Chapter 766 Who is the Heavenly Master?

It was only after the Empress’s reminder that Fan Qingyao remembered the existence of the so-called Heavenly Master.

"Mother, has the Heavenly Master always lived in the palace?" In the previous life, Fan Qingyao did not enter the palace many times. Even if he entered the palace later, he was imprisoned in the cold palace by Baili Rongze. As for the people in the palace, It can be said that she was completely unaware of the matter.

"After the New Year, the emperor will go to worship the ancestors as usual. In the past, when worshiping the ancestors, Jian Zheng of Qin Tian Jian would lead people to follow him. Unfortunately, at the end of last year, Jian Zheng of Qin Tian Jian was infected with wind and cold. Now, He is still cultivating in the mansion. In order not to delay the ancestor worship, the emperor invited a master from him. "

 “Is it really Fenghan who is the prisoner of Qintian Prison?”

"I also suspected that it was a coincidence at first, so I asked Ji Hongliao to pay more attention to it. Later, Ji Hongliao sent news that the prisoner of Qintian Prison was indeed infected with the wind and cold accidentally."

Fan Qingyao did not expect that the Queen had already paid attention to this matter. Since the master had testified, there was nothing to continue to worry about.

 “Have you ever seen the Empress Dowager Tian?”

“I heard that the Celestial Master is only staying in the palace temporarily, and he shouldn’t stay for a long time. However, the Emperor values ​​that Celestial Master very much and has placed him in front of the Emperor.”

 In this case, no one can see it except the emperor.

 Everything now is just Fan Qingyao's suspicion. After all, there is no real evidence, and Fan Qingyao doesn't want to trouble the Queen and let the Queen take the risk to find out something.

After dinner at Fengyi Palace, Fan Qingyao sat with the Queen for a while, then got up and left.

Back at the mansion, it was rare to be quiet. It was only when Fan Qingyao paid his respects to his grandfather and grandmother that he heard that ice lanterns were being built in the main city specifically for the people to watch on the 15th day of the year. The aunts and uncles wanted to have fun, so they came early Just went out to watch the fun.

Fan Qingyao accompanied his grandfather and grandmother to talk for a while. By the time he got up and left the main courtyard, it was already half an hour later.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he returned to the yard, he saw Chiwu rolling snowballs with Ta Xue in the yard.

Chi Wu wanted to protect the letter in his mouth, so he couldn't have fun with Ta Xue. When he saw Fan Qingyao coming over, he quickly spat out the letter in his mouth, and then he jumped and rolled with Ta Xue. A bunch.

Fan Qingyao took the letter into the house and read it carefully by candlelight. Most of it contained Baili Fengming's words of peace. Although the people in the two cities are not very friendly towards Baili Fengming now, fortunately, since After Baili Fengming arrived, there were no more missing persons in either Fengcheng or Nancheng.

Fan Qingyao knew in his heart that since Baili Rongze could encourage the two Zhangpings to block Baili Fengming's carriage, he would definitely spread the news back to the two cities that Baili Fengming had left Baili Fengming alone. It is reasonable for Ming to be repulsed.

It’s just that there has been no clue about the missing people in the two cities. The investigation on Baili Fengming’s side is also more difficult. I’m afraid I won’t be able to return to the main city in a short time.

Fan Qingyao is not in a hurry to urge Baili Fengming to come back. In order to find out the matter without arousing the emperor's suspicion and precaution, the best way is to work slowly and carefully.

Fan Qingyao wrote a reply to Baili Fengming, but after she finished writing, she discovered that there were two letters in one envelope!

When Fan Qingyao opened the second letter, his dark eyes obviously darkened.

This letter was written by Ji Yuze, but it was not written to Baili Fengming, but to Fan Qingyao. I am afraid that Ji Yuze was worried about causing complications, so he sent the letter to Baili Fengming first.

This letter was written very concisely. It mainly told Fan Qingyao that Su Shaoxi's cousin found an opportunity to accompany Tianyu to the mountain to collect medicine. However, he did not expect that the cousin actually wanted to push Tianyu off the cliff. Unexpectedly, Tianyu found out what he was thinking. As you can imagine, Su Shaoxi's cousin was pinned to the ground by Tianyu and beaten. Su Shaoxi took her cousin back to the main city that day. .

Ji Yuze and the cousin of the Su family are innocent. Of course, they are not afraid of Tian Yu's future settlement. After all, no one expected that Su Shaoxi's cousin could have such vicious thoughts.

Tianyu originally thought it was nothing serious and had no intention of telling Fan Qingyao, but Ji Yuze said that he was still a little afraid of Tianyu's third sister, so he wrote this letter to report that he was safe. Fan Qingyao, “…”

I really don’t know what to say.

I think that when Fan Qingyao met Su Shaoxi's cousin, he knew that she was restless, but she didn't expect that she had such thoughts in her heart. She was probably used to being pampered by the people in her family and could not get her. Started to be extreme.

 “Langya.” Fan Qingyao called Langya from outside and came in.

 The Wolf Fang came quickly, "Miss."

"In the past few days, keep an eye on the movement at the city gate. Once you see the Su family's carriage, please come directly to me, including the carriage and the people." Regardless of whether Tianyu suffered a loss or not, Fan Qingyao will have to pay for this. Just calculate it with Su Shaoxi.

  The fifth day of the Lunar New Year has passed, and half of the new year has passed.

  The princes and concubines, who had been going to the palace to pay their respects since the first day of the Lunar New Year, were finally able to breathe a sigh of relief and take a good rest in their respective mansions.

It's just that unlike all the princes and concubines who thanked God, Fan Qingyao, who had always been loved and doted on by Empress Zhenxi, didn't have much reaction. Instead, he felt a little lonely when he suddenly couldn't go into the palace to talk to the empress.

"Little miss." Nanny Xu walked in through the door and handed a post to Fan Qingyao.

Fan Qingyao was a little surprised when he saw the post sent by the second prince's palace. When he opened the post, he realized that it was the second prince's fetus whose fetal condition was not very stable, and he wanted to beg Fan Qingyao to come and have a look.

Human life was at stake, so of course Fan Qingyao couldn't delay, so he quickly changed his clothes and got into the carriage.

Qing Lan, the maid next to the second prince, had been waiting at the gate of the mansion early in the morning. When she saw the prince getting off the carriage, she greeted her respectfully, "My maid, please give your regards to the prince. Our prince is waiting for the prince inside. Princess, please follow me this way."

Fan Qingyao nodded and followed Qinglan across the threshold of the second prince's residence.

This second prince can be considered a relatively low-key one, and there is not much movement on weekdays. Now the mansion is also built in a very low-key manner. If you just look at the scenery, you can't imagine that this is a prince's mansion.

In the main courtyard, the second princess was sitting on the bed. When she saw Fan Qingyao entering the door, she quickly struggled to stand up and get off the ground, "Princess..."

Fan Qingyao took a few steps forward and pushed him back to the bed, "Just rest."

The second prince's concubine was stunned. She didn't expect that the prince's temper would be so good in private.

Fan Qingyao didn't explain anything. He took out the pulse pillow from the medicine box and carefully diagnosed the second princess's pulse. After a long while, he took back his hand and asked softly, "Have you not been sleeping well recently?"

 The second princess nodded, "I have a dream every night, and then I can't sleep."

Fan Qingyao looked at the expression of the second prince and concubine, his eyes were unfocused and his eyes were black and blue, it was obvious that he was mentally depressed due to too much pressure.

 (End of this chapter)

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