The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 758: It's time to check, it's time to do something

Chapter 758: It’s time to check, it’s time to do something

Hearing this, the third old man of the Hua family almost lost his temper, "Second brother is really cold-blooded. Not only did he kick us out early, but later he even let Fan Qingyao, whose surname is not included, beat us again and again in Pengcheng. It’s pressure. Now we have just arrived in the main city and they are trying to drive us away!”

The fourth old man of the Hua family did not say anything this time, and he was also sulking in his heart.

They brothers were supposed to work together, but their fate was bad and they were not as promising as the second brother. At that time, they just wanted to get some glory, and the second brother was not even willing to do this.

The eldest grandpa of the Hua family snorted coldly, "Since the second brother doesn't care about family ties, don't blame us for being unkind. Let's go to the Yamen tomorrow to make a fuss."

"Brother, if we go to the Yamen, won't we be unhappy? If you ask me, we can just make a fuss in the main city." The fourth master of the Hua family obviously felt guilty. After all, many of the things they said were unfounded, especially among them. There are some slanderous elements.

"What are you afraid of? Didn't you hear what the person who found us said? Now is the time when the emperor doesn't like the Hua family. The more trouble we make, the colder the emperor's attitude towards the Hua family will be. Besides, we are just going It’s not like you really want to complain.”

When the eldest wife of the Hua family was in Pengcheng, he was severely punished by Fan Qingyao. Fan Qingyao pressed his old face and rubbed it on the ground several times. This time he finally caught an opportunity to make money and take revenge. The eldest wife of the Hua family can't wait to go to the Yamen now.

When the third wife of the Hua family mentioned Fan Qingyao, he was filled with hatred. "Brother is right, we will do this tomorrow. We are all from the Hua family anyway, and no one from the Yamen dares to ask us anything."

The Fourth Master nodded. It would be best if Fan Qingyao, the mourner, could learn some lessons.

After the elders settled the matter, they went back to sleep. They were waiting to go to the yamen door early tomorrow morning to beat drums and cause trouble. However, they did not expect that at dawn the next day, before they could set off, the Lord The people from Cheng Fengtian Mansion found them directly.

 The elders of the Hua family were all confused.

 “What do you want to do? We are a flower family!”

"Could it be that you have also been bribed by the flower families in the main city, and you actually want to slander us?"

“If you want to take us away, please provide evidence, otherwise we will never end with you!”

Fengtian Prefecture Yin, who was the leader to arrest people, had not spoken yet, but Tumo Xingzi was sprayed in the face one after another.

Wiping the saliva on his face, Fengtian Fuyin's expression also turned cold, "Fengtian Fuyin will never wrong any good person when doing things. Yesterday we received a complaint from someone and handed over some evidence. If you don't It’s embarrassing, so of course I’m willing to let you go.”

As soon as Fengtian Prefecture Yin waved, the officials behind him took a step forward and spread out the things in their hands. What was clearly displayed in front of everyone's eyes was evidence of all the evil things the Hua family had done in Pengcheng. Some papers, The time and place were clearly marked, and they could do anything from petty theft to serious crimes such as forcing girls into prostitution.

 The old ladies of the Hua family are no longer confused.

 Several old ladies in the Hua family started to feel nervous.

There are so many bad things that the Hua family has done in Pengcheng over the years. If they were asked to recall them one by one, even they themselves might not be able to recall them. However, there are a few major things on the paper that they can still recall a little bit. Get up.

It is precisely because of this that the elders of the Hua family have to be afraid!

These are the papers that the people of Pengcheng handed to Pengcheng back then. Later, they spent money to find connections and suppressed all these matters.

Pengcheng is small, so many things can be solved as long as you are willing to spend money.

It is precisely because of this that the things on these papers cannot withstand scrutiny.

 What the old men of the Hua family cannot figure out the most is how these things got into the hands of Fengtian Mansion.

Fengtianfu Yin didn't say anything when he saw the people in front of him. He just waved his hand and started arresting people. This time, the elders of the Hua family were frightened. They hurriedly asked for mercy, but Fengtian Prefecture Yin was not used to them. Oh, now that he has softened, what was he thinking when he just sprayed spit in his face?

Soon, several old ladies from the Hua family were taken away.

The Hua family has been in the spotlight recently, and Fengtian Prefecture Yin did not dare to neglect the matter. After several days and nights of review, he finally figured out the ins and outs of the matter.

In addition, several old men of the Hua family were greedy for life and afraid of death. They did not wait for the Fengtian Mansion to use torture. Said it over and over again.

Fengtian Prefecture did not expect that the matter would involve so many things. Someone clearly wanted to take the opportunity to slander the Hua family. However, Fengtian Prefecture Yin did not dare to take such a big responsibility and quickly wrote the whole story into the memorial.

Of course Emperor Yongchang knew that the Hua family was not peaceful recently, but he also looked on with a cold eye and wanted to see what the Hua family was hiding.

But now looking at the memorial from Fengtian Prefecture, it is obvious that someone saw his suspicion of the Hua family, so they wanted to take advantage of the situation and use his hand to get rid of the Hua family.

Once people involve their own interests, everything will naturally be different.

Emperor Yongchang never expected that even he would be tricked this time, and his hand holding the memorial had blue veins.

Bai Tu on the side looked at the emperor's face and wished he had fainted on the spot.

 “Bai Tu!”

 “The slave is here.”

"Publish my instructions and let Fengtian Mansion do everything in accordance with the regulations. If you dare to slander the imperial officials, I think they have really had enough!"

Bai Tu saw the emperor gnashing his teeth even when he spoke. He didn't dare to delay, so he sent the emperor's message to Fengtian Mansion that night.

Of course Fengtian Mansion does not dare to disobey the holy will. It should be investigated and dealt with.

 As for the elders of the Hua family...

This time I really can’t leave the main city.

Soon, the matter spread in the main city.

 The common people were filled with anger when they heard about this. They did not expect that the Hua family branch would be so shameless. They would just not help if something happened to their own family, and they would shamelessly take other people's money to try to slander...

 This is not something that humans can do!

It’s just that several old men of the Hua family have been imprisoned now. The people, squeezing and filled with anger and having nowhere to vent, thought of those who blocked the princess’s carriage before.


The common people volunteered and started a series of revenge plans. They smashed doors and windows and threw rotten eggs and rotten vegetable leaves into the yard, which frightened those who were only in the carriage of the princess.

 (End of this chapter)

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