Chapter 738 The prince’s childhood as a top student

 Compared to the liveliness of the Eighth Prince's side, Fan Qingyao's side was obviously much more restrained.

Baili Fengming didn't have much contact with the eighth prince's concubine before, but now he saw from the corner of his eye that the eighth prince's concubine was sitting on a round stool and shivering when she was praised by several sisters-in-law, so she said with a smile, "I didn't expect that old With such an unruly temperament, he can find such an interesting wife."

Fan Qingyao also smiled and said, "Indeed, that's why I often heard the eighth prince's concubine complain before. However, the eighth prince's concubine is a good person. She dislikes her even if she dislikes her. She always lives with the eighth prince sincerely."

Baili Fengming nodded in agreement, "It can be considered a fool's blessing."

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

Your disgusted face shouldn't be too obvious, okay?

 Baili Lingyu has been practicing martial arts since she was a child and has always had an excellent ear. Now that she heard the words of the emperor's brother and his wife, she felt that what her emperor's brother said was relatively conservative.

Although these brothers are not the same mother-in-law, they have all grown up in the prince's care. At that time, the emperor's brother was not the prince, but just the fourth emperor's brother.

As a royal heir, it seems that he was born with a silver spoon, but in fact, he has to bear what others can't imagine. Children from wealthy families usually don't start school until they are five years old, but the princes in the palace have to go to school when they are more than three years old. Went to the study room to study.

I still remember that at that time, they were all little carrot heads. They couldn't even sit still. They had no intention to study. They hung out for a year and waited for the school entrance examination in the second year without even thinking about it. Thinking about it, that is really clear water of Manjianghong.

The fifth prince remembered that his father was so angry that he came to the upper study room in the morning and personally brought people over to reward them with boards.

 The buttocks of three or four-year-old children were all opened. The fifth prince felt extremely sour when he thought about it.

 Among all the princes, only his fourth brother was not beaten.

 The reason is very simple, everyone has answered it.

The most perverted thing is that he is also the first person in history to get full marks in the Enlightenment Examination!

 This is very exciting.

At that time, many princes were unconvinced, especially the eighth prince who was the loudest and most cheerful. Although the third prince was not so arrogant and pointed at Baili Fengming's nose to provoke him, he still tried hard to poke at Baili Fengming and was shameless for this. He asked Concubine Yu to give him a small start. Every day after everyone went to school, the great scholar who taught would secretly give the third prince some bad advice.


 After another year passed and the exam was taken again, Baili Fengming was still at the top of the list.

The third prince studied hard for a year, lighting lamps and boiling oil. His hair was almost bald, and he could only climb up to the middle of his penis.

 As for the Eighth Prince…

 The fifth prince thought about it carefully, and it seemed that he had not even passed the exam himself.

From then on, whenever there was an exam, Baili Fengming always ranked first. Sometimes he was not in good health and could not see anyone for a whole semester, but when the exam came, he was ranked first.

 Later on, the crown prince was established.

The fifth prince thought, in fact, at that time, his father probably did not want to establish the heir apparent. After all, Concubine Yu was favored at that time, and Concubine Yu's party in the court also tried their best to incite the ministers to find various reasons to delay the appointment of the heir apparent. .

It's a pity that Baili Fengming was too powerful at that time. Except for martial arts, he ranked first in all scientific examinations. Those loyal and patriotic ministers worked together to recommend Baili Fengming.

Emperor Yongchang was already breathless under the pressure, and because he felt guilty towards Queen Zhenxi, he ignored Concubine Yu's obstruction and persuasion and established the crown prince early.

 The fifth prince recalled the past...

 I just feel like I’ll be in tears if I talk too much. Even the Third Emperor Brother, who is more outstanding among the brothers, is still the second child in front of the Emperor Brother. As for the Eighth Emperor Brother, even if he grows eight more heads, he cannot catch up to half of them. …

  It is really a sign of respect for him not to be regarded as mentally retarded by his royal brother.

"The eighth prince's concubine has a noble status. I'm afraid it's inappropriate for us to comment like this." Although Zhao Yi'er didn't hear much, she still heard the words "eighth prince concubine" mentioned by Fan Qingyao and Baili Fengming.

Fan Qingyao nodded, "It's indeed inappropriate."

 Baili Fengming also stopped talking. Instead, he called the waiter over and gave some instructions softly.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Yier suddenly stood up and was about to leave.

Bai Li Lingyu quickly stopped the person, "What's wrong with you?"

Zhao Yier said with unusual certainty, "Of course I will go and apologize to the eighth prince."

  Belle Lingyu, “…”

is this necessary?

Even if you mention it, so what, even the Eighth Prince was sent away thousands of miles away by his brother. If the Eighth Prince's concubine dares to have anything, with his wife's urine, she will definitely send you away. You're thousands of miles away times two.

Zhao Yi'er, no matter what Baili Lingyu thought, she shook off his hand and walked towards the eighth prince's concubine.

"Just now, my fourth brother and fourth sister-in-law said something transgressive. I am here to apologize to the eighth prince concubine on behalf of fourth brother and fourth sister-in-law." Zhao Yier walked up to the eighth prince concubine and knelt down on the ground. She really As if he had done something terribly wrong, he did not forget to slap himself twice in the face.

 Eighth Princess, “…”

  I was so frightened that I stood up right away!

Fan Qingyao didn't expect Zhao Yi'er to behave like this, but she soon regained her composure.

The eighth prince's concubine could not remain calm. She looked in the direction of Fan Qingyao. The surprise and inquiry in her eyes were not too obvious. Why did she call her fourth brother and fourth sister-in-law? Which princess is this? I have never heard that the emperor has an illegitimate daughter among the people!

Before Fan Qingyao could speak, Baili Lingyu walked over and looked at Zhao Yi'er's red and swollen face. It was fake not to feel distressed, but thinking that this matter had nothing to do with the eighth prince, she suppressed her anger and said, "This This is a friend I brought back from Subei. I don’t know the rules of the main city very well. Please forgive me, Princess Eighth Prince.”

The eighth prince's concubine had also heard that the fifth prince had brought back a girl from Subei. Now when she heard this again, she still didn't understand. "If it's just a misunderstanding, forget it. Five...this young master took the person away." that is."

Bai Li Lingyu pulled Zhao Yier up and turned to leave.

However, Zhao Yi'er stood still and looked at the eighth prince's concubine and said, "The people's daughter knows that the eighth prince's concubine is a kind-hearted person, but the people's daughter is deeply sorry for what happened today. The people's daughter does not understand the rules of the main city, but in the people's If you make a mistake with a girl, you have to treat her to a drink and a meal. I wonder if the eighth prince's concubine will be free one day, and the girl is willing to be the host and apologize. "

 The eighth prince princess almost laughed when she heard this.

 Fortunately, I held it in.

She has always been good-tempered, but that was because she was facing the Crown Princess. If it were anyone else, she would not be so easy to talk to. After all, she is the Crown Princess, who would dare to despise her?

The eighth prince's concubine is also a fool. Zhao Yi'er obviously doesn't know the identities of the fifth prince and others, but now he takes the initiative to come to her and say this. Even though it seems fair and aboveboard, its purpose seems a bit too obvious.

 This is obviously because he wants to step on others and curry favor with her!

 (End of this chapter)

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