Chapter 753 The carriage is blocked

Aunt Ying was also panicked, "Old slave, I also heard that the emperor ordered Bai Tu to take the guards out of the palace to arrest people, and he was bound to arrest everyone who intercepted the old general of the Hua family today. Now Bai Tu has left the palace with the guards. went!"

Those people said they were related to Sun Defu, but in fact they were all people raised by the Yu family!

Mammy Ying knew that the imperial concubine had been having some disagreements with her natal family over the years, but this year they finally eased up a bit, and as a result, things like this happened.

If all those people had their necks wiped clean, the Yu family would definitely put the blame on the imperial concubine.

Concubine Yu was also in a mess now, "There are a lot of silver notes in the box of my dowry. After a while, you will quietly send someone out of the palace to deliver them to the Yu family. I don't dare to complain anymore after the Yu family took the money." , They are just some shady slaves, just raise them with money. "

Aunt Ying nodded, "Old slave, let's do it now."

Yunyue looked at Grandma Ying who hurriedly walked out of the door, feeling very upset in her heart.

 She has always known that Fan Qingyao should not be underestimated, but this time Fan Qingyao has exceeded her expectations.

How long have you been in the palace?

Not only was he able to save the Hua family from his father, but he was also able to pull out Sun Defu. With this method and courage, it is no wonder that the mother-in-law has been at a disadvantage in recent years.

Concubine Pan De saw that the atmosphere in Yueyue Palace was not right, so she quickly stood up and left. She originally wanted to get out, but she didn't expect to hear the report from her slave as soon as she went out, and she quickly ran back with a pale face.

 “Concubine Yu is in trouble!”

Concubine Yu frowned, "Can't you say something auspicious?"

Concubine Pan De hesitated for a moment, "I just heard that the emperor has agreed to let the new heir of the Hua family be a companion to the one-year-old grandson of the Yu family."

 Concubine Yu, “…”

Had it not been for Pan Defei’s serious face, she would have thought she was hallucinating.

Yunyue also widened her eyes in shock.

Where is anyone sending his own people to the enemy?

 But that’s what Fan Qingyao did!

Yunyue looked at her mother-in-law's face, which was all black. She knew in her heart that her face was probably even darker than her mother-in-law's. The main reason was that Fan Qingyao was not acting according to common sense at all. Let alone her, she probably Even the mother-in-law couldn't figure out what Fan Qingyao wanted to do.

Fan Qingyao didn't know how wonderful the twisted faces in Yue Yu Palace were. He walked all the way to the entrance of the palace and happened to pass by the imperial palace.

Sun Defu, who was pressed on the bench, was obviously suffering from inhalation and exhaustion, and blood was dripping down his lower back.

When he saw Fan Qingyao, Sun Defu's eyes burst with the desire to live. He opened his mouth, as if he wanted to plead for himself, but at this moment, he was in so much pain that he couldn't even utter a word.

It was the **** who was supervising the torture. He looked at this scene and raised his hand to signal to the guard next to him who was holding the tablet. He was obviously waiting for Fan Qingyao's attitude.

Fan Qingyao's eyes swept across Sun Defu's face. His calm face showed no emotion at all, and he just walked past everyone's sight calmly and extremely indifferently.

The **** who supervised the torture had some friendship with Sun Defu. He originally thought that such a cruel scene would make any person feel sympathy, especially women, who would hate to see such a scene.

But I never expected...The Crown Princess walked over so calmly?

What else could the **** supervising the torture say? He could only signal the guards behind him to continue the torture.

At this time, Sun Defu could no longer bear it, and his eyelids began to grow heavy.

When the **** supervising the torture saw this, he could only sigh silently and shake his head. He had never dealt with the Crown Princess, but judging from the Crown Princess's vigorous and resolute methods today, it was clear that she was someone who could not be offended. The only one to blame was I can only blame this boy Sun Defu for provoking the wrong people.

It is estimated that the commotion in front of the emperor was really too loud. When Fan Qingyao left the palace, even the guards guarding the palace gate treated her with more respect than before.

Fan Qingyao got on the carriage, sat on the soft couch and closed his eyes tiredly.

 She was really tired after a tiring day, and she fell asleep unconsciously.

I don’t know how long it took, but the carriage that had been moving slowly suddenly came to a sudden stop.

Fan Qingyao opened his eyes suddenly and heard the commotion outside the carriage. He stretched out his hand to lift the curtain and saw that his carriage was surrounded by a group of people.

“We heard that the Crown Princess sent the children of the Hua family to serve as companions to the grandsons of the Yu family. We don’t know whether this is true or not, and we hope that the Crown Princess can give us an explanation!”

"We are all people who have followed the Hua Family Army, and now we are dead and disabled. The old general of the Hua Family once promised us that the spirit of the Hua Family Army will never be extinguished, but now the descendants of the Hua Family are willing to work for others. Ma, we just want to ask where the Hua family’s military spirit is! Where is the Hua family’s character!”

“Our men all followed the old generals of the Hua family to death on the battlefield. If they know that the Hua family actually did such a thing, how can they close their eyes even if they fall into Jiuquan!”

These people, both male and female, are either the remnants of the Huajia Army or the family members of the deceased Huajia Army, and there are many of them who once held important positions in the Huajia Army.

 Whether they retired or were kicked out of the military camp due to the disbandment of the Hua Family Army, the trust in their hearts was never broken. Especially when they heard that the Hua Family had an heir, they were even more excited.

 They are looking forward to someone who can inherit the style of the Hua family!

 They are looking forward to the Huajiajun's re-emergence in the military camp!

 But now, they are extremely disappointed!

Because just now, they actually heard that the Crown Princess took it upon herself to send the children of the Hua family to the Yu family as companions. Who among the people in the main city didn't know that the Yu family was the mother's family of Concubine Yu, and the maternal family of the third prince. The concubine sent the person over at this time, it was obvious that she wanted to curry favor with Concubine Yu!

The boy who was driving the carriage had never seen such a posture before. Cold sweat was streaming down his face. He leaned on the door and whispered, "There are slaves here to help deal with the situation. The young lady should take the opportunity to leave quietly."

Fan Qingyao looked at the indignant people outside the car window and sneered in his heart.

How could things in the palace have spread so quickly if no one had helped?

Moreover, the people who were passed on were all people who had been related to the Huajiajun.

 The temptation in this should not be too obvious.

As for the person behind everything, Fan Qingyao knew who it was without even thinking about it.

The boy who was lying on the car door waited for a long time without waiting for Miss Wai's reply. Just as he was wondering if this person was frightened, he saw the car door in front of him suddenly opened.

Seeing Fan Qingyao bend down and step out of the carriage, the young man's eyes widened in shock.

What is it if you’re not crazy to show up at this time?

 (End of this chapter)

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