The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 757: They all want to take a bite of Huajia

Chapter 757: Everyone wants to bite the Hua family

Wu Qiuzao didn't expect that there was such a secret, and his heart was beating wildly, "What did father say?"

"Your father has no idea, so he asked me to come and ask you..." Mrs. Wu's voice became lower and lower as she spoke. In the end, she lost her confidence. She lived most of her life in vain and almost fell into the hands of others. gun.

"That being the case, mother has nothing to worry about. She said a lot of nonsense about treating her as an uncle. If my uncle comes to visit again, mother will just ask her father to find a reason to disappear." Wu Qiuzhuo has never experienced this. I don’t know what to do about such a thing, I thought it would be less troublesome if we saw each other less often.

Mrs. Wu nodded, "Don't worry, your father and I will never hold you back."

Wu Qiuzao looked at his mother and nodded.

Neither of them looked very good, and no one expected that something like this would happen.

Mrs. Wu sat for a while, then stood up and left. Unexpectedly, she saw Fan Qingyao standing in the yard as soon as she went out.

"My wife, I have met the Crown Princess..." Mrs. Wu was so frightened that she originally wanted to kneel down to say hello, but unexpectedly her legs trembled and she almost fell to the ground.

Fan Qingyao stretched out his hand to support the person, "Mrs. Wu, there is no need to be polite."

Mrs. Wu stood up, but she couldn't lift her head. She didn't know how long the Crown Princess had been here and how much she had listened to what she just said.

Fan Qingyao couldn't see Mrs. Wu's panic, so she turned to look at Ninghan and said, "Go see Mrs. Wu off."

Mrs. Wu was shocked and thought she was hallucinating.

Fan Qingyao has not yet been married, but I heard that the emperor asked her to change her story. In the hearts of the people, this was already a legitimate crown princess.

Now the personal maid next to the Crown Princess sent her off in person, and the proud Mrs. Wu almost couldn't accept it.

So not only did the Crown Princess not blame her, but she was also trying to save her face?

Under such a comparison, Mrs. Wu really felt ashamed. Look at the princess's magnanimity and way of doing things, and then think about her own little belly...

Mrs. Wu can't think about it anymore. If she thinks about it any more, she might lose the confidence to live.

"Mrs. Wu, let's go." Ninghan thought about her natal mother, who was actually the eldest grandmother, and her words were still very polite.

Mrs. Wu nodded and hurriedly followed Ninghan out of the yard.

Fan Qingyao held up her skirt and entered the door under the maid's curtain.

In the house, Wu Qiuzao had already heard the sounds in the yard. When he saw Fan Qingyao entering the door, he was thinking about how to explain what just happened when he saw Fan Qingyao speaking first, "Don't worry, sister-in-law, even if someone is killed." It will take five years before he is sent to study. I will arrange everything in advance so that our family will not suffer. "

Wu Qiuzao didn't expect that Fan Qingyao didn't come in to ask questions. He was stunned for a long time before saying, "What happened just now..."

Fan Qingyao smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, you don't need to worry about what happened just now. Everyone pushed against the wall. Now the Hua family is on the cusp of the storm. There are too many people who want to overthrow the Hua family. But my sister-in-law is still in confinement. Don’t be too nervous.”

Wu Qiuzao nodded, "Okay."

Fan Qingyao sat by the bed, carefully checked Wu Qiuzao's pulse, and called the maid in the door. After giving careful instructions on what to pay attention to, he stood up and left.

Wu Qiuzao looked at Fan Qingyao's leaving figure with mixed feelings in his heart.

She knew that Fan Qingyao had worked hard to do this, so when her mother misunderstood, she would also be angry. If it had been anyone else, she would have cried in grievance, but looking at Fan Qingyao, she was actually much worse than She still needs to be calm.

Wu Qiuzao had heard his father say in the past that children who endure more hardships become stronger. He really didn't know how much hardship Fan Qingyao endured to become the calm and calm person he is today. Fan Qingyao doesn't feel that he is very distressed now.

These are debts she owed and should be repaid.

However, Fan Qingyao really underestimated Baili Rongze's methods. In order to make the Hua family miserable, he actually sent people to the Wu family, and even did such despicable ways to sow discord.

 I'm afraid that Fan Xuening's contribution should also be attributed to this.

Otherwise, a self-proclaimed and arrogant person like Baili Rongze would never be able to think of starting from the inner house.

 That being the case…

Then let’s fight.

Fan Qingyao calmed down and returned to the yard. Just when he wanted to call Ningtian and Langya over, he saw a dark mess entering the door, and spat a letter full of saliva on Fan. Qingyao's hand.

When Fan Qingyao opened it and took a look, his heart was shaken.

Now there is news in Nancheng and Fengcheng that the prince is about to go for review. In order to cause trouble, Baili Fengming has not shown up in the East Palace, as if he is ready at any time.

It is precisely because of this that Fan Qingyao never disturbed Baili Fengming. Unexpectedly, Baili Fengming, who was in the East Palace and ignored the world, was not idle...

Fan Qingyao looked at the things in his hands and quickly called Ningtian and Langya to come in. "You two must remember to spread the news in this letter, and then choose a quiet time to send these things to the Yamen."

 Langya and Ningtian nodded, took their things and left silently.

 In the afternoon of that day, news came out from the main city that the Hua family branch was relying on the Hua family to oppress the people in Pengcheng.

Several Hua family masters were still thinking about how to continue to expand the momentum, but unexpectedly they were overwhelmed by the rumors in the main city and couldn't recover.

Pengcheng is not too far from the main city, but it is not easy for news from Pengcheng to reach the main city. Now that such a gust of wind has blown into the main city, how can the Hua family masters not panic?

 This is clearly someone who did it on purpose!

The fourth old man of the Hua family was the one who couldn't sit still at first. "Now that the news about Pengcheng in the main city is serious, we might as well leave overnight. If we wait until things get serious, it will be too late to escape."

But the third old man of the Hua family said, "If we leave now, what about the other things? Before we came, the eldest brother collected hundreds of taels of banknotes from others. If we leave without getting anything done, wouldn't our efforts be in vain?" "

 “How long have you still cared about money, money, money?”

“We don’t care about money, what can we eat and drink?”

 In a private room in the restaurant, the third master and the fourth master of the Hua family were having a heated argument.

The eldest son of the Hua family yelled angrily, finally making Yajian calm down, "I didn't expect that the Hua family would be in a stalemate with us for so many days just to spread such news. Fortunately, there is no evidence, and the people in the main city are not fools. "

The third old man of the Hua family was startled, "What do you mean, eldest brother, that it was all the second brother who instigated this matter?"

The eldest man of the Hua family smiled coldly, "Who else could it be besides that cruel second son?"

 (End of this chapter)

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