Chapter 776 This is the tiger!

Fan Xuening heard Yunyue's voice and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter how Yunyue supported Pan Yulu, Yunyue would still favor her now.

Yunyue is of course partial to Fan Xuening. Even if Fan Xuening has a lower status, she is still the aunt of the third prince's house.

Thinking like this, Yunyue tried her best to grab Fan Qingyao's hand.

Unexpectedly, just when Yunyue's hand was about to touch Fan Qingyao, Han Jingchen suddenly bumped into Yunyue's back.

Yunyue, who was unprepared, lost her balance and threw herself towards the moat first!


 But there was a muffled sound, and there was an ice hole on the ice of the moat.

Yunyue was so cold that her teeth chattered, and she kept rising and falling in the ice water.

Facing this sudden scene, not to mention Fan Xuening, even Fan Qingyao was a little dumbfounded.

Yunyue is a princess after all, so why should she push Huli away?

 This is not courageous.

 This is a tiger!

"Sixth Princess, you are so brave, how dare you disrespect Princess Yunyue!" Fan Xuening came back to her senses and was determined to bite Han Jingchen.

Han Jingchen just saw that Fan Qingyao was weak and his head was hot and he rushed over. Now that he calmed down, he was broken into a cold sweat. Faced with Fan Xuening's questioning, he didn't know how to answer.

"The Sixth Princess was just squeezed by the crowd and accidentally bumped into Princess Yunyue. Since Aunt Fan is so worried, why not go down together to keep Princess Yunyue company." Fan Qingyao said, speaking again He kicked Fan Xuening's belly, and then let go of the hand holding his hair.

Fan Xuening never thought that Fan Qingyao really let go of his foot and fell straight into the moat behind him without being able to stand still.


There was another muffled sound, and there was another hole in the ice.

The biting river water instantly enveloped Fan Xuening. She kept slapping the surrounding lake water. Although she managed to float on the water, her little face had long been frozen into a purple carrot.

Fan Qingyao looked at this scene condescendingly, feeling indescribably smooth in his heart.

 She seemed to have forgotten to mention that she had wanted to beat Fan Xuening for a long time.

 It's been a long time, a lifetime of waiting.

At the same time, the government officials from Fengtian Mansion have arrived, and the accompanying escorts have also helped arrest people. Although the chaotic streets are still noisy, the people are out of danger.

"Will we be settled by the Queen of Autumn if we do this?" Han Jingchen looked at Yunyue and Fan Xuening floating on the water. After calming down, he said that he was afraid it was a lie.

Fan Qingyao smiled and said, "You were so strong just now, but now you are scared?"

"How can it be the same! You were in danger just now, so I naturally can't worry so much. Let alone Yunyue, I won't hesitate even if the King of Heaven comes." Han Jingchen vowed that if it happened again, she would still I will never look back just like before.

Fan Qingyao felt warm in his heart when he looked at Han Jingchen like this.

"The settlement of accounts after the fall depends on whether they can produce evidence. It's just an accident. Even if it happens in front of the emperor, it's just an accident." Fan Qingyao said calmly and calmly.

As long as Yunyue dares to bite the bullet, she can do the same. As for Fan Xuening, she was just a little aunt, and she didn’t have that status even if she wanted to complain to the emperor.

After hearing this, Han Jingchen breathed a sigh of relief, "If I want to hang out, I have to hang out with you. I don't have anything to worry about."

Fan Qingyao saw that someone had already gone out to retrieve Yunyue and Fan Xuening, so he took Han Jingchen to the street and asked, "Why are you back again, where is the queen mother?"

"Don't worry, I sent the Queen Mother back to the carriage a long time ago. The Queen Mother and I were worried about you, so I thought of coming back to find you. Fortunately, I'm back, otherwise you would definitely suffer a loss. "Han Jingchen now feels so sick when he mentions Yunyue and Fan Xuening. The streets were in such chaos just now, and he still wants to take the opportunity to embarrass Fan Qingyao. It's really okay.

Fan Qingyao was relieved when he heard that the Queen was safe. When the two of them walked to the street, the Queen had already returned to the palace with the other concubines, and the remaining princes were cleaning up the mess.

As soon as the sixth prince who was standing on the street saw his wife, he ran over quickly and asked, "How are you? Are you injured?"

Han Jingchen gritted his teeth with hatred, "Now I know I care. What were you thinking about? Where have you been? I haven't seen anyone just now."

The sixth prince looked innocent after being scolded, "I just met the third emperor brother on the street and said a few words to the third emperor brother. Unexpectedly, something happened. The third emperor brother originally wanted to send Concubine Yu to the street first. When I heard that the emperor had also left the palace, my face changed with fear, and I hurriedly went to Fengtian Mansion to find someone. I was afraid that the third emperor brother could not understand, so I followed him. "

 Han Jingchen, “…”

Even the third prince can speak clearly and clearly than you.

The sixth prince looked at his wife's incomprehensible expression and quickly looked around for the third emperor brother, hoping to ask the third emperor brother to testify for him. As a result, he saw Baili Rongze standing by the moat, looking at being fished out. Yunyue and Fan Xuening's faces turned dark.

Fan Qingyao looked at Baili Rongze's face as black as the bottom of a pot and felt that it was reasonable.

The little wife fell into the lake with her sister, it would be strange if her face was not dark.

When Prince Heshuo and Hua Yaoting came with people, the streets had already been cleared by Fengtian Mansion. Prince Heshuo quickly ordered people to take the injured people to the nearest hospital, and the dead people were also covered first. After being carried away with a white cloth, Hua Yaoting handed over to Fengtian Prefecture Yin, asking about the whereabouts and origins of those who caused trouble.

The other princes had no real power after all. Now that they saw someone coming to take charge of the overall situation, they all got on the carriage entering the palace. The sixth prince took Han Jingchen directly back to the mansion.

Fan Qingyao was also thinking about the Queen in the palace. He originally wanted to go and talk to his grandfather, but he didn't expect that when Hua Yaoting and Prince Heshuo saw her, they all came over.

 “But where is it hurt?”

 “Did you bump into something?”

 The two people spoke in unison, the concern in their eyes was so real.

Fan Qingyao smiled and shook his head, "I made my grandfather and adoptive father worry, but I'm fine."

Heshuo County Prince and Hua Yaoting were still a little worried after hearing this. The two of them, with four pairs of eyes, looked up and down at Fan Qingyao carefully before they felt relieved.

“I’m really fine, but how are the injuries of the people?” Fan Qingyao asked softly.

Prince Heshuo's face was a little gloomy, but it was not particularly ugly. "The injuries were mostly minor, and there were basically no serious injuries that were fatal. As for those who died, they were not injured by sharp objects. They were all trampled to death, probably." It was caused by other people fleeing for their lives.”

 This is strange.

Fan Qingyao clearly remembered that those who came to make trouble had broad swords in their hands.

 Since he is holding a sharp weapon, it is more reasonable that he is aiming to hurt people's lives.

"The people in Fengtian Mansion are becoming more and more loose. None of the people who came to make trouble were caught. Finally, a corpse was found on the street. It is best to report this matter to the emperor as soon as possible." Hua Yaoting frowned. Brother, if you want to catch all those people, you must quickly seal the city gate, so as to catch the turtle in the jar.

 (End of this chapter)

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