Chapter 759 Another Laba

In the anger of the people, not to mention those who wanted to harm the Crown Princess and the Hua family, even the heirs of the Hua family were sent to the Yu family as companions, which became understandable. matter.

Even in the eyes of the common people, the heirs of the Hua family sent to the Yu family were promoted to contribute to and consider the future unity of the imperial court.

Faced with such changes in the situation, even Baili Rongze was a little panicked.

Originally, he wanted to take the opportunity to make his father more suspicious of the Hua family, but unexpectedly, it has now pushed the reputation of the Hua family to a new level. Baili Rongze thought about the manpower and material resources he had put in, and finally turned them into The stepping stone to pave the way for the Hua family is to be able to vomit out a mouthful of old blood.

Concubine Yu had a dark face all day long because of this.

However, the New Year's Eve was coming soon, and there were a lot of trivial matters in the palace. Concubine Yu had no choice but to go to Fengyi Palace every day to discuss various New Year's Eve matters with Queen Zhenxi.

Of course Queen Zhen Xi is not the kind of person who adds insult to injury. Faced with Concubine Yu's extremely dark face, even if she wanted to laugh, she would smile secretly in her heart. She still had a businesslike attitude on her face.

The more Empress Zhen Xi acted like this, the angrier Concubine Yu became, but she couldn't find any reason to vent her anger. She could only stand up and leave with a face as dark as the bottom of a pot after Empress Zhen Xi arranged the matters.

Queen Zhen Xi looked at Concubine Yu's glowing black appearance and said to Lily, "Concubine Yu has always been the best in the palace these years. I didn't expect that I would see Concubine Yu like this in my lifetime. Think about it. It’s really satisfying.”

Lily smiled and said, "The Crown Princess is smart, and the Queen is blessed."

Empress Zhen Xi smiled and nodded, "Xiao Qingyao is a good person. I feel relieved to have her accompany Fengming."

This day, the better it gets, the more enjoyable it will be.

“What’s going on with Concubine Liu Shu recently?” Queen Zhen Xi asked.

Lily lowered her voice and replied, "Recently, during the New Year period, Concubine Liu Shu often reports that the second prince's concubine is entering the palace, but Concubine Han Xian doesn't keep quiet either. Every time the second prince's concubine enters the palace, she will call people over."

"With too many sons and daughters, there will naturally be more things happening. It is obvious that Concubine Liu Shu wants to break up with Concubine Han Xian. In this case, we can just watch. If Concubine Liu Shu comes to me again during this period, help me block it." Let's go back."

The people's hearts in this palace are the most unpredictable. Concubine Liu Shu has been suppressed by Concubine Han Xian for so many years. She will never resist if she says she wants to. If Concubine Liu Shu really wants to surrender wholeheartedly, Queen Zhen Xi will not push her out, but if Concubine Liu really wants to surrender, she will not push her out. If she has any thoughts that she shouldn't have, Queen Zhen Xi won't tolerate them.

Now that Feng Ming and Xiao Qingyao are gradually getting better, she, as a mother, cannot hold back her child.

 As the new year approaches, things in the Hua family have finally calmed down for the time being.

Even the Yu family was afraid of becoming the target of public criticism. The old lady of the Yu family came to the Hua family with great fanfare and brought gifts, as if it was an honor for the Yu family to have an heir of the Hua family as her companion.

  The old lady of the Yu family, whom Tao Yuxian personally received, tacitly accepted the gift from the Yu family, and also returned the gift to the old lady of the Yu family in a similar amount.

No matter how the fight continues in the future, at least we still have to get along with each other on the surface.

They are both tailless foxes, so they can easily catch them when playing Liaozhai.

On the day of Laba, the Hua family had a difficult reunion dinner.

 At the dinner table, several daughters-in-law were chatting and laughing, making the whole flower hall burst into laughter.

Wu Qiuzhuo was well nourished during the confinement period. Not only did he not lose weight after confinement, but he gained some weight. He sat holding his son and listened to the elders chatting, and occasionally added a few words. The atmosphere was not too overwhelming. rapport.

On the other hand, the little thing in my arms couldn't understand anything. It looked incredulous when seeing the adults laughing. From time to time, it would raise its small fists, which were no bigger than cakes, in silent protest.

This scene really amused everyone.

