Chapter 785 They all come to talk to her.

Fan Qingyao nodded and listened attentively.

“We were watching the ice lantern that day, weren’t you there?” Zhou Renjian looked at Fan Qingyao and asked.

"Indeed, it was not just me who was there that day, but also the Queen, the other concubines, and the prince's concubines." Fan Qingyao thought for a while, but he didn't tell the emperor that he was also present. Originally, the emperor was just secretly When leaving the palace, sometimes it is safer to know less about things.

“When the incident happened that day, did anyone notice that something was wrong?”

"When the incident happened, the streets were in chaos. At that time, all the princes and concubines were protecting the concubines in the harem and getting into the carriage safely. Fortunately, those masked men had no intention of hurting anyone. Otherwise, we still don’t know what would have happened. ”

 Zhou Renjian was stunned for a moment.

 The other princes and concubines escorted the concubines to the carriage, so as the Queen's daughter-in-law, Fan Qingyao naturally had to do his best to protect the Queen. If it were others, it would be too late to escape, but Fan Qingyao

 Can observe the subtleties.

Zhou Renjian felt sour. He didn't want to admit his admiration, but he had to admire him.

“Did you get any other news?” Fan Qingyao asked.

Zhou Renjian felt that if he didn't tell him what he knew, given Fan Qingyao's IQ, he would probably guess everything in a while. He really didn't know what the prince was thinking and what kind of wife he was looking for. No, I have to find someone so smart.

 It’s so exciting!

"What you found is correct. Those people did not hurt anyone, but right after the incident, many children disappeared, and no news has been traced until now." Zhou Renjian said this At this time, he lowered his voice to the lowest level.

Fan Qingyao was startled, "Where did you get this?"

“It’s a coincidence that the missing list happens to include a child of a friend I know.”

“Don’t the people in the Military and Horse Division know about this?”

"This matter has always been secretly investigated by Fengtian Mansion. It is said that many people had already made trouble in Fengtian Mansion. Later, Fengtian Mansion was afraid that the matter could not be suppressed and reported it to the Military and Horse Division. However, after verification by the Military and Horse Division There are many adult civilians who have also disappeared, so it is tentatively determined to be an indiscriminate attack.”

The incident happened suddenly that day, and it is understandable that the people were panicked. Maybe it was unknown if he fell into the lake and broke the ice. Moreover, the moat in the city connected to the outside of the city, and the water flow was fast, so it was possible that he was really washed out.

If it were normal, no one would really care about who the missing people are.

 But now, it has to make people think deeply.



Fan Qingyao and Zhou Renjian said in unison, obviously thinking of something.

"It seems that the prince has been out of the city to investigate this matter for some time, but no children have disappeared in either Nancheng or Fengcheng. On the contrary, people have begun to go missing in the main city. I always feel that these two things are too serious. It’s too much of a coincidence.”

Zhou Renjianhui paid attention to this matter entirely because Baili Fengming was sent to Nancheng and Fengcheng.

 Similarly, he also knew that there had been no progress on Baili Fengming's side.

"Now the people in Nancheng and Fengcheng have deep resentment against the prince. I'm afraid that if no clues are found about the affairs in the two cities, it will affect the prince's voice in the hearts of the people."

In fact, Zhou Renjian hoped that the matter in the main city and Baili Fengming's investigation would be the same. In this way, as long as the troublemakers were trapped in the main city and Baili Fengming returned to the main city to catch the turtle in the jar, everything would be fine. It's solved.

Fan Qingyao also hoped that things would be the same as what Zhou Renji thought.

But the problem is that if they are really the same group of people, then the reason why they changed their target is that they found out that the court was already conducting a strict investigation, but they still dared to commit crimes under the eyes of the emperor even though they were under strict investigation. It was really Have you lived enough? And as long as they are missing, their number will not be small. If they were really taken away by those masked men, where on earth would they be hiding so that they would be unnoticed?

 Things seem to be getting more and more complicated.

Fan Qingyao couldn't really figure out all the ins and outs now, but she could write a letter to Baili Fengming and inform him first. Regardless of whether it was related or not, it was as if something had really happened. It's better to be caught off guard.

 Zhou Renjian also knows that this kind of thing cannot be thought of clearly in a short while, but he will always pay attention to the development of this matter and notify Fan Qingyao as soon as there is any other news.

 After the two people had a detailed discussion, Fan Qingyao stood up and left.

The old lady of the Zhou family personally came forward to persuade Fan Qingyao and Mu Yan to stay for dinner. People were coming, and it was always difficult to leave on an empty stomach. Who would have thought that before Fan Qingyao agreed, she heard what the boy driving the carriage said Someone was sent to the mansion to spread the word, and the eighth prince and concubine came to the door.

Fan Qingyao thought of Mu Yan's worried look on the carriage, so he left her behind.

 When you are worried, it is always good to take a break.

It was no small matter for the eighth prince's concubine to come to the door. Nanny Xu personally waited at the door with her people. When the carriage arrived, she helped the young lady back to the yard.

“I didn’t expect that the Crown Princess would not be in the palace today. If I had known that I would have to go through such trouble, I would have come back in a few days.” The Eighth Prince saw Fan Qingyao entering the door and quickly stood up with a smile.

Fan Qingyao took the others and sat on the Arhat bed together, and then said, "Otherwise, it's time to come back. How about you? Did you get hurt anywhere by the moat that day?"

The eighth prince's concubine did not dare to trouble the crown prince, and said quickly, "I'm fine. It was a coincidence that I came that day. My mother and concubine were tired and didn't want to go too far, so I walked around the carriage with my mother and concubine. I heard that Seeing that something happened, I quickly helped my mother and concubine back to the carriage. "

Fan Qingyao nodded, "As long as it's not hurt."

Concubine Yu is surrounded by Concubine Han Xian, Concubine Pan De, and the empress is not alone. Although Concubine Liu Shu wants to join her, it is not that simple to really conquer someone by her side. It is best if Concubine Zhang Shu is safe. .

“I came today because I wanted to talk to the Crown Princess about something.” The Eighth Princess suddenly said as she looked at Fan Qingyao.

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

There were so many people who came to talk to her today.

Seeing the troubled look on the eighth prince's face, Fan Qingyao said, "Now that I'm here, just say whatever you want to say. If I can help, I won't shirk it. Even if I can't help, I can still help." You analyze the pros and cons.”

 Actually, the eighth prince's concubine really didn't come here for her own sake today, but after hearing the prince's words, she felt inexplicably comfortable.

Look at how well the Crown Princess is able to do things, no wonder she can win over people's hearts.

"On the day of the accident, I heard that Aunt Fan and Princess Yunyue both fell into the water. After returning home, they both fell ill."

Fan Qingyao couldn't help but twitching at the corner of his mouth when he heard these words.

  It would be strange not to get sick if you soak in ice water in such a cold weather.

It seems that Yunyue and Fan Xuening's heads have not been frozen yet, so they know how to swallow this matter into their stomachs.

Fan Qingyao had already made plans since he dared to take action. If they really started to make trouble, they would just shoot themselves in the foot.

"Princess Yunyue followed Concubine Yu directly back to the palace. Now she is taken care of by the imperial doctors in the palace. Aunt Fan is always accompanied by the third prince. For this reason, the third prince and the third prince even had a big quarrel. , everyone knows about the commotion in the house."

Fan Qingyao was stunned, "With the character of the third prince's concubine, she should not have a head-on conflict with the third prince."

 (End of this chapter)

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