The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 737: How my husband is none of your business

Chapter 737 How my husband is none of your business

Whether it was the last life or this life, Fan Qingyao had never met a woman like Zhao Yi'er. She obviously had her own little thoughts, but she had to look innocent and pretend to speak without thinking.

After all, if such a woman wants to please a man, it is okay, but if she is really thrown into a pile of women, she will probably be swallowed up to the bone.

 Baili Fengming didn't show any anger, he just smiled and said, "I only like my wife."

Zhao Yi'er was stunned for a moment, then murmured to herself, "What's the point of living a life of being pressed down by others? It's said that you don't have to worry about food and drink, but what's the difference between you and a prisoner..."

 “Yi’er!” Even Bai Li Lingyu couldn’t stand hearing these words.

Zhao Yi'er was stunned by Bai Li Lingyu's shouting, and then she lowered her head and whispered, as if she had been greatly wronged, "I, I didn't mean anything else, I just said those words because I felt sorry for my fourth brother. If Fourth Brother minds, I’ll just leave it alone.”

As soon as I finished speaking, tears fell down.

Baili Lingyu panicked all of a sudden, "That's not what I meant. Don't cry. The relationship between my fourth brother and my fourth sister-in-law has always been very good. I also know that you are worried about my fourth brother, but don't worry. My sister-in-law actually loves my fourth brother very much."

 Zhao Yi'er lowered her head and said nothing, crying even harder.

Bai Li Lingyu was stunned and could only look at Fan Qingyao for help, "Sister-in-law of the emperor, help!"

Fan Qingyao glanced at Zhao Yi'er. She didn't know how to make people happy, but she still had many ways to make people stop crying. "I've always heard that Miss Zhao is simple-minded, but I didn't expect that she is actually a philanthropic person. Now she is just a talented person." When she saw my husband, she was so concerned and cried like this. What I know is that Miss Zhao is kind-hearted, but what I don’t know is that Miss Zhao is just attracted to my husband. "

Fan Qingyao was still smiling when he spoke, but every word was poking Zhao Yier's heart.

Fan Qingyao has no control over what kind of woman Bai Li Lingyu likes.

But if someone takes advantage of Baili Lingyu and has any thoughts that they shouldn't have, Fan Qingyao must take care of it.

Zhao Yi'er never expected that Fan Qingyao would speak so directly. She actually froze on the spot, with her head and face lowered. She was not really crying, nor was she even crying.

Bai Li Lingyu didn't know much about love affairs between men and women, but after Fan Qingyao's reminder, he seemed to be wondering what was wrong.

From the time she met Zhao Yi'er, Zhao Yi'er always said that she was engaged to be engaged. Even if the engaged husband abandoned her in the village and ignored her, she still loved her engaged husband wholeheartedly.

It is precisely for this reason that Baili Lingyu hid her identity because she was afraid of scaring such an innocent little girl.

But now, Zhao Yier, who has always been thinking about her engaged husband, actually cares about his imperial brother for no reason. If Baili Lingyu still can't figure it out, then it's not that she doesn't understand men and women, but that she's stupid!

Zhao Yier seemed to notice Baili Lingyu's silence and quietly pulled his sleeve.

In the past, as long as she took the initiative, Baili Lingyu would always respond to her requests, but now, Baili Lingyu remained silent without any expression.

He likes Zhao Yi'er, but in terms of closeness, apart from the Queen, no one can compare to Baili Fengming and Fan Qingyao. One is the imperial brother who has loved him since childhood, and the other is the imperial sister-in-law whom he admires. , so in comparison, of course he believed in the emperor's brother and his wife more.

“I wonder why I looked familiar as soon as I went upstairs.” A woman chuckled suddenly from behind.

Fan Qingyao turned around and saw the eighth prince's concubine and several ladies walking over. Judging from the appearance and clothing of those ladies, they should all be the eighth prince's concubine's natal family.

In order to show their generosity and kindness, the Xiliang royal family has always treated their daughters-in-law leniently. Except for concubines, all the wives who are related to the royal family can interact with their natal family after marrying. There is no need to be like other countries, only Relatives can only meet on special occasions. Since the eighth prince was sent to the south, the eighth prince's concubine has been completely free. She spends her days sitting in the house with her husband's family, or going out for a walk on days when the weather is nice.

The Eighth Princess did not expect to meet the Crown Princess here, and she was extremely enthusiastic. However, just when she was about to say hello, she saw Fan Qingyao gently shaking his head at her.

 Eighth Princess, “…”

 What's the situation?

Fan Qingyao frowned as she looked at the eighth prince. Originally, she didn't think it was necessary for the fifth prince to hide his royal status from Zhao Yi'er, but now after meeting Zhao Yi'er, she felt that the fifth prince's IQ was finally online for once.

A woman like Zhao Yi'er definitely doesn't look so innocent.

Zhao Yi'er saw that the eighth prince's concubine suddenly stopped talking, so she took the opportunity to ask Bai Li Lingyu, "Who is this?"

Bai Li Lingyu's face was stiff and she didn't know how to answer.

The ladies who were following the Eighth Prince Concubine were all the Eighth Prince Concubine's sisters-in-law. As they were, they had never been to the palace and could not possibly know the Prince and Crown Princess. They could only look at the Eighth Prince Concubine and ask, "These people. Do you know the Eighth Princess?"

The Eighth Princess is so smart. She saw Ni Duan in it, so she shook her head and said, "I thought I had met an old friend, but I didn't expect that I was dazzled and made a mistake."

After hearing this, the smiles on Fan Qingyao's and others' faces disappeared when the ladies heard this. Since they were not friends of the eighth prince, there was no need for them to be polite.

“I thought I had met someone special, but it turns out I had the wrong person.”

“Since we recognized the wrong person, let’s leave. There is no need to waste time on unnecessary people.”

“That’s right, since you don’t know the Eighth Prince Concubine, why don’t you quickly apologize to her and wait for the Eighth Prince Consort to take the initiative to say it out? Are you planning to take the opportunity to build a relationship?”

The eighth prince's concubine's mother's family is not considered a wealthy family in the main city, but it is also a minister holding an important position in the court. Now these ladies, I think they were all young ladies who were raised by small families in the past, and now they are married to The brothers of the Eighth Prince's mother's family are all a bit arrogant.

The Eighth Princess looked at the faces of her sisters-in-law who were faster than flipping through a book, and hurriedly pulled a few of them away. She was really afraid that she would say something treacherous again. How would she face the Princess again?

Fan Qingyao looked at the busy eighth prince and concubine, smiled and said nothing.

In order to avoid suspicion, the eighth prince princess deliberately chose a place far away from Fan Qingyao's table, but her sisters-in-law were never peaceful and kept praising her at the top of their voices.

On normal days, the eighth prince's concubine would naturally be used to this kind of atmosphere of being admired by the stars.

But now, knowing that the Crown Princess was sitting not far away and listening, the praises of the sisters-in-law about their virtues, virtues, and extraordinary intelligence made her feel ashamed.

 Compared to the Crown Princess, what does she mean?

 The eighth prince’s concubine still has this kind of self-awareness.

 (End of this chapter)

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