Chapter 756 The cheeky branch

Fan Qingyao keeps the Hua family stable, seemingly by sending the Hua family's heirs to the Yu family to please him, but in fact, he is indeed suspected of stepping on the Yu family to save the Hua family. With Baili Rongze's character, it must be impossible to swallow it. This is a loss.

It's just that Fan Qingyao didn't expect Baili Rongze to take action so quickly and had already sent people to Pengcheng.

 The branches of the Hua family are all in Pengcheng. What else could be the purpose of sending people there at this time?

  Naturally, he wanted people from the Hua family branch to come to the main city to stir up trouble.

Fan Qingyao was right. On the third day after parting ways with Baili Fengming, the Hua Family branch arrived in the main city.

This time several gentlemen from the Hua family came, but they did not come directly to the Hua family. Instead, they stayed in a restaurant in the main city.

Soon, everyone in the main city knew that the Hua family had been completely severed from the Hua family branch.

Of course, the bosses of the Hua family will never take the initiative to tell the stupid things they have done. They will very easily accuse the Hua family of being indifferent to the branch, and even cry with snot and tears. Not only have I not received any light from the Hua family in these years, I was also kicked out by the Hua family when they were in glory.

 For a time, rumors spread in the main city.

Hua Yaoting certainly disdains these so-called rumors and should still go to court.

Just standing in the court hall, the gazes of the courtiers staring at his spine still made Hua Yaoting's face darken.

The third prince and his party even took the opportunity to say, "Your Majesty, there has been a lot of gossip in the main city recently. Although this is a family matter of the Hua family, it is not good for General Hua to ignore it for so long."

Another person said, "Since General Hua is upright and is not afraid of the shadow, it is better to find evidence to refute it. Otherwise, when this matter gets worse, even the imperial court will be smeared along with General Hua."

Prince Heshuo couldn't listen anymore. "What Mr. Sun said really made people laugh. Isn't it possible that the imperial court is afraid of a bunch of people messing around?"

"What Prince Heshuo said is wrong. There is so much commotion in the main city now. I heard that the descendants of the Hua family are going to be sent to the Yu family as companions. If this matter never calms down, I am afraid that there is no explanation for the Yu family. ?”

Yu Guanghui, who was standing at the front, showed no reaction even if his name was called.

 In recent years, Concubine Yu relied on her popularity in the harem and never took the Yu family seriously. Later, she found the Yu family to ease the relationship, which was also because the prince was gradually rising.

 Although it is a father-daughter relationship, the interests mixed in it have long diluted the family affection.

Just a few days ago, the Yu family lost more than forty lives because they followed Concubine Yu to eat melons. They were all people the Yu family had spent many years raising. How could Concubine Yu just give her a little money? flat?

Yu Guanghui knew very well that the third prince and his party wanted to drag him out to join the war, but now the emperor was becoming more and more suspicious, and he did not want to arouse the emperor's suspicion just to get a small profit from the Hua family.

Seeing that Yu Guanghui didn't speak, Zhou Chun secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If Master Yu spoke at this time, he would be unable to speak even if he wanted to help the Hua family. "Wei Chen feels that this matter is not that serious. As early as General Hua split up with his branch a few years ago, and now the Hua family branch is obviously making trouble. If the imperial court steps in to calm it down, the rumors will soon dissipate. "

Fan Zixiu, who was standing at the end of the team, saw that Zhou Chun, who had been with him before, was now helping Hua Yaoting to speak, and his face turned dark with anger. However, his position was too low now and he had no right to speak.

There were endless arguments in the court about the affairs of the Hua family, but Emperor Yongchang did not express his position for a long time.

No one dared to test the emperor's will again and again, and in the end they had no choice but to retreat. Hua Yaoting knew in his heart that the emperor's refusal to express his position was not because he was favoring the Hua family, but because he had just found someone to make trouble with the Hua family, and it was hard to open his mouth to make up for it now. However, the emperor's suspicion of the Hua family was still there, and the same was true. It is impossible for the court to stand up for the Hua family.

 In the Xijiao Mansion, everyone's expressions were not very good.

The Huajia branch was causing such trouble. Although most of the people watched the excitement, there were also people who helped the Huajia branch to speak indiscriminately. Especially the group of people who blocked the trouble in front of Fan Qingyao's carriage that day and talked to the Huajia branch all day long. The family is divided into groups, and now the Hua family has to be secretive even when they go out, for fear of causing something irreversible.

For this reason, the Wu family had to come to visit.

"You really agreed to let your children be the companions of the Yu family?" Mrs. Wu had heard that those who were the companions had to live under the oppression of their masters since childhood.

Wu Qiuzao looked at his mother and said, "The Crown Princess has decided on this matter, so my mother should stop talking about it."

"Even if it is the intention of the Crown Princess, this is too much." Mrs. Wu only thought that her daughter was afraid of the Crown Princess's identity. She had also seen the Crown Princess's methods before, and she even wanted to do it when she saw her. She was frightened, let alone her own daughter.

Wu Qiuzhuo said, "Mother, this is what I begged the Crown Princess to do."

The Wu family’s wives were all shocked.

Wu Qiuzao didn't want his mother to misunderstand the Crown Princess, so he told the story of the Hua family's demotion, and also expressed the emperor's suspicion, "When I was able to marry into the Hua family, it was all because of the Crown Princess's help. So, I can’t ignore emotions and reasons.”

"Are you saying that this incident has something to do with the emperor?" Madam Wu's expression changed, but that person was too high and mighty, so she didn't dare to say it.

Wu Qiuzao saw something was wrong with his mother's expression, "What does mother know?"

   Mrs. Wu, “…”

 She didn’t even know where to start!

"Your aunt's family came to visit a few days ago, and what your uncle said is completely different from what you said." Mrs. Wu's face gradually turned ugly. Although this son-in-law of the Wu family was not a high-ranking official, he still had a fifth-grade official title.

 What did this person say at that time?

Not only did he not say a word to the Hua family during the whole process, but he also accused the Hua family of being unkind and unjust, and sent Wu Qiuzhuo's children to the Yu family in order to help the Hua family gain wealth.

At that time, the two elders of the Wu family felt sorry for their daughter and grandson, so they gradually led them astray.

Thinking about it now, Madam Wu’s wife was so frightened that she broke into a cold sweat!

The emperor is afraid of the Hua family. Ordinary people naturally don't know about this kind of thing, but how can people who are officials in the court not know about it? Even a woman like Wu Qiuzhuo, who lives in the backyard, knows that elbows should not be turned outwards. How could a person who was living in official circles with a salary from the imperial court not understand this truth?

 But look at the son-in-law of the Wu family. He keeps making the Wu family hate the Hua family.

It was because of this son-in-law's instigation that Mrs. Wu was worried and came to visit her today.

 (End of this chapter)

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