Chapter 774: Got stuck on the road!

 During this period, the emperor came to the harem very frequently and showed up almost every night. In the past few days, Queen Zhen Xi could see the emperor every day, so how could she detect the changes in the emperor.

But since Baili Fengming went to Fengcheng, Queen Zhen Xi, in order to create extra trouble, directly lied and said that her son Si Xi had been recuperating in Fengyi Palace. It was during this period of seclusion that she discovered the emperor's amazing changes.

 How old was the emperor twenty years ago?

 How old is the emperor this year?

 A man who was over fifty suddenly turned into a middle-aged man. How could Queen Zhenxi not be shocked and frightened?

 This is no longer a matter of mentality, this is outrageous!

Fan Qingyao, who was supporting the Empress, could feel the strength of the Empress holding the back of her hand.

 In fact, not to mention the empress, even she was greatly shocked when she looked at the emperor like this.

When refining the spirit blood pill, Fan Qingyao only added a small drop of his own blood. After all, it was just to fool the emperor, and he only wanted to let the emperor see the effect, not to really change anything.

So now, facing the emperor's counterclockwise changes day by day, Fan Qingyao is sure that it has nothing to do with Lingxue Pill.

At this time, the person following Emperor Yongchang was not Bai Tu, but a very handsome man. He was dressed in a green robe and had a handsome face. From a distance, he looked bookish.

The man also saw Fan Qingyao and was not surprised. Instead, he nodded and smiled lightly.

Seeing this, Fan Qingyao frowned even more tightly.

There are many people in front of the emperor, but there are only a few who can gain the emperor's trust and stay with the emperor.

Although I can't say that I know all of them, Fan Qingyao at least looks familiar to them.

 This man obviously knew her.

 But Fan Qingyao was sure that she did not know this person.

 So, the problem arises.

How did this man know her and greet her so easily?

 “I, my concubine, pay my respects to the Queen.”

 “I have seen the Queen.”

Two greetings were suddenly heard from behind. Fan Qingyao turned around with the Queen and saw Concubine Liu Shu and Concubine Han Xian walking over with the second princess.

Empress Zhen Xi raised her hand to signal the two of them to stand up, "Concubine Liu Shu and Concubine Han Xian do not need to be polite. Before leaving the palace, the emperor specifically told them to relax today. The princess is filial and specially brought me to a place with few people to take a good look at the ice lantern."

To put it more clearly, you two are disturbing me from enjoying the scenery.

Concubine Liu Shu quickly smiled and said, "The Queen is so lucky. The Crown Princess is indeed filial. Unlike the Second Prince, who walked a few steps with the concubines and then left to chat with the other princes."

Concubine Han Xian also followed, "This man just doesn't want to get together with us women. Just now I saw the emperor coming out to relax. I thought that such a day should be for the emperor and the empress to go together. It is the empress who is virtuous and generous. Otherwise, how can those low-class people be lucky enough to worship the Emperor Long Zi?"

Hearing this, Han Jingchen really wanted to roll up his sleeves and hit someone!

Originally, it was quite heartless for the emperor to abandon the empress and go out alone to flirt with women. It was understandable that Concubine Han Xian watched the excitement with a cold eye, but it was a bit shameless to come here to add insult to injury, right?

 What do you mean by inferior goods?

Does this mean that the Queen is worse than a low-grade commodity?

Fan Qingyao glanced at Han Jingchen calmly. Concubine Han Xian was going too far, but they couldn't break the rules, otherwise they would still be the queen's face.

Besides, Fan Qingyao didn't think that Concubine Han Xian could really get any advantage from the Queen.

“I remember that Concubine Han Xian is also an old man in the palace.” Queen Zhen Xi asked with a half-smile. Concubine Han Xian smiled and said, "The Queen has a good memory, and it has been fifteen years since I entered the palace."

Empress Zhen Xi smiled and said, "Since I have been in the palace for so many years, why is there no movement in my stomach?"

 The smile on Concubine Han Xian's face paused. The Queen was obviously exposing her scars!

"I remember that Concubine Han Xian had a restless temper when she entered the palace. She was fine when she was young. But as she gets older, Concubine Han Xian should pay more attention to herself. What she robs will never be hers. Concubine Han Xian, do you think this is true?"

If Concubine Han Xian really had a child of her own, even if it was just a princess, she would not go out of her way to compete with Concubine Liu Shu for a child that did not fall out of her own belly!

But what can Concubine Han Xian do? She has not been favored by the emperor since she entered the palace. She has been in the palace for fifteen years, which sounds good. If you carefully count the number of times she has stayed in bed, you can count it with one slap. Empress Zhenxi is now talking about this matter. , clearly stabbing her in the heart.

"Nothing is trivial or inferior. Not to mention Concubine Han Xian, even I can't decide. As long as the emperor likes it, he is the one favored by the emperor. Concubine Han Xian said this today in front of me. Forget it, if it reaches the ears of the emperor, even the second prince may be implicated." After Queen Zhen Xi finished speaking, she left with Fan Qingyao and Han Jingchen.

If you want to see her jokes, you also need to see if you are strong enough.

It is true that the emperor is her man, but he is also all the men in the harem, but he is just holding a snatched son and still showing off like this all day long. If such a person does not tear off her face and rub it on the ground, she will Don't even know what pain is.

The second prince and concubine looked at the Queen’s leaving figure in astonishment, her mind blank.

 To be shocked.

"What are you doing standing here stupidly? Do you think you can get better if I'm not good?" Concubine Han Xian glanced at Concubine Liu Shu coldly, and immediately left with the second prince and concubine.

 Liu Shufei clenched her handkerchief angrily, but had no choice but to keep up.

 At present, she does not have the capital to fall out with Concubine Han Xian.

Han Jingchen was so excited that his whole body was trembling. Starlight shone in his eyes when he looked at the Queen. Sure enough, it was different to have a powerful mother-in-law. With the Queen's aura and courage just now, no concubine in this harem could. Comparable.

Empress Zhen Xi felt uncomfortable all over when Han Jingchen looked at her, "The Sixth Prince and Concubine may as well speak directly if they have anything to say."

 Han Jingchen, “…”

 I just wanted to ask if you have any other sons.

Fan Qingyao looked at Han Jingchen's nymphomaniac look and knew that this man might be thinking of something far-fetched. Seeing that there were suddenly more pedestrians on the street, she quickly held the Queen's arm tightly, but still After walking a few steps, the crowd in front stopped.

There was a lot of commotion in front, and I didn’t know what was going on.

Han Jingchen hurriedly went to the front to check, and after a while he came back and said, "I heard there was a fight."

Fan Qingyao nodded and carefully protected the Queen by his side. He just wanted to wait for the crowd in front to disperse quickly so that he could take the Queen out of here quickly.

"Where there are many people, there is right and wrong, so you two don't need to worry." Queen Zhen Xi said softly.

Han Jingchen nodded and whispered to the Queen to pass the time.

Fan Qingyao suddenly held Han Jingchen's hand, "That's not right!"

Han Jingchen was stunned, "What's wrong?"

Fan Qingyao glanced at the crowd around him, "Have you not noticed that there are more and more people fighting?"

 (End of this chapter)

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