Chapter 769 Isn’t it just frame-up?

"I know that the Crown Princess has always disliked me, but I still begged the Crown Princess to give me a reason. After all, I am the aunt in the second prince's house. The Crown Princess left as soon as she said she would. When the second prince comes back, I will be there again. How should I explain to the second prince?" Liao Yuwei cried. She couldn't let Fan Qingyao leave so easily, and she even moved out to put pressure on the second prince.

Hearing this, Fan Qingyao turned around and looked down at Liao Yuwei, who was much shorter than him. "I'll hit you if I hit you. What other reason do I need?"

 Liao Yuwei, “…”

  I don’t believe there are really such arrogant people in this world!

It was the Second Princess who was following Maid Liao Yuwei who was walking here. Hearing these words, her feet felt weak and she almost tripped to the ground. The words of the Princess were really getting more and more annoying!

After quickly sorting out her thoughts, the second prince and concubine hurriedly came over and asked, "What on earth happened?"

"I just wanted to send the Crown Princess out of the house, but I didn't expect that the Crown Princess actually knocked me down on purpose. I don't know what made the Crown Princess unhappy. I wanted to ask for a reason, but I didn't expect that the Crown Princess was... Give me a slap..." Liao Yuwei said, even showing half of her face to the second prince and concubine.

 The second prince’s concubine, “…”

  Inexplicably, it’s easy to relieve one’s anger.

But my heart felt refreshed, but the second princess didn't dare to show anything, especially under Liao Yuwei's gloomy gaze. She could only look at Fan Qingyao helplessly and said, "I'm the one who invited the princess to visit today." "If the Crown Princess feels unhappy, you can tell me. There is no need to teach Aunt Liao herself."

This is very interesting to say.

It's not surprising that Liao Yuwei is an aunt, but it's completely different to have the name of the Second Prince's Mansion.

At the least, this is because Fan Qingyao doesn't take the second prince seriously. If at worst, it means he is looking down on his son and grandson!

Fan Qingyao could see the reluctance on the second prince's face, and even the helplessness hidden in her eyes. But no matter what the reason was, as long as the second prince helped Liao Yuwei, he was standing by her. opposite. Since they are enemies, Fan Qingyao certainly doesn't need to show any kindness.

"I did bump into that person, and I also hit him." Fan Qingyao said.

The second princess was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't expect the princess to admit it so happily.

 After all, she had seen Fan Qingyao being a scumbag. Now that she admits it like this, it is completely different from Fan Qingyao's past style.

 Could it be that he couldn't survive the struggle and simply broke the jar?

Liao Yuwei sneered in her heart. Sure enough, she said that Fan Qingyao was not that great.

The second princess knew that Liao Yuwei had made things happen like this. The problem was that the princess had no evidence, but on the surface she still needed to ask as usual, "But why did the princess..."

“Because Aunt Liao from the Second Prince’s Mansion is disrespectful to me.”

Hearing this, the second princess turned to look at Liao Yuwei.

Liao Yuwei didn't expect Fan Qingyao to be so stubborn at this time, and said with red eyes, "I have always been respectful to the Crown Princess. I really don't know what made the Crown Princess angry and made the Crown Princess treat me like this."

Fan Qingyao looked at Liao Yuwei's pretentious virtues and said with a calm expression, "Just now, Aunt Liao not only wanted to block the way out without permission to stop me, but she even insulted me incessantly that I was a Sangmen star and was not worthy of Xiliang. The Crown Princess.”

 Liao Yuwei was stunned.

She thought that Fan Qingyao would be a tough talker, but she didn't expect that Fan Qingyao would be so smooth-talking!

“I never said that, why would the Crown Princess slander me so much?”

"Who can give proof to Aunt Liao?"

 Liao Yuwei, “…”

 She always felt that the development of the situation was slowly getting out of her control.

"I can prove that I have been with Aunt Liao all the time. Aunt Liao never said what the Crown Princess said just now. How can the Crown Princess be so unreasonable? Not only did she beat Aunt Liao, but now she even wants to slander her. ? "The maid next to Liao Yuwei said, 'Poof! ’ He knelt on the ground with a cry. Fan Qingyao glanced at it casually, "Who are you?"

The maid bit her lip and said, "As for the Crown Princess, I am the maid next to Aunt Liao."

Fan Qingyao laughed after hearing this, "Since you are close to Aunt Liao, you have to help her speak. But I didn't expect that being a slave would be so bold now. You would tell any lie for the sake of the master." Dare to pull it off.”

The maidservant was extremely angry, "How can the Crown Princess be so slanderous?"

Fan Qingyao turned to look at the second prince and concubine, "My aunt slandered me, but now even the servants around my aunt dare to yell at me like this. It doesn't matter that the second prince and concubine didn't see me just now. I think now the second prince The concubine should have seen clearly. If Aunt Liao hadn't always been disrespectful to me, how could she dare to be so presumptuous with a slave next to her."

The maidservant was stunned on the spot. She was obviously furious, but she didn't dare to speak easily again.

When things have developed to this point, Liao Yuwei is also a little numb. Today, the second prince she instigated called Fan Qingyao, just to meet Fan Qingyao for a while and see how capable he is, but she didn't expect that now she It was Fan Qingyao who bit him back.

 The most hateful thing is!

In order to silence Fan Qingyao, Liao Yuwei deliberately picked a deserted place when she bumped into Fan Qingyao. Unexpectedly, she had shot herself in the foot.

Fan Qingyao has no evidence to explain why he pushed her. Does she have evidence to prove that Fan Qingyao is slandering her?

Absolutely not!

Now faced with Fan Qingyao's groundless slander, Liao Yuwei is completely powerless to resist!

Fan Qingyao took in Liao Yuwei's expression with a calm expression.

Isn't it just a frame-up? It's like no one can do it.

The second princess looked at the speechless Liao Yuwei, but she was not so surprised.

This familiar recipe, familiar taste...

 Sure enough, she is still the princess who always hits hard when she takes action!

"I know that the Second Prince's Concubine has always had a good temper and doesn't like to cause trouble, but the people in the mansion still need to be disciplined. Otherwise, if all the cats and dogs come running to the house, the Second Prince's Residence will really become a laughing stock. "Fan Qingyao could see the helplessness in the eyes of the second princess. Although she didn't want to ask too much, there was no need for her to really break up with the second princess.

A flash of surprise flashed in the eyes of the second prince's concubine, and it took a long time before she said, "That's what the princess said."

 Compared with the princess's size, she is really...

Fan Qingyao turned his eyes to Liao Yuwei again, "Isn't it cold, Aunt Liao, sitting on the ground all the time?"

 Liao Yuwei, “…”

She didn’t even speak, what else did she want to do!

Liao Yuwei looked at Fan Qingyao, who was condescending, and her teeth itched with hatred. However, when things got to this point, she really had no way to get back on her feet. She could only lower her head and said, "Princess, please calm down. I will teach you what happened today." ”

Seeing that Liao Yuwei had given up, the second princess felt relieved. She looked at Liao Yuwei's maid and said, "Why are you still dazed? Hurry up and help your aunt up."

The maid next to Liao Yuwei was full of unwillingness. If she really helped Aunt Liao to stand up like this, wouldn't the suffering she just suffered just be in vain?

 (End of this chapter)

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