The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 739: It turns out to be His Royal Highness the Crown Prince

Chapter 739 It turns out to be His Royal Highness the Crown Prince

 The eighth princess looked at Zhao Yi'er in front of her and really laughed angrily.

 Courage is admirable, but also stupid.

Fan Qingyao also didn’t expect that one day he would be used as a stepping stone.

This feeling is really quite subtle...

Zhao Yier looked at the eighth princess with longing eyes, and her eyes were a little red with anxiety.

Since arriving in the main city, she has been inquiring about her betrothed husband. By chance, she learned that her betrothed husband's father had become a high-ranking official in the court, and who was Baili Lingyu standing next to her now? He's just a soldier who is not worth mentioning.

Zhao Yier knew that if she wanted to meet her engaged husband, she had to find someone with a powerful identity.

She has been searching for a betrothed husband for so long, and she doesn’t want to miss this opportunity.

As long as the Eighth Prince Concubine is willing to accept her apology, she will have a chance to win over the Eighth Prince Concubine. When the time comes, she will use the Eighth Prince Concubine to find the betrothed wife. With the support of the Eighth Prince Concubine, even the father of the betrothed husband will probably have to Give her some thin noodles.

Bai Li Lingyu didn't understand her daughter's family's thoughts, let alone Zhao Yi'er's thoughts.

In his opinion, it was indeed inappropriate for Zhao Yier to do this, but maybe it was just too simple.

 After all, she had been like this when he had known her.

 For a while, the atmosphere was a little awkward.

The eighth prince's concubine's natal sisters-in-law have quit. Who is so bold as to chew the eighth prince's concubine's tongue behind her back?

 “Whose children are so uneducated that they dare to gossip about the eighth prince’s concubine behind her back?”

“The royal daughter-in-law, how can you cats and dogs have nothing to say to her?”

“Why don’t you come over quickly and apologize to the Eighth Princess!”

"It's just a trivial matter, and it can't be such a big deal." What else can the eighth prince do except persuading several sisters-in-law? Is it really necessary for her to say that she is afraid of being struck by lightning after being apologized by the two giant Buddhas and admitting their mistake? She could never say this.

But the more the Eighth Princess tried to calm things down, the angrier her sisters-in-law became. Their sister-in-law was so polite even as a Princess, so how could there still be unruly people who dared to stir up trouble!

The more the ladies thought about it, the more they felt that they could not swallow this breath. Seeing Fan Qingyao and Baili Fengming sitting there motionless, they got up and were about to go over to argue.

When the Eighth Princess saw that something was not going well, she quickly stepped forward to stop her, but how could she stop her?

Bai Li Lingyu didn't expect things to turn out like this, and her body became tense.

Zhao Yi'er looked at Bai Li Lingyu, blinking her red eyes innocently, "But I did something wrong, but I just wanted to help the fourth brother and the fourth sister-in-law admit their mistakes to the eighth prince and concubine!"

Hearing this, the eighth princess was so angry that she almost slapped her.

  The water has been muddied, but now she looks innocent. She is really a pure, natural and pollution-free little white lotus!

Baili Lingyu was actually a little angry. After all, the emperor's brother and his sister-in-law hid their identities for him. They didn't want to be misunderstood or even insulted now. But looking at Zhao Yi'er's pure and innocent face, no matter how old he was, The anger was also extinguished.

But Baili Lingyu couldn't do anything that would cause the emperor's brother and his wife to suffer. With this thought in mind, he touched the waistband in his sleeve.

 If it doesn’t work, you can only reveal your identity.

 At this moment, the waiter went upstairs carrying a stack of thick steamer baskets.

 The rich aroma of shrimp dumplings instantly filled the entire second floor.

"Sir, here are the ten drawers of shrimp dumplings you requested. Our shopkeeper has told us that this steamer will be given to you. I hope you will come to support me often in the future." The waiter walked to Baili Fengming's side and said Bend down respectfully. Everyone was stunned when they looked at the shrimp dumplings.

Even the ladies who were originally going to find Fan Qingyao and Baili Fengming to discuss the matter were stunned.

The shrimp dumplings of this restaurant are the most famous in the main city. Each dumpling has a crystal clear shrimp inside. Coupled with the exquisite ingredients, a drawer of dumplings costs five taels of silver.

 Fifty taels, that’s a month’s money for the waiter here!

Moreover, the shrimp dumplings here are only available in limited quantities, only two drawers per table.

 But look at Baili Fengming again, one point is ten drawers, is this crazy?

That's a lot of money. Not even the ladies present dared to be so extravagant.

 Baili Fengming took the ten drawers full of steamer baskets and took out a few taels of silver from his sleeves and threw them away.

The waiter couldn't close his mouth with joy. Just now, this guest paid three times the price for shrimp dumplings, and now he has given several times the silver reward. Such generous guests are rare, "We The shopkeeper also said that the dishes on the distinguished guests’ table are treated as a treat by the shop.”

Baili Fengming said, "No need, he will pay for the rest of the dishes."

 Speaking, he raised his hand and pointed at Baili Lingyu.

  Belle Lingyu, “…”

What a dear brother!

 Baili Fengming picked up the dumplings, then grabbed Fan Qingyao's hand again, and then left grandly in full view of everyone.

 Several ladies, “…”

 This is too arrogant!

 You clearly made a mistake first, but now you are leaving openly?

This is taking them personally!

 Still not paying attention to the Eighth Prince Concubine at all!

With these thoughts in mind, the ladies were about to chase Baili Fengming and Fan Qingyao. Baili Fengming happened to be leading Fan Qingyao downstairs. Just as the ladies turned around, they happened to see Baili Fengming. Feng Ming's jade pendant hanging on his waist flashed past their eyes.

 The sign made of pure gold is engraved with nine intertwined pythons.

 Its shape is unique and lifelike.

 The most important thing is that those pythons have four claws!

At this time, even if the ladies were ignorant, they were all shocked and broke into cold sweats.

 There is only one person in Xiliang who can wear the Four Claws and Nine Pythons brand...

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince today!

The eighth prince's concubine, who also saw the sign, finally breathed a sigh of relief and called the sisters-in-law back, "It's not a big deal, why should the sisters-in-law be angry."

This time, the ladies lost their temper and obediently returned to their seats and sat down. Then they looked at their sister-in-law's calm face from beginning to end. What else could they not figure out?

"The fourth brother and the fourth sister-in-law made mistakes, and Minnu is willing to bear them alone. I also hope that the eighth prince concubine will give Minnu a chance to apologize and admit her mistakes. If the eighth prince concubine feels that Minnu is not sincere enough, Minnu is willing to continue to punish herself." Zhao Yier With that said, he raised his hand again to slap himself in the face.

This time, before the Eighth Princess could take action again, the other ladies stopped her in their tracks.

Although I don’t know what the relationship between this girl and the prince is, we can’t let her go on like this. Otherwise, when the prince really comes to visit, won’t they all follow the same old face?

Zhao Yi'er looked at the changes of the ladies in shock, it was obviously not like this just now.

The eighth princess just wanted to go out to have a meal with her sisters-in-law, but she did not expect to encounter such a bad thing. "What happened today was just a misunderstanding. This girl does not need to blame herself so much."

 (End of this chapter)

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