The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 786: The one who caused trouble fell ill instead.

Chapter 786: The one who caused trouble fell ill instead

Pan Yulu is different from Yan Hanbai. Although he is not a high-ranking person, he is definitely not an impulsive person. Now that Concubine Pan De has lost one after another in front of Concubine Yu, Pan Yulu must have been thinking too hard at this time to follow Baili. Rong Ze is angry?

"Aunt Fan has been favored in the third prince's house for a day or two. How come the third prince's concubine could tolerate it before, but can't bear it now?"

Pan Yulu is not stupid, how could she not analyze the pros and cons.

The eighth prince's concubine nodded and agreed deeply, "That's true, but that day I happened to pass by the third prince's residence in a carriage, and I heard with my own ears the quarrel between the third prince's concubine and the third prince. The most disturbing thing was that Unexpectedly, the third prince, who had always had a bad relationship with the third prince's concubine, was overpowered by the third prince's concubine that day. "

Of course, the eighth prince's concubine couldn't hear the exact words of the quarrel, but she could still tell who was quarreling more and who was quarreling less.

Fan Qingyao looked at the eighth prince and concubine, "Are you sure that the third prince and the third prince had a quarrel because of Aunt Fan?"

The eighth prince's concubine nodded happily this time, "Of course I am sure of this. I clearly heard the third prince's concubine threatening the third prince, saying that if he chooses to pamper his concubine and destroy his wife again, don't blame her for being ruthless."

Fan Qingyao was stunned.

This is said as a warning, but it is clearly a threat.

But what did Pan Yulu know that made him dare to be so arrogant?

"So you came to me today just to share?" Fan Qingyao felt that if that was the case, she would naturally have fun, whether it was Pan Yulu, Fan Xuening, or Baili Rongze, No matter who among them is unhappy, she will be very happy.

But the eighth prince's concubine shook her head, "After the quarrel that day, I have been paying attention to the movements of the third prince's house. I originally planned to see if the third prince's concubine could be favored by the wind. Unexpectedly, after waiting for a few days, it turned out that There is news that the third prince’s concubine is ill.”

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

 It was indeed unexpected.

"Although we don't have a good relationship, we are all sisters-in-law after all. I want to ask if I should go to visit you or send someone to send something over?" The Eighth Princess sighed heavily, where did she expect to see it? The excitement actually made me see myself in it.

 Sigh, it makes me upset just thinking about it.

Fan Qingyao really didn't expect that the recent events were happening one after another. When he came back to his senses, he looked at the bitter and resentful face of the eighth prince and asked with a smile, "Except for you, there is no news about the third prince's illness. Who else knows?"

  The Eighth Princess shook her head, "I didn't hear it accidentally. How could anyone else know about it?"

"You also said that you overheard it. If that's the case, why bother? If the Third Prince's Mansion doesn't release news for a day, you can just pretend that you don't know. When the news really comes out from the Third Prince's Mansion, then we will These sisters-in-law, one by one, all have to come to visit, so you just have to go with the flow. "

 The Eighth Princess was stunned, "Can we still do this?"

Fan Qingyao smiled and said, "Why not?"

The eighth prince's concubine looked at Fan Qingyao's calm and composed smile, and her mind gradually became clearer.

The Crown Princess is right. No one knows now. What is she worrying about here? What else is she sending to her door? If she really went, wouldn't she take the initiative to tell the third prince, "I'm sorry, I heard you." The couple had a quarrel.

"Thank you very much, Crown Princess. If it hadn't been for the Crown Princess's reminder, I would have jumped right into someone else's gun. So I and the others will be waiting for the news from the Third Prince's Mansion." The Eighth Prince's Concubine thought about it. Only then did he realize how foolish he was to be entangled, so he quickly stood up and left. "It's not peaceful in the city these days, and I don't go out much. When you come, I have a companion." Fan Qingyao stood up with a smile and walked her to the door. If it really counts, she still wants to thank you. The eighth prince's concubine, how else could she listen to the excitement of the third prince's residence?

The eighth princess was even more moved after hearing these words. She thought that the princess was approachable and considerate, and she looked at Fan Qingyao reluctantly for a while while sitting on the carriage.

It would be great if she could have a sister like the Crown Princess. I wonder if Aunt Fan from the Third Prince's Mansion had her head kicked by a donkey. She can't even fawn over such a sister.

Fan Qingyao didn't know what the eighth prince's concubine was thinking, but he was so frightened by her clinging eyes that he waited for the wheel to roll before turning around and walking into the mansion.

But she didn't expect that Baili Rongze would become more and more attached to Fan Xuening. She still remembered that in the previous life, Baili Rongze and Fan Xuening were inseparable. She didn't know how many times she bumped into Baili Rongze and Fan Xuening. Private meeting.

At that time, she was too stupid, and she believed too much in those two people, so she believed again and again that Baili Rongze and Fan Xuening would never hurt her. However, in the end, she was murdered by that pair of bitches. life.

Through careful calculation, now it is more and more similar to the previous life.

While passing by the front yard, Fan Qingyao thought about telling his grandmother about Mu Yan staying at Zhou's house for dinner. As soon as he walked into the yard, he saw his grandmother walking out with the support of Grandma He.

 He looked a little pale, as if he was in a hurry.

As soon as he saw Fan Qingyao, Tao Yuxian asked, "Have you heard about Xiao Qingyao too?"

Fan Qingyao was afraid that her grandmother would fall, so she quickly helped her steady, "What happened?"

"Just now, your grandfather asked people from the Heshuo County Prince's Palace to send news that the fifth prince was attacked while investigating in the main city. Now he has been sent to the Army and Horse Department. I don't know how injured he is!" Tao Yuxian was also shocked when he heard the news. After a while, he was thinking about telling Xiao Qingyao, but someone came.

Fan Qingyao's hand holding her grandmother froze.

 What happened to the fifth prince?

 Still when investigating in the main city?

How courageous are those who are making trouble? They even dare to attack the prince!

"Grandma, don't worry, I'm going to the Military and Horse Department now." Time was tight, so Fan Qingyao could only ask Aunt He to go to her yard to get the medicine box, while he walked quickly towards the door of the house first.

Tao Yuxian quickly called the eldest maid next to him, "I guess the master is still at the Heshuo County Prince's Mansion at this moment. You should go there quickly and say that the young lady has gone out. Let the master mention it to the emperor when he comes to see the emperor. quick!"

 It was against the rules to let Xiao Qingyao go to the Military and Horse Division like this.

But human life is at stake. When will the emperor appoint the imperial physician to leave the palace and go to the Army Division?

 Fortunately, the identity of the child Xiao Qingyao has now been recognized by the emperor, and it is reasonable for the emperor's sister-in-law to visit the emperor's brother who was in trouble.

 (End of this chapter)

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