Chapter 768: Taking action at the first sign of disagreement

Fan Qingyao glanced at Liao Yuwei, then withdrew his gaze calmly and looked at the second princess behind him, "I have long heard that the second princess has the best temper among my sisters-in-law, but it's good to be together, there are some rules It is still necessary to establish it in advance. Most of the concubines are of low status and do not understand the rules. But once this matter is spread, the entire Second Prince's House will be embarrassed. "

Liao Yuwei felt a bad breath in her chest, and her face turned blue.

 Who is said to be of low status?

 She was invited to the second prince’s residence!

The second prince had already experienced the Crown Princess's acrimony, but now that it happened to him, he realized how bitter it was. "What the Crown Princess taught me is that from now on, I will definitely discipline the people around me."

Fan Qingyao nodded and walked out the door again. This time he didn't even look at Liao Yuwei.

In the last life, as the third prince concubine beside Baili Rongze, she had to deal with Liao Yuwei, but in this life, no matter which house Liao Yuwei was an aunt in, she was just a maid in front of her. She was just a concubine who had no place on the stage. Of course Fan Qingyao would not give Liao Yuwei any face.

The second princess looked at Fan Qingyao's back as he left, and the smile on his face was a bit unbearable. Not to mention Liao Yuwei, her face was almost ugly to a certain extent, her eyes were glowing red, and she was obviously suppressing her anger. of.

However, Liao Yuwei's expression was bad, but before Fan Qingyao left the house, she spoke again, "I offended the Crown Princess because of my bad health. I will personally **** the Crown Princess out now."

As he said that, the man took the maid and chased him out.

Qing Lan looked at Liao Yuwei's arrogant look and was about to get angry. "This Aunt Liao takes herself too seriously. She walked out on her own without even waiting for the Second Princess to tell her!"

Thinking about everything that had just happened, the second prince's concubine felt weak. She leaned on Qinglan and sighed, "In this mansion, what do I, the second prince's concubine, mean?"

Qinglan looked at the second prince's face and felt very distressed, "Second prince, I should not say this. The prince is a good person and she really cares about your health. You really want to Let Aunt Liao go through such trouble..."

 “Qinglan!” The second prince’s concubine interrupted.

Qing Lan was startled, as if she realized that she had said something wrong, and quickly lowered her head.

The second princess looked at Qing Lan, and after a long while she lowered her voice and said, "This matter is not something you and I can get involved in. If we want to continue to live a stable life, we must learn to keep our mouths shut."

Hearing this, Qinglan could only nod obediently.

Liao Yuwei hurried out of the yard and quickly chased in the direction of Fan Qingyao.

She had long heard that the Crown Princess was not easy to get along with, but so what. In the final analysis, it was not good luck that led her to where she is today. If she had such luck, Fan Qingyao would be fine. what.

Having finally caught up with Fan Qingyao, Liao Yuwei spoke again, "Please stay back, Princess. I really don't know where I bumped into the Princess. Please tell me frankly, I will definitely change..."

Fan Qingyao felt sick as he listened to Liao Yuwei's voice behind him, and his steps would not stop.

From the moment she opened her eyes in this life, many things have been changed. It was because of her negligence that she completely forgot about Liao Yuwei.

  Calculating carefully, Liao Yuwei in her previous life should not marry Baili Rongze until next year.

  Now the birth is actually one year earlier, and the person she is marrying is also different.

Fan Qingyao frowned slightly. It seemed that she really needed to think about what happened in her previous life and who might appear, so that she could take precautions in advance.

Just as I was thinking about it, I saw a hanging flower gate appearing in front of me.

Fan Qingyao walked over without thinking. If she remembered correctly, after exiting this door and passing through the veranda in front, she could see the main entrance of the second prince's residence. Suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps behind him.

Immediately afterwards, Liao Yuwei, who was originally walking behind, rushed to Fan Qingyao's side.

Because the Weeping Flower Gate was originally narrow, and Fan Qingyao had no intention of stopping and waiting for Liao Yuwei, as soon as Liao Yuwei rushed over, the two of them were crowded at the Weeping Flower Gate.

Fan Qingyao smelled the rouge smell on Liao Yuwei's body, and his stomach turned with nausea. He subconsciously wanted to turn sideways, but to his surprise, Liao Yuwei fell to the ground first.

Everything happened too suddenly. By the time the maid caught up with her, Liao Yuwei had already fallen to the ground.

The ground in winter was cold and hard, and Liao Yuwei almost lost her breath after such a fall. When she raised her eyes to look at Fan Qingyao, tears started flowing out, "I know that the Crown Princess looks down on me. Regarding my status, I have always wanted to make amends with the Crown Princess. If the Crown Princess is dissatisfied with anything, she can tell me, and I am willing to change. I know that the Crown Princess has a noble status, but the Crown Princess cannot just take action just because she says it..."

This pot buckle is really a bit big.

Very few people passed by this hanging flower gate. When the accident just happened, there were only Fan Qingyao, Liao Yuwei, and the maid next to Liao Yuwei. Now Liao Yuwei insists that it was Fan Qingyao who did it. Even if Fan Qingyao is covered in mouth, how can he do it? Make it clear?

Liao Yuwei's tears were still flowing, but there was a cold smile deep in her eyes.

Even the maid next to Liao Yuwei looked aggrieved and said, "Princess, why did you hit my aunt?"

 This makes Fan Qingyao unable to fight back at all.

If it were before, Fan Qingyao might really be helpless and angry.

 Because as early as in the last life, Fan Qingyao didn't know how many losses he had suffered due to Liao Yuwei's double-dealing methods.

 But in this life, Fan Qingyao is not that easy to talk to.

Seeing Liao Yuwei and the maid next to him beating each other one by one, the crown princess was the one who started it. Fan Qingyao took a deep breath and walked in the direction of Liao Yuwei.

  Raise your hand, then drop it heavily.

“Pop!” Along with a crisp sound, a red handprint suddenly appeared on Liao Yuwei’s fair face.

 Liao Yuwei and the maids beside her were stunned.

What the hell!

The maid next to Liao Yuwei reacted quite quickly. She got up and ran towards the yard of the second princess, obviously to move reinforcements.

Fan Qingyao looked at Liao Yuwei who was lying on the ground coldly, then turned and left.

 Liao Yuwei, “…”

 Is this the Crown Princess?

This is a bandit!

Even the bandits are not as arrogant as her, right? !

 (End of this chapter)

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