Chapter 736 White Lotus Original Lotus

Of course, Fan Qingyao knew the reason why Baili Fengming ignored the fifth prince. Nowadays, everyone in Fengcheng and Nancheng is staring at the "hot cakes". Nowadays, especially outside in front of outsiders, it is natural to say less and make fewer mistakes.

Baili Lingyu still looked like she had indigestion. She was not at all wary of Zhao Yi'er beside her. Looking at Zhao Yi'er again, she lowered her head and ate the food in front of her obediently. Her soft and weak look did not seem like she was stealing. Listen to them.

Fan Qingyao thought for a moment and then said, "Nancheng and Fengcheng are not trivial matters. The emperor has expressed his own plans and has his own plans. His heart is unpredictable and unfathomable. Those of us who are watching from the other side should just wait and see what happens."

Hearing this, Bai Li Lingyu finally understood that the emperor was jealous of Zhao Yi'er, but he felt it was completely unnecessary. He trusted Zhao Yi'er, and she simply couldn't understand it at all.

Thinking of this, Baili Lingyu wanted to explain to the emperor brother, "Fourth brother, actually..."

 Baili Fengming put down the tea cup in his hand without hesitation and interrupted Baili Lingyu's words, "Seeing that you are so free, why not play a game of chess?"

  Belle Lingyu, “…”

 Ever since I was little, I have never won a game of chess with him!

Playing chess with others is called playing chess, playing chess with brother Huang is called looking for abuse. The image of being abused to the point of being unable to fight back is still vivid in her mind, and the well-behaved Baili Lingyu shut her mouth in an instant.

As Baili Lingyu fell silent, it finally became quiet.

Zhao Yi'er suddenly asked, "I wonder where Fourth Brother is employed?"

No one expected that Zhao Yi'er would suddenly speak. Even Fan Qingyao was stunned for a moment.

Zhao Yi'er seemed to feel that she had said something wrong, and quickly waved her hands and shook her head, "I, I just felt that I didn't understand what the fourth brother said to Ling Yu just now, so I was curious and wanted to ask..."

Before he finished speaking, he lowered his head. Such a simple and unsophisticated look was enough to make a man feel pity.

Seeing this, Baili Lingyu could only look at her imperial brother pleadingly.

 Baili Fengming didn't give Baili Lingyu any trouble this time. Shi Shiran said, "I have nothing to do for now. If I really want to be busy with something... then I would be busy being a son-in-law."

  Belle Lingyu, “…”

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

Zhao Yi'er probably didn't expect to get such an answer. After a long while, she finally said, "There used to be a son-in-law in our village, but looking at the way my fourth brother dressed and behaved, he didn't look like a son-in-law."

 Baili Fengming smiled faintly, "It's because the future wife is rich that I dress decently."

Fan Qingyao really didn't know what to say, so she could only turn her head and look at Baili Fengming and smile awkwardly. She couldn't afford to have His Majesty the Crown Prince as her son-in-law.

Baili Fengming took Fan Qingyao's hand and smiled as warmly as jade, "Although this marriage is between my parents and my mother, the time I spent with my wife made me feel deeply comfortable. If it were really me, "It's wrong, madam, you can tell me, I just hope she won't get tired of me."

Fan Qingyao smiled and gritted his teeth, "What if you really get bored?"

 Baili Fengming thought for a moment with a serious look on his face, "Then we have to stalk him and fight him hard."

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

Although this was not the case at all, her marriage to him was decided by the emperor and the empress, so even if she wanted to refute, she would be speechless.

Sure enough, he is still the cunning fox and the same sinister person.

Bai Li Lingyu covered her face, really blind.   Brother, you have a sense of superiority when you cut in the door upside down. If our ancestors hear this, I'm afraid the coffin boards buried deep in the ground will not be able to cover it.

"Is this really true?" Zhao Yi'er asked Baili Lingyu beside her. She really didn't see that such a high-quality man could be a son-in-law.

"So that's what happened..." Of course Baili Lingyu couldn't dismantle her imperial brother, and thinking about the days when the emperor's brother was in the palace, it was really the emperor's sister-in-law who was running around the main city alone to make arrangements. After careful calculation, she The imperial brother has embarked on the journey of eating soft rice.

 Zhao Yi'er's eyes flashed with disappointment, but she quickly returned to her original inexperienced look.

 At this moment, the waiter came up with a tray.

 One after another exquisite dishes were placed on the table, and as far as the eye could see, there was a large table.

At this time, even Fan Qingyao was a little surprised, "The monthly salary of the Military and Horse Division is very high?"

Judging from the location and decoration of this restaurant, the prices of the dishes there should be quite high.

Baili Lingyu smiled and said, "I have saved some small money before. Although it is not as good as my fourth sister-in-law, it is still enough for a few meals. Besides, Yi'er has lived a hard life in the countryside for too long. I don't want her to come to the Lord." The city continues to suffer.”

 Oh, I am here to please the beauty.

Of course, Fan Qingyao wouldn't say anything about things like love. He sat across from Baili Fengming and drank tea quietly, watching Baili Lingyu pick up the vegetables with chopsticks. To Zhao Yier.

Zhao Yi'er just lowered her head and ate, not feeling much about Baili Lingyu's actions at all. She seemed to have been used to being taken care of by Baili Lingyu.

 Suddenly, a crystal shrimp dumpling was placed on Fan Qingyao's plate.

“Would you like to try it and see if it tastes good?”

Fan Qingyao was stunned. She did like to eat shrimp dumplings, but she had never said it before. She never thought that it was just a few meals with Baili Fengming, and he just remembered it.

Seeing this, Baili Lingyu also said, "Sister-in-law Fourth, the shrimp dumplings here are very famous. It would be a pity if you missed it since you are here."

Hearing this, Fan Qingyao tentatively picked up the chopsticks and tasted it. The skin was thin, the filling was big, and the shrimps were delicious. "It really tastes good."

Seeing this, Baili Fengming picked up another shrimp dumpling and handed it to Fan Qingyao's mouth, "Eat more if you like it."

Fan Qingyao wanted to say no, but she saw a small hand pushing the steamer filled with shrimp dumplings in front of her. She looked up and saw Zhao Yi'er's innocent and pure face.

“Since Fourth Sister-in-law likes to eat, I give it to Fourth Sister-in-law. Unexpectedly, Fourth Sister-in-law has never even eaten the shrimp dumplings here. Are all the rich people in the main city so frugal?”

This is what I said.

If it weren't for Zhao Yi'er's blinking innocent eyes, Fan Qingyao would really think that these words were mocking her.

"No matter who owns the money, it is not brought by the strong wind. It belongs to the province. Only in this way can the money be used wisely, right? Miss Zhao, right?" Fan Qingyao looked at Zhao Yi'er with a half-smile, whether it was intentional or not, There was no need for her to give up anything.

Zhao Yi'er seemed not to understand the meaning of these words at all. She turned to look at Baili Fengming and said, "The families in our village who can find a son-in-law are all very generous. I didn't expect that it would be different after entering the main city." Okay, I really feel wronged by Fourth Brother. If Fourth Brother changes his mind one day, I wouldn’t mind helping Fourth Brother go to our village to ask.”

This is even more interesting to hear.

  It’s just an aboveboard attempt to sow discord!

 (End of this chapter)

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