Chapter 767 Liao Yuwei’s appearance

When Fan Qingyao looked at the second princess, she was obviously reluctant to look at her. She avoided looking and lowered her head.

Fan Qingyao didn't care. She wasn't very familiar with the second princess. To put it bluntly, if the second princess hadn't taken the initiative to show her kindness that day when she was at Prince Pinglai's palace, she would never show up today. here.

Nowadays, the disputes in the imperial court are becoming more and more serious. The third prince and his party are going to any lengths to lure Baili Fengming into trouble. Baili Rongze’s vicious methods are also emerging one after another. Fan Qingyao certainly doesn’t want Baili Fengming to be involved in this situation. Sometimes I am distracted by other people.

 Therefore, if the second prince and the second prince’s concubine are willing to take the initiative to take sides, Fan Qingyao will certainly welcome them.

After carefully writing the prescription, Fan Qingyao called Qing Lan over and gave her detailed instructions. Even the daily taboos were given with a detailed list.

The second princess, who was sitting on the bed, looked at Fan Qingyao's back. Her dazed eyes gradually became filled with a layer of helplessness and confusion. However, when Fan Qingyao turned around, she regained her composure. The original appearance.

“Today’s events really caused trouble for the Crown Princess.” The Second Princess thanked Fan Qingyao sincerely while having someone serve tea to Fan Qingyao.

Fan Qingyao sat on a chair not far away and said softly, "We are all sisters-in-law, so there is no need to be so polite. But what trouble has the second prince and concubine encountered recently?"

The second princess seemed not to expect that the princess would ask such a question, and her body froze.

Fan Qingyao seemed not to have seen it. He paused and said, "The second princess's fetal image is weak, but it does not come from the outside but from the inside. If the second prince and concubine cannot adjust her mood well, if things go on like this, I'm afraid... I have been lying on the bed to protect my pregnancy.”

 Pregnancy is inherently a matter of feeding the body, so the mother’s body needs adequate nutrition and a good mood.

“It’s just that I got into trouble on my own, and it made the Crown Princess worried.” The Second Princess’s eyes flickered, obviously not wanting to continue.

Seeing this, Fan Qingyao didn't ask any more questions. He stood up and said, "In that case, I won't disturb the second prince and concubine. The second prince and concubine is good at giving birth and raising children."

The second princess didn't expect Fan Qingyao to stand up and leave. She clenched the quilt tightly in her anxiety. Just as she was about to speak to stop him, she heard a movement in the yard.

Soon, the curtain was lifted.

Immediately afterwards, a young woman walked through the door accompanied by her maid.

Fan Qingyao, who was about to leave, was heading towards the door. The moment he saw the woman's face, his pupils trembled violently.

 Liao Yuwei…

Why is she here!

At this time, the second prince's concubine had also got off the bed, walked to Fan Qingyao with her clothes on, and said with a smile, "This is Aunt Liao in the mansion. The family is engaged in the business of medicinal materials. The second prince went out some time ago. When I went to Huguo Temple to pray, the carriage was almost buried by the snow on the mountain. Fortunately, Aunt Liao passed by in time and saved the safety of the second prince..."

Even if the second prince and concubine did not continue to say the rest, Fan Qingyao understood that it was precisely because of the grace of saving his life that the second prince married the woman.

 It’s true that all the dream scenes of rescuing people will appear in Huguo Temple.

 I think it was the old lady of the Zhou family.

Now it's the second prince's turn... But Fan Qingyao didn't believe a word of what the second prince and concubine said.

 After all, she had dealt with Liao Yuwei countless times in her last life.

At that time, Liao Yuwei was not the aunt of the second prince, but the aunt of Baili Rongze!

Because of Concubine Yu's selfishness and Fan Xuening's fanning the flames, before Baili Rongze ascended the throne, although Fan Qingyao was recognized by everyone as the third prince's concubine, she never married into the third prince's mansion.

As the princes in the palace got married one after another, Baili Rongze, who had always been alone in the palace, became extremely eye-catching. In order to silence everyone, Concubine Yu and Concubine Yu did not allow Fan Qingyao to find a third wife to marry in advance. The reason for the Prince's Mansion was to send Liao Yuwei to the Third Prince's Mansion first and become Baili Rongze's Aunt Liao.

 The contact in the previous life was naturally unpleasant.

It was also at that time that Fan Qingyao was stupid and suffered losses at Liao Yuwei's hands several times. It was Liao Yuwei's interference that made Fan Qingyao's idea of ​​marrying to the third prince's mansion even longer.

Fan Qingyao now thinks about it. In his last life, he was not only stupid but also a fool. In order to prevent Liao Yuwei from stealing his limelight in front of Baili Rongze, he listened to Fan Xuening's words and forced and incited his grandfather and uncles to join Baili Rongze. Rongze and the entire Hua family have become Baili Rongze's pawns.

Later, Baili Rongze sat on that chair, and Liao Yuwei was canonized as Concubine Liao.

After Fan Qingyao was completely left to fend for herself in the cold palace by Baili Rongze, Fan Xuening spent the whole day thinking of various ways to torture her, and every time after Fan Xuening left, Liao Yuwei would come and ridicule her.

Fan Qingyao always thought that Liao Yuwei's marriage to Baili Rongze was just an accident. Concubine Yu tried every means to prevent her from marrying Baili Rongze in advance. Even if there was no Liao Yuwei, there would be someone else, but now looking at the station Fan Qingyao felt that Liao Yuwei was in the second prince's residence, as if she had made things simple.

The person who was married to Baili Rongze in the previous life suddenly married the second prince...

If there is no reason for this, Fan Qingyao certainly doesn't believe it.

"I heard that the second princess was in poor health, so I wanted to come and visit her. I didn't expect that the princess was there, but I was abrupt." Liao Yuwei smiled sweetly, just like in her previous life, she was a perfectly hidden viper. beauty.

The second prince's concubine also smiled and said, "The prince's medical skills are well known to everyone in the main city. It's my own initiative to talk about it. Fortunately, the prince is willing to reward me with some thin noodles."

"It's just a casual job. There is no need to be polite, Second Prince and Concubine. It's getting late and I have other things to do. I just want the Second Prince and Concubine to have a good rest." Fan Qingyao didn't want to stay here anymore.

In her last life, Concubine Yu had long been involved with the Liao family, and I think it will be the same in this life.

But a person who was once married to Baili Rongze now appears in the second prince's house. What does this mean?

This meant that the second prince had already sided with Baili Rongze. Although Fan Qingyao still couldn't figure out why Concubine Yu suddenly changed her mind and sent Liao Yuwei to the second prince's side, since she was obviously not from the same group as the second prince, They stopped wasting each other's time.

 As the saying goes, it’s not enough to say anything without speculation.

When Liao Yuwei saw Fan Qingyao coming over, her face turned pale and her eyes turned red. She stood at the door with a look of panic and innocence, but she didn't mean to give in. "But I've made the Crown Princess unhappy." , I know that with my status, I am not qualified to appear in front of the Crown Princess. I really don’t know that the Crown Princess is coming, and I hope that the Crown Princess will calm down. "

This pitiful appearance is really hard to explain.

 (End of this chapter)

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