Chapter 754 Where do you get your face?

Fan Qingyao is certainly not crazy.

 On the other hand, she was still extremely sober.

The person in the palace would spread the news so quickly and encourage people who had a relationship with Hua Jiajun to come and make trouble. Wasn't it because he wanted to force her to make a gesture.

 In this case, Fan Qingyao just showed it to him.

The people around the carriage became even more excited when they saw Fan Qingyao getting out of the carriage.

“As a Crown Princess, she fawns over the third prince. What does the Crown Princess think?”

“The Hua family are all proud and strong-willed, but I didn’t expect that there would be a despicable person like the Crown Princess who aspires to power! With such a shameless behavior like yours, how can you be worthy of being a Hua family!”

"No wonder the Fan Mansion once kicked the Crown Princess out of the house. I'm afraid that the people in the Fan Mansion have clearly seen the Crown Princess's ugly face. Don't blame us for speaking harshly. People like the Crown Princess deserve to be treated as a family without a father. bastard!"

This is a bit harsh to say.

The boy who was driving the carriage was very angry. How could these people say such outrageous things?

Everyone in the main city knows that the incident in the Fan Mansion used to be the most unforgettable scar in the hearts of their young ladies, but now these people are openly adding salt to the wound. Isn't their behavior despicable?

It's just that the people surrounding Fan Qingyao at this moment don't think they are too much.

They were all members of the Huajia Army, and the Huajia Army was the supreme glory of Xiliang. It is precisely because of the existence of the Huajia Army that the health of the people of Xiliang can be guaranteed.

Even the current Holy Emperor has to look at them with admiration.

Thinking about the turmoil in the Hua family at the beginning, not only were the Hua family soldiers and their family members not implicated in any way, but they were also given special care by the imperial court in these years.

It is this kind of connivance that makes them feel confident today!

"When something happened to the Hua family, I didn't see you saying a word for the Hua family. Now you are blocking the carriage of my lady outside my family with confidence. Where do you have the face?" The boy driving the carriage was really angry. Yes, I was arguing with these people at the top of my lungs.

“We are the heroes of the Huajia Army, even the imperial court respects us!”

“If the original Huajiajun didn’t have us, how could the Huajiajun be so prosperous?”

"If we had known a long time ago that the Hua family would have such a man who sold his heirs for glory, we would not have followed the Hua family army even to death!"

Hua Yaoting and Tao Yuxian heard such words when they arrived in a carriage.

Others don't know it, but no one knows it better than Hua Yaoting. These people are just people who have been in the Huajia Army for a year and a half and can't stand to quit. Among them, there are many people who are greedy for life and afraid of death on the battlefield. Disturbing the rhythm of the Huajiajun's battle, he died tragically on the battlefield.

It's just that Hua Yaoting has never argued with these people, and has never exposed their crimes. He even took the initiative to ask the court for credit for these people, just because he didn't want to hurt the hearts of other Huajiajun people.

But I didn’t expect that these people would now be brazenly scolding his granddaughter with such ugly faces!

Hua Yaoting felt that the boy driving the carriage was right. Where did they get the face from?

"Do you want the government to come forward?" Tao Yuxian was surprised when she suddenly heard that Fan Qingyao sent the Hua family's heirs to the Yu family as companions, but soon she knew that her little Qingyao was sinking his boat. Just because Tao Yuxian and Hua Yaoting can understand such painstaking efforts does not mean that everyone can understand it.

Hua Yaoting suppressed the anger in his heart, "These scum of the Hua Family Army have been silent in the main city for so many years. Why are the good ones suddenly getting together now?"

Tao Yuxian was shocked, "Master is saying...this is the emperor's intention?"

Hua Yaoting sighed and slowly closed his eyes, which was a silent acquiescence.

The emperor was always suspicious, and his methods became increasingly despicable.

Now Fan Qingyao directly proposed to let the Hua family heirs serve as companions to the Yu family. Although the emperor could not find any reason to target the Hua family, how could the emperor believe it so easily given his suspicion?

"But if Xiao Qingyao really recognizes her in front of these people, what will happen to her reputation in the future?" The main city is not big or small, and the most fearful thing is that it will be spread by false rumors. Once it is really revealed that Fan Qingyao sells his children for glory, how will she survive in the future?

"Don't worry, the emperor will never watch helplessly." Hua Yaoting has been dealing with the emperor for decades and knows the emperor very well.

Now the emperor is inciting these scum of the Hua family army in order to create pressure on Fan Qingyao. Under the pressure, Fan Qingyao still insists on sending the Hua family heirs to the Yu family. If Fan Qingyao really If he didn't hold on, the emperor would have no time to take advantage of the situation and target the Hua family.

And once Fan Qingyao really persists, the emperor will never let it go.

After all, Fan Qingyao is the crown prince appointed by the emperor, and she will marry into the royal family in the future. Even for the sake of his own face and the face of the royal family, the emperor has to wash away the bad reputation of Fan Qingyao and let Fan Qingyao Married into the royal family innocently.

 To put it bluntly, this is just a temptation from the emperor.

 It’s just this truth that not everyone can understand in times of crisis.

Hua Yaoting didn't know if others could figure it out, but he believed that his little Qingyao would definitely understand.

Of course Fan Qingyao understands.

In other words, when she saw the people surrounding the carriage, she guessed the emperor's method of testing.

Therefore, no matter how those people ridiculed and cursed, Fan Qingyao just looked at the crowd and said, "The emperor is kind to the Hua family, and the Hua family will repay him with wooden peaches and Qiong Yao. Only in this way can he be worthy of his great kindness to the dragon."

"You gave your relatives to the Yu family, which is a treason. What high-sounding excuse can you find now?"

“The Yu family is an important official in the court, and the descendants of the Hua family can be regarded as companions for the descendants of the Yu family, which can be regarded as complementing each other. If the civil and military can really go forward together, Xiliang will definitely reach a higher level."

 “He talks a lot about great principles, but in fact he is just a despicable and vain villain!”

"Today's decision was made by me alone. I only hope that everyone here can give the Hua family a break. The Hua family was once bullied and turbulent, and it can no longer withstand any ups and downs. I hope you will show your support. Fan Qingyao is here. Thank you in advance.”

As Fan Qingyao spoke, he bent down to those who had been speaking harshly to him.

  When the driver driver standing aside saw this situation, he knelt on the ground even though he was still unwilling to do so.

 Just kidding, the future crown princess is already bent over, how can he not kneel down?

 (End of this chapter)

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