Chapter 782 The fifth prince is a scumbag

Concubine Yu has always been a competitive person, so how could she withstand such provocation from the queen? Even though Yunyue repeatedly persuaded Concubine Yu to continue pretending to be ill, within a few days, Concubine Yu let people know that she was back to normal. .

But before Concubine Yu could find Queen Zhen Xi to tell her about her illness, Queen Zhen Xi fell ill first...

Whether Queen Zhen Xi is favored or not, she is the mother of Xiliang and the anchor of the harem.

 Queen Zhenxi’s sudden fainting caused the entire palace to tremble!

In particular, Queen Zhen Xi fainted in front of the emperor while she was guarding her in front of the emperor. Even if the emperor wanted to appease the people in the harem, he had to leave Queen Zhen Xi in front of the emperor and let Ji Hongliao take care of her personally.

 When Concubine Yu learned the news, she was like a bolt from the blue!

I have played with an eagle all my life, but my eyes were pecked out by an eagle.

Queen Zhen Xi successfully stayed in front of the imperial court, which was a reassurance for the prince and his party. However, the people in the main city were still shrouded in the haze after the incident and could not get out of it for a long time. After all, enough time has passed since the incident. For more than ten days, the court still did not give Baixin a satisfactory explanation.

It's just that the Emperor has handed over this matter to the Military and Horse Department in advance, and no one else has the right to intervene. The place where Prince Heshuo grew up was full of panic. Not even a single person could be seen on the road in broad daylight. It was not uncomfortable. Fake, after a few days of quitting drinking to relieve my sorrow, I simply went to Hua's house to complain.

"This main city is the face of our Xiliang, but now there is no trace of the peaceful and prosperous times in the past. If this continues, when the people's hearts are gone, what future will we have in Xiliang?" In Hua's study room, Prince Heshuo slapped the table angrily.

If it were Hua Yaoting in the past, he would naturally have the same hatred as Prince Heshuo, but after experiencing so much, he is no longer the unscrupulous person he used to be. "The more you do now, the more you have to hold back. If you mess up the rules at this time, you will only give others a leg up."

Heshuo County Prince looked at Hua Yaoting in silence for a long time, and his eyes began to turn red.

Hua Yaoting's former high-spirited, talkative, outspoken voice, he was able to be straightforward and speak his mind freely even when he was standing in the court, which was very satisfying.

 But now…

 A military attache also had to start following the tortuous path of civil servants.

“It’s not that you have changed, it’s that this court is too ridiculous!” Prince Heshuo closed his eyes and held back tears. The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, and the middle beam is not straight and falls down.

Even the emperor is like this, so what can the court do!

The emperor dotes on the concubine, and he and the three princes love the house and the bird together.

  When the princes were still young, the emperor personally supervised the homework of the third prince.

 Over the years, the third prince has already inherited the emperor's selfish thoughts from the emperor's influence. If the third prince is allowed to ascend the throne, the future of Xiliang will only be controlled by the emperor's violent conquests and unfaithful thoughts.

 This is also the reason why he decided to stand by the prince's side.

Hua Yaoting's heart felt sad, but now he could only pat Prince Heshuo on the shoulder and said, "Fortunately, the current army and horse department are all from the third prince, as well as the fifth prince."

It's okay not to mention the fifth prince, but when I mention the fifth prince and Prince Shuo, I feel even more melancholy...

The fifth prince is a scumbag. He is famous in every field, but his tone is louder than anyone else. I think that when Hua Yaoting entered the palace, she happened to meet the fifth prince who was bragging about his martial arts skills. At that time, Hua Yaoting was at a high-spirited age, so he wanted to teach the fifth prince how to behave.

As you can imagine, the result was that the fifth prince was beaten until he lay on the bed for several days. It was precisely because of this that the fifth prince began to practice martial arts seriously.

Hua Yaoting looked at the melancholy Prince Heshuo and said with a smile, "Everyone will grow up."

Heshuo County Prince held it in for a long time before he managed to utter a few words, "I hope..."

At this time, Baili Lingyu, who was making a big saw with Baili Rongze in the Military and Horse Department, didn't know the complaints of Prince Heshuo.

In the Bingma Si, Baili Lingyu was sitting on a chair and taking a nap with his eyes closed. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Wan Shanshan and several of his men surrounding him.

There are several people with multiple dark circles under their eyes. Not only can’t they say they are tired, but they also have to grin and smile.

 Baili Lingyu was stunned, "Why are you so crazy?"

Wan Shanshan said with a smile, "Wei Chen deserves death for disturbing His Highness Fifth Highness. From the time of the incident to now, His Highness Five has stayed up in the Army and Horse Division for three days and three nights. Wei Chen understands that His Highness is eager to capture people's hearts. But the Fifth Highness still has to worry about his own body..."

"What do you want?" Baili Lingyu interrupted impatiently.

Wan Shanshan proposed cautiously, "How about Wei Chen personally send His Highness back to rest?"

The current fifth prince indeed holds an inconspicuous official position in the Military and Horse Department. To put it bluntly, he is not even a fifth-grade official. On normal days, Wan Shanshan would naturally not need to be so cautious, but he did not expect that the fifth-grade prince would not be so cautious. The prince has good physical strength and firepower, so I plan to outlast him...

If you keep going through it like this, even the King of Heaven, I won’t be able to stand it!

 Even if he can really hold on, what if the fifth prince can’t hold on?

  In the end, we have to drag him to be buried with him...

Baili Lingyu looked at Wan Shanshan with a sneer, "It's not impossible for me to leave. As long as you order me to take people out to investigate the matter, I will leave now."

Several days have passed since the incident. The Bingma Division said they were investigating the matter, but there was no progress at all. Baili Lingyu's heart ached when he thought about the injured civilians. How could the Bingma Division be deceived by the people? He doesn't care if they call them trash, but it's just a dream to let them join in the same trend.

It's just that now he is a low-key person in the Army and Horses Division, and when he starts to suggest that he wants to lead a team to investigate the matter, Wan Shanshan doesn't care about him at all. After Baili Lingyu breaks the jar, he starts a fight with Wan Shanshan. Dazao, don’t let me take people out, okay, then you have to stay here to accompany me, if things don’t go well for me, none of you will be able to get over it!

Wan Shanshan looked at Baili Lingyu with a splitting headache. He originally thought that the fifth prince was just coming to the army to eat and wait for death, but he never expected that it was a piece of dog skin plaster, sticky and tight, and he could not shake it off. I can't tear it off, it's really killing me!

"To be honest, Your Highness, the Fifth Highness, just now His Highness the Third has personally taken people out to verify this matter." Wan Shanshan felt that he had almost used up all the smiles in his life.

Baili Lingyu's eyes widened, "He can check me, but I can't. Do you think I'm unworthy, or do you think you've never thought highly of me from the bottom of your heart?"

Wan Shanshan quickly explained, "The Fifth Highness is serious. I just feel that this matter is not a trivial matter and needs long-term consideration. The third prince also thought about it for a long time before deciding to lead a team out to investigate the situation."

"You have been planning for several days. What did you come up with? If you continue to plan, I am afraid that my son will be killed. Since the three emperors have gone out, I can't wait any longer. , I’m going out for a patrol now, and it’s not too late to talk about anything when I get back.”

 (End of this chapter)

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