Hua family came out, the young master of the Zhou family will come over every now and then to stay for a day. He looks so sticky, as if he is afraid that his unmarried daughter-in-law will disappear out of thin air.

Yueluo and Pengjing saw that this method worked, and they became even more enthusiastic about Zhou Renjian.

Especially Peng Jing, who took Zhou Renjian's arm and walked towards Qingnangzhai, "It's like we haven't seen each other for three years. The young master of the Zhou family doesn't know, but we all miss you so much!"

 Zhou Renjian, “…”

 It is easier to penetrate people and cut them down.

Mu Yan, who was standing at the door of Qingnangzhai, looked at this scene. If she hadn't been naturally introverted, she would have laughed like crazy. Fortunately, the third sister and His Royal Highness were not affected.

Fan Qingyao had actually noticed the commotion behind her a long time ago. Unexpectedly, Mu Yan had really grown up a lot and was now calm and considerate of the overall situation. However, now that Zhou Ren was in charge, she did not look back and followed Bai Yan. Li Fengming continued to walk forward.

It was also seen that Ni Duan's Baili Fengming had long been seen. Seeing that Fan Qingyao didn't say anything, he chose to ignore it.

  A burst of fragrance comes to your face, mixed with the cool breeze of late autumn.

Fan Qingyao looked up and saw a stall selling pan-fried crispy pork in the distance.

I guess it tastes good, and many people are queuing up near the stall.

Fan Qingyao was just thinking about whether to spend some time and wait, or to leave directly. But before she could think about it, she saw a familiar figure walking towards the small stall.

The white robe on that table stood out among the crowd, and the long figure and handsome face in the sun were even more dazzling.

But such a person who is out of tune with the stall is now standing peacefully among the crowd, waiting for the next pot of golden and crispy pork.

Such a visually conflicting scene, not to mention that Fan Qingyao looked awkward, even the common people who were also queuing up to buy short-cut pork quietly cast their eyes on the white robe. However, the owner of the white robe didn't have any consciousness at all, and just lined up calmly.

The dignified prince of a country, queuing up to buy short crispy pork...

 It’s really refreshing!

When the steaming crispy pork was finally handed to Fan Qingyao's hands, Fan Qingyao really felt like he was the center of attention. However, the crispy pork was really delicious, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, marinated and delicious.

Just at this moment, another small cart selling sweet corn came slowly from a distance.

Fan Qingyao subconsciously thought that the last time he ate corn, he seemed to be shopping with his mother. At that time, her mother had not remarried, and she didn't want to think that everything would have become a memory in the blink of an eye.

 Baili Fengming looked at someone who was fascinated by the corn, and smiled slightly, knowing that she might not really miss the taste of corn, but she still turned around and walked towards the cart selling corn.

If the people's eyes on Fan Qingyao just now were full of admiration, then now they are really filled with envy, jealousy and hatred. Even the shopkeepers of many shops around him are quietly snooping around. After all, he is so handsome and extraordinary. A warm and caring son-in-law is not someone you bump into every day.

When Fan Qingyao came to his senses, he originally wanted to call out to Baili Fengming, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.

It seems like everything is calm when we go out today, but who knows how many pairs of eyes are hidden behind it. Since we are all out, we might as well enjoy the day like ordinary people.

Thinking like this, Fan Qingyao felt a lot more relaxed.

At this moment, Baili Fengming came back with steaming corn, and Fan Qingyao took a bite of it.

 Baili Fengming looked at the freshly baked tooth marks on the corn and laughed dumbly. He reached out and wiped the corn kernels stuck to the corners of Fan Qingyao's lips and said softly, "What else do you want to eat?"

There are really a lot of snacks on this street, but Fan Qingyao is not very good at eating them. Basically, he just tastes a bite and hands it to Baili Fengming. When the two of them walk down, Baili Fengming's two The hands are full of things.

It happened that there was a restaurant behind the two of them, and Fan Qingyao asked, "Are you tired?"

Baili Fengming smiled faintly, "Madam, I haven't eaten well, how dare I say I'm tired?"

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

Shut up.

This restaurant is not as famous as other restaurants in the main city, but the environment inside is also elegant.

At this time, it was already past dinner time. When Fan Qingyao and Baili Fengming came in, there were not many diners in the lobby. However, the waiter saw that Fan Qingyao and Baili Fengming were both well-dressed, so he quickly People were invited to the second floor.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he reached the second floor, he saw Baili Lingyu sitting by the window.

Bai Li Lingyu didn't expect to meet Fan Qingyao and Brother Huang here, so she quickly stood up and said hello, "What a coincidence."

Fan Qingyao followed Baili Fengming and walked over, opening his mouth and saying, "Five..."

 Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, he saw a woman sitting next to Baili Lingyu.

 (End of this chapter)

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