The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 781: Concubine Yu needs to take good care of her health.

Chapter 781 Concubine Yu needs to take good care of herself

Who would have thought that as soon as everyone walked out of the courtyard, they saw the wind blowing at the foot of Huayaoting.

"How is Xiao Qingyao, are you scared?" Hua Yaoting was originally worried that Xiao Qingyao was holding on when she was outside, but now seeing her daughter come back from all the trouble in the middle of the night, she was even more anxious and wanted to go to the yard. Li Chuang.

 Tao Yuxian, “…”

 Oh, I said they didn’t talk about you?

“Yue Lian and I have just seen Xiao Qingyao, and the child has already gone to bed.” Tao Yuxian stopped Hua Yaoting and offered some kind words.

"I'll just go in and take a look." Hua Yaoting frowned and still looked toward the yard uneasily.

“Xiao Qingyao’s child is old, I’m afraid it’s inappropriate for me to do this.” Tao Yuxian continued to persuade.

"Is there anything wrong? Even if she is eighty years old, I am still her grandmother!" Hua Yaoting said a word and was about to rush into the yard with big steps.

 The smile on Tao Yuxian's face completely disappeared with the wind coming from Hua Yaoting's feet.

Hua Yuelian looked at her mother's face and quickly waved the others to leave first.


With everyone gone, Tao Yuxian no longer had to hold back. This powerful voice frightened Hua Yaoting, who had been on the battlefield for many years.

"You see, the child is relieved. If he really woke up Xiao Qingyao and saw you and I were not worried in the middle of the night, he would definitely blame himself. The child was already quite frightened. If it happens again, Worry and blame yourself, what should you do if something goes wrong?”

 Hua Yaoting, “…”

 It was just a quick glance, is it really that serious?

 Everyone who hasn’t gone far yet, “…”

 They heard nothing...

 Hua Fengning smiled reassuringly when he heard her grandmother's angry scolding.

In fact, he had known for a long time that his grandmother was different from other elders in the house. She seemed to put her grandfather first in everything, but in fact she scolded his grandfather secretly. Even though his grandfather was a terrifying killer on the battlefield, he could If I count carefully, I have never been able to speak better than my grandmother in these years.

At the beginning, Hua Fengning didn't understand. He thought that two people should live respectfully as guests. But now that he has become a family, he understands that no matter whether his life is ups and downs, it can be called a real life if it is enjoyable.

 In the house, Wu Qiuzao had just put Brother Ren to sleep when he saw her husband coming back.

"How is my sister-in-law? Are you scared? If you are really scared, it's okay. My mother seems to know a woman who can help people call Hun'er. You can pay some money to invite her to your door. I'm going home now... "Wu Qiuzhuo hadn't finished speaking before he hurried out.

Hua Fengning quickly took her arm and said, "It's okay. Qingyao was already asleep when we went there."

 “Are you asleep? You didn’t lie to me?”

 “What did I lie to you about.”

Wu Qiuzhuo looked at her husband's face seriously, and after a while he breathed a sigh of relief, "It's okay. I didn't expect my sister-in-law to be so powerful. Just hearing about this is going to scare me to death."

Hua Fengning held his wife's hand and said, "This sister of mine is a great person. How can such a small scene scare her? When the Hua family was displaced overnight, it was she who shouldered the heavy responsibility. Let’s move on with this family. Without Qingyao, this Hua family would have been broken up long ago.”

Wu Qiuzao was stunned.

She had indeed heard various rumors about Fan Qingyao, but she thought that no matter how strong Fan Qingyao was, she was just a girl who was not as old as her. She might be strong, but it was definitely not something she could rely on herself. .

 But now listening to her husband's words, she was shocked and speechless. Hua Fengning looked at his wife's surprised expression, and his gentle smile added a touch of pride that was engraved in his bones.

 His sister will always be the person he is most proud of.

Fan Qingyao only heard that his mother was coming when he got up in the morning. He hurried to the front yard and saw Qingxin in her mother's arms stretching out her hand towards her.

Fan Qingyao took Qingxin and weighed it. After not seeing each other for the past few days, the little guy had become a lot heavier.

Qingxin was so excited when she saw her sister that she took out all the delicious and fun things her mother had put in her pocket yesterday and piled them in front of Fan Qingyao like flowers.

Hua Yuelian was completely relieved when she saw that her daughter's complexion was as normal.

At noon, Wu Qiuzao also brought Brother Ren over. The two little guys knew each other very well. They formed a group and made a fuss during the meal. They were probably tired. After lunch, they both fell down. He got on the bed and fell asleep.

 The children are asleep and the adults can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Wu Qiuzao was inexperienced in raising children and was always on tenterhooks. Now he finally caught Hua Yuelian and hurriedly asked all kinds of questions.

Tao Yuxian thought about what was on his mind, and simply called Fan Qingyao to the back room to talk to him, "Yesterday, when your grandfather came back, he said that Concubine Yu was ill. How is the Queen?"

Fan Qingyao said truthfully, "The queen's complexion is still good, so don't worry, grandma."

Tao Yuxian sighed, "Concubine Yu has been favored by many in recent years. She is indeed very powerful. Just when something happened in the front, she fell down in the back. Men all like the weak and weak, but it has embarrassed the Queen and has to do it. The emperor is waiting for the illness and is busy trying to calm the hearts of the people in the palace. "

It doesn't matter if Concubine Yu falls down, but Concubine Yu really pretended to be sick and got a taste of it. How can others let it go?

If people in the palace complain of illness one after another, the emperor will naturally not be thinking about ways to win favor, but about the empress's inability to manage the harem.

Fan Qingyao thought about the Queen Mother’s explanation yesterday and said, “Grandma, don’t worry, the Queen Mother will not sit still and wait for death.”

In her previous life, Concubine Yu relied on the emperor's favor to dominate the palace. Concubine Yu was indeed smart and smart, but the most important point was that the Queen had already passed away at that time. In this life, Concubine Yu could still laugh. But whether we can have the last laugh or not is unknown until we reach the last step.

Fan Qingyao was right, Concubine Yu would soon stop laughing.

The emperor was frightened and stayed away from court for three days. Concubine Yu fell ill and was bedridden, so the emperor asked about it.

Soon, the news spread.

Just when the concubines in the harem were about to follow suit, Queen Zhenxi suddenly issued an order to change the original service of one person to a rotating system of concubines in the harem.

  In other words, as long as the concubines are in good health, they can line up in order according to their rank.

Even though I am serving the Emperor for one day, this is also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get close to the Emperor and show my face in front of the Emperor. What else can the concubine pretend to be sick now? One person who was more tidy than the other came to Fengyi Palace and begged the Queen to arrange a day for him to wait for his illness.

 As for Concubine Yu…

Just take good care of your health in Yue Yu Palace.

For this reason, Queen Zhen Xi went to Yue Yu Palace in person to express her visit to Concubine Yu. At the same time, she also did not forget to read the list of attendants clearly and carefully.

 Concubine Yu, “…”

This is not only killing people but also killing people's hearts?

 (End of this chapter)

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