Chapter 775 The fight started!

  After what Fan Qingyao said, Han Jingchen also discovered that something was wrong.

It was just a dispute between a few people, but now half the street is shouting non-stop.

Thinking of this, Han Jingchen's face turned pale.

"Hurry up! Send mother back to the carriage first!" Fan Qingyao supported the queen and walked quickly towards the other side of the street with Han Jingchen.

Han Jingchen did not dare to say any more and hurriedly followed Fan Qingyao.

At the same time, the other concubines and princesses seemed to have noticed something was wrong, and they were also walking back and forth in the same hurry, especially Concubine Liu Shu and Concubine Han Xian. It’s not an exaggeration.

Fan Qingyao supported the Queen and walked quickly. He always felt that something was wrong today. The people of Xiliang believed in the word auspiciousness most. Even his grandmother often said that if the New Year is not going well, the year will be bad. , so on a special day like today, even if you really have trouble with others, you won’t argue in person.

 Suddenly, a burst of noisy footsteps approached from far away!

  Immediately afterwards, screams rang out from the streets that were not noisy at first!

Fan Qingyao and others looked back and saw a large number of people rushing in towards the street. They were all wearing ordinary people's coarse linen clothes, but their faces were covered tightly, and the broad swords in their hands were in the moonlight. The color shone with a frightening light.

These people beat the common people when they see them, regardless of gender!

The people on the street were frightened and panicked. Women screamed and children cried one after another.

Looking at this scene, Queen Zhen Xi's face paled a bit. She looked forward and saw that there was still some distance from the street where the carriage was parked. She hurriedly dragged Fan Qingyao and Han Jingchen to continue walking forward.

However, the sound of chaotic footsteps followed behind him, approaching step by step!

Fan Qingyao knew that even if the Empress wore ordinary clothes when she went out of the palace, she seemed to be much more low-key than inside the palace, but as long as she stood among the people, she would still be the most prominent one.

With this thought, she quickly took off her cloak and wrapped it around the Queen's shoulders. Then she took off the golden hairpin from the Queen's head and put it on her own head.

By chance, at this moment, footsteps were approaching behind him. Fan Qingyao pushed Han Jingchen away and suddenly turned around and walked in the other direction.

Han Jingchen looked at this scene in a daze, his eyes red.

Even if she is a lady raised in a high-ranking family, she does not understand everything. Since these troublemakers attack the common people indiscriminately, then those who are well-dressed will naturally attract their attention even more. Fan Qingyao simply wants to You have to use yourself to lure the wolf!

Queen Zhen Xi was also shocked, but compared to Han Jingchen, she calmed down quickly. Seeing that Fan Qingyao was walking quickly away, she quickly pulled Han Jingchen and continued walking to the street.

Xiao Qingyao was put in danger, how could they stand there in a daze and let her hard work be in vain!

The most prosperous street in the main city is already in chaos at this moment. The ice sculptures that the imperial court spent a lot of money to build have already been torn to pieces. The streets are in such a mess that it is unbearable to look at them.

Fan Qingyao lowered his head and walked along the moat street toward the deep alley.

“Princess, Princess, you are here!” Along with a sharp shout, a figure was seen approaching Fan Qingyao quickly.

Fan Qingyao took a closer look and saw that it was Fan Xuening!

With Fan Xuening's shouting, the people who were causing trouble on the street were attracted. Almost instantly, a dozen masked people rushed towards Fan Qingyao's location.

At the same time, Fan Xuening stood in front of Fan Qingyao panting, took Fan Qingyao's hand and said, "I also got separated from the others. Fortunately, I met the Crown Princess. Let's leave quickly."

It was nice to say that we should go together, but the surrounding roads had already been blocked by masked men, so where were we going?

 The surrounding people heard someone calling the princess, and they also ran towards this side.

Even if the people in the yamen don't care about their lives, do they still care about the life of the princess? People are like this. When they encounter danger, they always hope to find someone to rely on.

 At once, people from all sides crowded towards Fan Qingyao, and soon the crowd gathered into a dark mass.

Fan Xuening kept holding Fan Qingyao's hand, "Well, what should we do?"

This kind of Fan Xuening is innocent, pitiful, and always looks innocent and harmless.

 It was as if she had really unintentionally brought the person here, and she was just a good sister who wanted to be with her sister when she was in danger.

But this face can fool everyone, but not Fan Qingyao.

Especially the selfishness, cruelty, and ever-scheming cunning hidden under this skin are even more familiar to Fan Qingyao, but Fan Qingyao knows better that this is not the time to get entangled with Fan Xuening and get rid of her. His hands wanted to get out from the gap in the crowd.

Fan Xuening gritted her teeth and followed Fan Qingyao. As the surrounding people and the masked men were getting more and more crowded, she suddenly reached out and pushed Fan Qingyao on the back.

At this time, Fan Qingyao was standing by the moat. Facing the push from behind, her body instinctively rushed forward. At the critical moment, she deliberately bent her knees and fell to the ground, grabbing the chain on the bank.

Turning around, Fan Xuening said with an innocent face, "I, I didn't mean it. Someone bumped into me, so I was careless..."

Fan Xuening is very smart. There are so many people nowadays. As long as she insists that she did not do it on purpose, even if Fan Qingyao really makes trouble in front of the Queen afterward, she can still make it clear.

 So she is not afraid at all.

How could Fan Qingyao not see Fan Xuening's little thoughts? He patted the snow on his body and stood up, walking silently in front of Fan Xuening. Just when Fan Xuening was sure that she would be helpless, Fan Qingyao grabbed Fan Xuening's hair. Pull down toward the moat!

This scene shocked the surrounding princes and concubines.

 This, is this a fight?

Fan Xuening really didn't expect that Fan Qingyao would do it as soon as he said so. Her scalp hurt so much that she stretched out her hand and scratched Fan Qingyao's face, but because her hair was being pulled by Fan Qingyao, she couldn't raise her head at all. Able to wave his arms blindly.

Fan Qingyao grabbed Fan Xuening's hair and dragged him to the shore, with no intention of letting go.

Yunyue, who was walking down the street with Concubine Yu, looked at this scene, and her heart was beating hard. She had always known that Fan Qingyao was a schemer, but she never expected that Fan Qingyao had such a fierce temper. She really dared to do anything. Take action.

Concubine Yu, who also saw everything in her eyes, winked at Yunyue. Yunyue nodded secretly, then let go of Concubine Yu's arm and ran towards this side, "Okay, what happened? What's wrong? Princess, stop fighting now, it's more important to get out of here first!"

Yunyue said this with a worried expression on her face, but the hands she stretched out were only grabbing at Fan Qingyao, not Fan Xuening.

 This is clearly an overstatement!

 (End of this chapter)

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