The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 787: A bunch of dogs relying on human power

Chapter 787: A group of dogs relying on human power

As soon as Fan Qingyao got on the carriage, Langya chased him out carrying the medicine box.

"You will come with me." Fan Qingyao took the medicine box and said to Langya, whether he should go to a place where men are all for work, or it would be safer to have someone by his side.

Langya nodded silently and sat next to Ninghan.

The Bingma Division is indeed in the main city, but it is more remote than other institutions. Starting from the mansion in the western suburbs, even if you drive at the fastest speed, it will take less than half an hour.

By the time Fan Qingyao got off the carriage, the sun was almost setting.

The entrance to the Bingma Division was heavily guarded inside and out. There were no less than a dozen guards standing in front of the five or six-person-high gate.

 Each of them looked serious and held a sword in their hand.

Fan Qingyao was anxious, but the rules should not be broken, so he motioned for Ninghan to pass the message.

It was not the first day that Ninghan and the young lady went out to do errands, so she did not hesitate and hurried up the steps to find the head guard and said, "The Crown Princess heard that the fifth prince was seriously injured, so she came here specifically for treatment."

The captain of the guard was obviously stunned when he heard that the Crown Princess had arrived, but soon he waved his hand to Ning Han, "We have reported the injuries of the fifth prince to the palace truthfully, and I believe that the emperor will appoint an imperial doctor here soon. Others shouldn’t join in the fun.”

Ninghan didn't panic even after being rejected. She took out a purse from her arms and said, "These are some small pieces of silver. We, the princess, can treat the chief guard and the brothers to have a drink. We, the princess, are also worried about the fifth prince's injury..."

"Who do you think you are, you want to buy accommodation in front of me?" Before Ning Han could finish her words, the captain of the guard pushed Ning Han.

Ninghan didn't expect that this man would take action as soon as he said it, and he was suddenly pushed to the ground.

The ground in winter was cold and hard, and Ning Han’s hand directly scratched her skin.

Fan Qingyao's face turned pale when he saw Ninghan being beaten, "Langya, go over and take a look."

Langya nodded, rushed up the steps to help Ninghan up, and looked at the captain of the guard coldly.

The captain of the guard was a little flustered by the eyes of Lang Ya, but he quickly calmed down and shouted angrily, "How can we allow you and other unruly people to be arrogant in front of the Bingma Division! Come on! Get these people who come to make trouble for me. Get away! Anyone who refuses will be treated as a troublemaker!"

 Almost instantly, more than a dozen sword-wielding guards surrounded Langya and Ninghan.

Such a scene has long been beyond the scope of Ninghan's cognition. She was so frightened that she couldn't help but her face turned pale as she nestled in Langya's arms.

Langya carefully protected Ninghan in his arms, his wolf-like eyes already roaring with murderous intent.

   At what time, in front of the Soldiers and Horses Division, the scene was as quiet as a chicken and tense.

"I only know that places that ordinary people can't enter include Dali Temple and the Privy Council... But I am ignorant. I don't know when the Military and Horse Department became so impressive." Fan Qingyao sneered, holding up his skirt and walking away step by step. Climbing up the steps, his voice was clear and his steps were steady, without the slightest hint of panic.

The captain of the guard looked at Fan Qingyao following the sound, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and then he said contemptuously, "Who are you, how dare you be so presumptuous in front of the Soldiers and Horses Division!"

Fan Qingyao still sneered, "My people have just informed you that the Crown Princess has come to treat the Fifth Prince. Now you can ask me such a stupid question. It is really ridiculous. Why? How could you not even know what to do now?" Is it possible that all the cats and dogs can find an official position in the Military and Horse Department?"

The captain of the guard did not expect Fan Qingyao to speak so venomously, and his expression changed, "You said you are the Crown Princess or the Crown Princess? If you want us to recognize your identity, you have to provide evidence!"

If Fan Qingyao really gets married, it is indeed a brand, and it is normal for normal people to have such doubts.

But now seeing the contempt and sarcasm in the guard's eyes, Fan Qingyao didn't think this was human nature. Where is the Bingma Division?

Even if it is not as heavily guarded as the Dali Temple and the Privy Council, it is still a place that is in charge of the security of the entire main city and is directly related to the face of the court. Who dares to come here to cause trouble for no reason?

Moreover, Ning Han had reported Fan Qingyao's identity a long time ago. Even if Fan Qingyao did not have a sign symbolizing his identity, normal people would take the time to verify the identity of the Crown Princess after hearing about it. After all, she was an official in the imperial court. They don't want to offend anyone who is involved with the royal family.

 Let’s look at the current captain of the Army and Horses Division.

Hit people when they come up and provoke them when they open their mouths. Is he really not afraid?

How can it be!

 Unless someone has told him something a long time ago.

 With people behind you, you can naturally be domineering and arrogant.

"Isn't there just a few of you in the dignified Army and Horse Department? Since you don't believe what I say, you might as well find someone in your place who can tell you and identify them. In previous years, the palace held banquets and all ministers above the fifth rank could participate. If I remember correctly, the commander-in-chief of the Military and Horse Division is exactly the fifth grade."

"I'm really sorry, our commander-in-chief is not in the Military and Horse Department at the moment."

Fan Qingyao looked at the prepared look of the captain of the guard, and gradually had the answer in his heart.

 Sure enough, it was just as she had guessed.

 Baili Rongze’s head was not given in vain. Her grandfather could send her the news as soon as possible. Could it be that Baili Rongze had not calculated that she would worry about the fifth prince’s comfort and come to the Bingma Division?

I'm afraid Baili Rongze not only thought of it, but also arranged everything in advance!

No one in the court knew that the fifth prince had a close relationship with Baili Fengming. Now that Baili Fengming was not in the main city, and everyone knew that Fan Qingyao had superb medical skills, if something really happened to the fifth prince, the others would What would you think?

They will not know that it was the people from the Military and Horse Department who blocked Fan Qingyao from the door. They will only think that they will fly away when the disaster is approaching. Something happened to the fifth prince, and Baili Fengming turned a blind eye to it!

Once this matter spreads, who will dare to seek refuge with Baili Fengming again?

What do those who have become princelings think?

Baili Rongze's methods have always been cruel, so cruel that he even disowns his relatives.

But this time his calculation was really wrong, because Fan Qingyao had no intention of pampering him from the moment he opened his eyes in this life.

“In that case, the captain of the guard is not going to be accommodating?” Fan Qingyao remained calm and composed.

"Now that you know it, get out of here. Not everyone can make trouble in front of the Military and Horse Department!" The captain of the guard waved his hand disdainfully, and the contempt in his eyes became even worse.

Of course he knew that the person standing in front of him now was the current crown princess.

 But as long as he insists that he does not know the Crown Princess, who can do anything to him?

It is precisely this that makes him even more proud.

Even the Crown Princess was rejected in front of him, which made him feel proud when he thought about it.

Fan Qingyao nodded, "In this case, there is really nothing more to say."

The captain of the guard thought that Fan Qingyao was giving up, and he was even more happy in his heart. But just when he was about to stop laughing, he heard Fan Qingyao's voice sounded again.

 Only this time, I wasn’t talking to him.


  "Go ahead, Wolf Fang, and beat me hard!"

 (End of this chapter)

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