Wu Qiuzao happened to take the opportunity to suggest, "Brother, don't you have a nickname yet? Please ask your grandfather and grandmother to give you a name."

In Xiliang, boys from wealthy families are generally not given names when they are young. They are given nicknames directly, so as not to be discovered by God and bring bad luck. To put it bluntly, it is easy to support them.

Tao Yuxian looked at his great-grandson with a look of indebtedness in his eyes. He was busy here and there some time ago, and in a blink of an eye, the child was already one month old. He didn't even have a nickname. After all, they were the elders. negligence.

Hua Yaoting's always been that the child should not be too delicate to support, so he thought about it and said, "Let's call him Brother Ren."

 The Art of War's Beginning Plan has something to say, ask for it, Zhiren, Fanmo. Zhiren, general, wisdom, trust, benevolence, courage, and strictness.

 Tao Yuxian, “…”

 How could this old guy name his child in the Art of War?

But before Tao Yuxian could open his mouth to refute, Brother Ren seemed to like the name very much, waving his fists and giggling.

Tao Yuxian had no choice but to agree helplessly.

After everyone had finished their meal, everyone got up and left. The two elders of the Hua family left Fan Qingyao behind.

Thinking about what happened a few days ago, Hua Yaoting couldn't help but angrily said, "It's just nonsense!"

The scene where Fan Qingyao was surrounded by a carriage that day is still vivid in his mind. If Fan Qingyao hadn't been eloquent and responded promptly, no one knows what the consequences would have been. Even thinking about it now, Hua Yaoting can't help but frown. wrinkle.

Fan Qingyao quickly knelt on the ground, "What my grandfather taught me is that my grandson has realized her mistake."

 “Are you really aware of your mistake?”

“I know I was wrong, but if I had to do it again, my grandson would do it again.”

 Hua Yaoting, “…”

If this was a kid, he would have to fight to death himself!

After resurrecting her life, Fan Qingyao was unwilling to deceive her grandfather and grandmother any more. Sending Brother Ren to the Yu family was the only way to save the Hua family. She had no way of considering the consequences at the time, but since she did so , she couldn't talk about any regrets.

 She said that in this life, she wants everyone to be well.

Hua Yaoting looked at Fan Qingyao's stubborn look, and it wasn't that he didn't feel hurt. It was precisely because of his heartache that he didn't want her to risk her life. But this child was just too stubborn. He really followed the Hua family's temper and made up his mind. The idea is that even ten cows cannot be pulled back.

"The past is over. Why bring it up again? It's the branches of the Hua family. How did you get that evidence?" Tao Yuxian motioned to Fan Qingyao to stand up and kneel on the ground in the cold weather. If he was frozen, he would Someone to talk to for reason.

 The old men from the Huajia branch were investigated and dealt with by Fengtian Prefecture half a month ago.

Three people were thrown into prison for five, seven or eight years. This time, they really lost their wives and lost their troops.

Although Fan Qingyao never mentioned this matter, Tao Yuxian knew that it must be Xiao Qingyao's handiwork, otherwise it would be such a coincidence that the people from the Hua family branch had just come to make trouble, and the evidence of the crime appeared in Fengtian Mansion ?

Fan Qingyao shook his head, "It's the prince."

Tao Yuxian and Hua Yaoting looked at each other, both of them indescribably surprised.

However, after being surprised, it would be a lie for the two of them to say that they were not happy. In today's troubled times, the higher a person stands, the less likely they are to have feelings. Now that the prince is taking action for the Hua family, it shows that he still cares about Xiao Qingyao.

When Prince Heshuo entered the door, he saw three people with six eyes in the flower hall, looking at each other speechlessly.

 Heshuo County Prince, "…"

 It has to be the right time?

 How about if he goes out again and comes in again?

Thinking like this, Prince Heshuo really turned around.

Hua Yaoting opened her mouth to stop the people, "You've already come in, why are you leaving?"

Prince Heshuo was in a hurry, so he didn't need to inform anyone. He was still a little embarrassed now, "The prince is out of the city today. I heard that he was going to Fengcheng first and then Nancheng, so I thought of coming over and saying something."

Fan Qingyao was stunned, "When did it happen?"

Prince Heshuo said, "A quarter of an hour ago, we were probably leaving the city soon..."

Before Prince Heshuo finished speaking, Fan Qingyao ran out of the door holding up his skirt.

 (End of this chapter)

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