The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 783: Tumo stars are flying all over the sky

Chapter 783: spitting stars are flying all over the sky

Wan Shanshan was a little dumbfounded when he looked at Baili Lingyu who just left.

He moved out the Third Prince just to tell the Fifth Prince that someone has already investigated this matter, so I won’t bother you, the Fifth Prince, to come forward again. Fifth Prince, you should go back and wash yourself, but you never expected that the Fifth Prince would be A loophole was taken advantage of.

Thinking about what the third prince said before he left, Wan Shanshan only felt pain everywhere in his body!

"Your Highness, please wait, wait..."

Wan Shanshan was shouting from behind, and Baili Lingyu was walking in front, making wind at his feet.

Just kidding, he and Wan Shanshan were engaged in a big fight for three days and three nights, and finally he got a handle on the topic, so he ran as fast as he could.

Wan Shanshan saw Baili Lingyu disappear in a flash, and quickly ordered his men, "Hurry up and follow him!"

Baili Lingyu didn't care about the shouting behind him, and galloped out of the Bingma Division on horseback, heading all the way towards the moat where the incident happened. The mess and desolation in the city could be seen everywhere, even at the right time. At noon, not a single soul could be seen on the street.

Occasionally, beggars would pass by and they would huddle up in a corner, too frightened to even raise their heads.

 Baili Lingyu slowly slowed down his horse, looking at the street in his memory, his hand holding the horse's rope tightened continuously.

I still remember that when he was a child, he ran away from the palace privately just to celebrate the Lantern Festival like ordinary people. That was the first time he saw such a lively scene, and he was stunned. But now it is still the Lantern Festival, and the remaining What was left was full of devastation and mess.

 Baili Lingyu didn't know why the main city turned out like this, but such a main city was no longer the paradise in his heart.

“Fifth Emperor Brother, why are you here?”

The voice behind him brought Baili Lingyu back to reality. When he turned around, he saw Baili Rongze riding a horse and stopping not far from him.

 Baili Lingyu looked at the dozens of cavalrymen following Baili Rongze, and then at the two or three people around him that he could count with one hand...

This gap is really not that big.

 Baili Lingyu smiled coldly and said, "Who do I think I am? It turns out that here is someone who can cover the sky with one hand in the Army and Horses Division."

 Baili Rongze's face darkened, "Fifth Emperor Brother, what are you talking about?"

"You know what I said in your heart. You also came out to verify it. Look at me and then look at you. Do you still need me to explain this gap? Why, I have been in the Military and Horse Division for a long time and have been beaten by those You can’t even understand what people are saying?”

Baili Rongze frowned.

 Lao Wu also came out to verify?

 Before he left, he specifically told Wan Shanshan to watch the person to death.

"This matter is not as simple as the fifth emperor brother thought. Let's go back and talk about anything." Baili Rongze just wanted to get the people back to the Military and Horse Division first.

But Baili Lingyu finally brought the people out. Did he say that he could go back as soon as he returned?

 Absolutely impossible!

"If you have anything to say, it's the same here. There's no need for two big men to talk like ladies. They have to choose a place. Or should I say that Brother Sanhuang has seen so many shameful things that he likes to hide away? Talking in the corner?"

 Baili Rongze's face turned completely dark, "Fifth Emperor Brother, don't mess around! The incident happened suddenly, and it will take time for no matter who is investigating."

"So, you found nothing?" "I told you, everything takes time!"

 Other people around looked at the saliva flying in the air and lowered their heads in silence.

 When gods fight, ordinary people like them should take the initiative to avoid it...

Baili Lingyu laughed three times after hearing this, "I didn't find out why you are showing off your power here. If you ask me, Brother Sanhuang, instead of staring at me here when you have time, It’s better to go and investigate what needs to be investigated quickly, because you didn’t find out, but I found out, and you said I bullied you.”

"I said, you follow me back to the Army and Horses Division first." Baili Rongze had an angry face. He was lying when he said he didn't have a headache. The sticky-toothed prince finally left, but now there is another troublesome Wu. Prince.

 Each one is more suffocating than the other!

In the past, Baili Lingyu really didn't bother to have a war of words with Baili Rongze here, but now that the emperor's brother is not in the main city, he can't let Baili Rongze succeed alone no matter what.

 Otherwise, the emperor's brother will not make any progress in Fengcheng, but Baili Rongze will be famous in the main city. Even if the emperor's brother won't complain about him, how can he have the face to meet the emperor's brother?

 Even if you are a salted fish, there is still someone you want to protect!

"It was my father's wish that I go to the Military and Horse Division. Now, as a member of the Military and Horse Division, I am investigating this matter, and even my father has not said a word "no". You are the one here talking to me. If you are really dissatisfied, do you dare to confront me in front of my father now?"

Baili Rongze was stunned when he heard these words.

Of course he is not afraid of going in front of his father, but his father was also greatly frightened by what happened that day. At this time, if the matter is really brought to the front of his father, what good fruit can he get?

Besides, in the eyes of the father, the fifth prince is always a troublemaker, so no matter how the fifth prince makes trouble, the father is used to it. But he is different. If he really makes trouble with the fifth prince, , will only make his father disappointed in him.

After thinking about it, Baili Rongze took a deep breath. He originally wanted to say something to ease the deadlock, but seeing Baili Lingyu's raised eyebrows and glare, the anger in his heart gradually increased. I couldn't say a word.

When Baili Lingyu saw Baili Rongze had no movement, he snorted again before taking the people away.

Since he was little, he has never lost whether he uses his mouth or his hands.

 Those people following you look at me, I look at you...

Are you still looking at it?

 Follow me!

Aren't you waiting to be sprayed to death by the fifth prince's spitting stars? !

In fact, Baili Lingyu has never cared about anything since he was a child. He is protected by the queen in the palace, and his brother helps him make suggestions when something happens. It can be said that he has really used his brain a lot in his life. Young Master, now that the burden falls on his shoulders, he knows how hard it is to bear the weight.

However, Baili Lingyu's hard work was not in vain. He took people to wander around the main city, but he learned an incredible thing from the people's mouths.

The casualties that day were indeed not large, but a lot of people were missing. Even now, those people have not been found. Fengtian Mansion knew that the emperor was frightened, so it kept suppressing the matter in order not to cause more worries to the emperor.

 When Baili Lingyu mentioned the word missing, the first thing that came to mind was Fengcheng and Nancheng.

Baili Lingyu's heart skipped a beat. Are the two things really related?

The common people knew that there would not be too much information, so if they wanted to know more, they could only continue to investigate. Baili Lingyu simply took people directly to the moat, intending to continue to investigate deeper.

The moat surrounds the most prosperous street in the main city. In the past, this place was bustling with people and bustling with people. But now, it has only been a few days, but it has already changed.

Ever since the incident, people’s expressions have changed when they mention this street, and no one dares to come here anymore.

 Baili Lingyu dismounted from his horse amid the mess and walked toward the depths of the street. Stalls lying on the side could be seen everywhere, bits and pieces scattered on the ground, and faint traces of blood on the ground.

The incident happened suddenly that day, and everyone just wanted to save their lives. Only now, standing here and looking around, do we realize the tragedy of that day.

Baili Lingyu stopped and took a deep breath. Just as he was about to continue walking forward, something suddenly hit him under his feet. He lowered his head and looked down. When he saw the thing clearly, his whole body tensed up, and even his pupils were blurred. It was followed by a severe tremor!

 This, this is!

 Baili Lingyu hurriedly bent down to pick it up. At the same time, a black shadow shrouded him from behind...

 (End of this chapter)

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