Chapter 735 She is indeed a beauty

Fan Qingyao looked around and saw that the woman sitting on the chair was a woman of similar age to her. She was fourteen or fifteen years old, so young that she could squeeze water out of her mouth. She was wearing a peach-pink dress that reflected her fair face. She is even more delicate, with thin eyebrows, big eyes, and a cherry mouth. She really has a look that pleases men.

This woman is really beautiful, even Fan Qingyao secretly praises her in his heart.

"Then, what, these are my brother and sister-in-law..." Baili Lingyu hurriedly explained to the woman, as if she was afraid that the woman would misunderstand something.

"But she just called you Wu... wasn't your name Lingyu?" The woman blinked her big eyes and asked curiously.

Baili Lingyu racked her brains, "Oh, that, that's because I am the fifth eldest child in my family."

Whether it's the court or the palace, who doesn't know that the fifth prince is a monkey, even the emperor dares to choke when he plays with a hammer. When has he ever been so cautious?

Fan Qingyao looked at the fifth prince scratching his head, what else didn't he understand?

I guess the woman in front of me is the one who made the fifth prince fall in unrequited love and was dumped in the legend.

Thinking of this, Fan Qingyao said, "Fifth brother, this is..."

Hearing this, Baili Lingyu was so excited that she almost knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Fan Qingyao. She was indeed her sister-in-law, and she was reliable at critical moments. "Her surname is Zhao and her name is Yi'er. I rescued her in Subei. Later, I heard that she was coming to the main city to find her relatives, so I brought her back to the main city. "

Fan Qingyao raised his eyebrows. He spoke so implicitly and still looked for relatives. I'm afraid the fifth prince was seriously poisoned.

Baili Lingyu didn't have the slightest bit of self-consciousness. She watched Zhao Yier introduce Fan Qingyao and Baili Fengming, but she obviously omitted a lot, "This is my fourth brother, and this is my fourth sister-in-law."

 Baili Fengming, "…"

 I’m afraid I won’t be able to have this younger brother again.

Fan Qingyao almost stopped laughing when he saw Baili Fengming's face turned dark.

"The little girl Zhao Yi'er has met Ling Yu's brother and sister-in-law." Zhao Yi'er stood up slowly and saluted Yingying. Her slim and graceful appearance could be said to be as soft as water.

 Baili Fengming didn't want to speak, but Baili Lingyu couldn't help but wink with all his strength, so he could only look at Zhao Yi'er and said, "Get up, there's no need to be so reserved."

It is true that Baili Fengming has been dormant, but since he grew up in the palace, the pride and dignity in him are clearly visible. Even if the emperor is partial, as the prince, he is still regarded as the crown prince by the court since he was a child. Education, this kind of thing is engraved in the bones and cannot be changed at all.

Zhao Yier raised her head following the sound, and then looked at Baili Fengming carefully.

 The result was this glance, and I couldn't recover from it for a long time.

Baili Lingyu thought she was frightened, so she quickly smiled and said, "My fourth brother is like this on weekdays, but he is still a very nice person. Don't be afraid. You will know when you get familiar with him."

When Zhao Yier came back to her senses, she quickly lowered her head, nodded gently and said, "I'm fine."

Baili Lingyu breathed a sigh of relief. After sitting down, she looked at Baili Fengming and Fan Qingyao again. The expulsion order in her eyes was not too obvious. It was clearly on her face. You two quickly drink tea. Let's go have a meal. The scenery there is nice, much better than here.

As can be imagined, Baili Fengming's face turned a lot darker.

Of course Fan Qingyao would not be so blind as to be an eyesore here. He smiled and said, "Let's have a cup of tea and have a rest. We won't disturb Fifth Brother and Miss Zhao's meal."

Bai Li Lingyu looks like a royal sister-in-law and is very interesting. I will treat you to dinner someday. Baili Fengming didn't expect that his brother, who he loved so much, would one day be so jealous, but he didn't really mean to stay, so he turned around and left with Fan Qingyao.

"Since we have met, why don't we sit down together." Zhao Yi'er suddenly asked to stay, but seemed to feel a little abrupt again, looked at Bai Li Lingyu and said, "I just don't want you to alienate your brother and sister-in-law because of me. This is my fault.”

The beauty's big eyes flashed with grievance and innocence, which made Baili Lingyu feel numb.

What else could Baili Lingyu say? "It's not as serious as you think. Yi'er, don't cry. It really has nothing to do with you. It's okay. Just let my fourth brother and sister-in-law stay."

After hearing this, Zhao Yier held back the tears in her eyes and nodded gently.

 Baili Lingyu raised her head and looked at Baili Fengming and Fan Qingyao, "Fourth brother and fourth sister-in-law, please come back."

 Baili Fengming, "…"

Even if he is a biological brother, it is time to let go of his skin.

Baili Lingyu trembled when she saw Baili Fengming, and her hair stood on end.

His fourth brother does not have a bluffing face, nor does he have an easy-going temper, but he has seen too many sinister methods. He still remembers that what he hated most when he was a child was writing, but now he is... Apart from the imperial brother, he is the best at writing among all the princes...

  It's not that he works too hard, it's that his royal brother's methods are simply outrageous.

Recalling the tragic past, Baili Lingyu wanted to wipe away a handful of bitter tears on the spot.

Fan Qingyao also didn't expect Baili Fengming to react so strongly to Zhao Yier, but since the fifth prince has spoken, she still has to give him face. "In this case, I can only disturb him."

Zhao Yi'er smiled and said, "Don't bother me, there just happen to be more people and it's more lively."

Fan Qingyao smiled and sat with Baili Fengming opposite Baili Lingyu and Zhao Yier.

While the food was being served, Baili Lingyu couldn't help complaining to Baili Fengming, "Emperor...Fourth brother, the Military and Horse Department is really not a place for people to lead. I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at me all day long. "

 Baili Fengming picked up the teapot, poured a cup of tea and put it in front of Fan Qingyao, then said softly, "The more this happens, the more it means there is something inside that I don't want you to see."

 “Why don’t you check it carefully when I have time?”

"No need for the moment. As long as you are in the Military and Horse Division, those people will be extremely wary. Only by staying still can you prevent others from catching you. Wait until the people in the Military and Horse Division gradually adapt to your presence. , it’s not too late to investigate further at that time.”

Baili Lingyu nodded, "But by the way, I heard that my father...the emperor talked to the commander of the Military and Horse Department today. Now the Military and Horse Department is spreading the news about Nancheng and Fengcheng. I am afraid that it will be handed over to the Military and Horse Department." Investigated."

Baili Fengming said, "Probably not."

Bai Li Lingyu frowned, "But I did see the commander entering the palace today."

Baili Fengming remained silent and did not answer. Instead, he picked up a piece of the sweet-scented osmanthus cake on the table and gently placed it on Fan Qingyao's plate. "It looks like it's done well. Try it and see if you like it." I’ll pack some to take back when I leave.”

  Belle Lingyu, “…”

 Just say that neglect is neglect, do you treat him as a human being?

 (End of this chapter)

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