Chapter 788 It’s impossible not to gamble

 Did he hear something wrong?

How much courage does it take to dare to cause trouble in front of the Soldiers and Horses Division!

 The other guards were also shocked. They never expected that this would be the result in the end.

"You are so brave! Do you know the consequences of making trouble in the Military and Horse Division?!" The captain of the guard was really anxious this time, and what happened now was beyond his expectation.

Fan Qingyao sneered, "It's enough to make a fuss, who cares about the consequences?"

Is this princess a zodiac sign?

 Why is it so difficult to deal with!

 Is it difficult to deal with?

Fan Qingyao didn't think so, she just wanted to press Baili Rongze's face to the ground and rub it.

 “Langya, do it!”

She used to be able to enter the Dali Temple as a matter of course, but now it is just a place that manages the security of the main city. She wants to take a good look at it, but she can't enter it!

Following Fan Qingyao's order, Langya rushed towards the guards with one stride.

In just a moment, the soldiers and horses were fighting in front of the door.

Fan Qingyao stood aside and watched the excitement calmly, his expression not too calm at all.

Didn’t Baili Rongze use her identity to talk things out?

Then she made things worse!

Only if the matter gets too big, will it be brought to Baili Rongze's face. When that happens, she would like to see what color Baili Rongze's face is.

After Ninghan came to her senses, she hurriedly ran to her young lady and said, "Miss, we are really making trouble if we do this. If the people from the Military and Horse Division investigate afterward, it will be detrimental to us."

"Pursuit? If we really want to pursue it, even the Bingma Division's rude words to the current Crown Princess and the indiscriminate beating of those around the Crown Princess will be investigated. I want to see if they have the courage." Whenever Fan Qingyao thinks of Baili Rongze's viciousness, the veins on the back of his hands will bulge.

Does Baili Rongze really dare to pursue the case?

How can it be!

By the time the incident really came to light, it was too late for him to feel guilty.

Ninghan felt relieved when she heard what the young lady said, and waited with Fan Qingyao with peace of mind.

 In front of the Bingma Division, there was constant noise of fighting.

More than a dozen guards were always surrounding Langya, refusing to disperse.

Both Langya and Ningtian were trained by Hua Yaoting, but compared to Ningtian's superb martial arts, Langya is better at tracking and hiding, but it's too big to be in a scene. Nowadays, these stinky fish and shrimps are not suitable. More than enough.

 Not long after, the door of the Military and Horse Division was already overturned with people on their backs.

The captain of the guard was completely numb this time. Seeing that there were not many people standing, he could only turn around and run into the courtyard.

 Evidently he went to inform Baili Rongze!

If possible, the captain of the guard certainly does not want to alarm the third prince, but it is impossible not to alarm him now.

What kind of people are there around the Crown Princess? Isn’t this too beastly?

 He is really unstoppable...

Third Prince, help!

  When Baili Rongze received the news, his face turned green.

He really wanted to use the fifth prince's matter to stir up the people's hearts on the prince's side, but he never expected that Fan Qingyao was really so ruthless. Instead of retreating despite the difficulties, he stood on the side of the soldiers and horses. The aura in front of the door was full, and he openly ordered the people around him to beat the court official?

This Fan Qingyao is really...

 It gives me such a headache!

“Your Highness, what should we do now?” the head guard asked with half of his face red and swollen. What else can Baili Rongze do?

 You can only do it in person!

  After all the guards guarding the door of the Bingma Division fell to the ground, Baili Rongze finally walked out with the wind at his feet.

Baili Rongze deliberately did not look at the tragedy at the door. Looking at it would only make him more distressed. He strode up to Fan Qingyao and said, "The Crown Princess should have sent someone to notify her in advance when she came. This will not happen." An unnecessary misunderstanding.”

Baili Rongze is Baili Rongze. He is obviously very guilty, but he can still be shy and complain first.

"The Guards of the Soldiers and Horses Division are so tight that even I was blocked from entering the door in person. If I had sent someone over in advance, I'm afraid I wouldn't even be able to see a corpse in the end, right?" Fan Qingyao opened his mouth and blocked the door. Li Rongze's destiny.

 It's shameless to play with her?

It also depends on whether she will accompany you!

Baili Rongze hesitated for a moment, and then continued, "The soldiers and horses were indeed negligent, but I heard that the Crown Princess acted first. Of course, they are all a family and there is no need to pursue too much. This matter must be a misunderstanding.”

 This statement is clearly intended to equalize the situation.

Fan Qingyao said calmly, "The men from the Military and Horse Division first pushed my maid to the ground, and then spoke rudely to me. If I hadn't happened to have a guard by my side today, I might have been the one who fell to the ground."

 Baili Rongze was also shocked when he heard this, and turned to look at the captain of the guard aside.

He just ordered someone to stop Fan Qingyao, but he didn't say a word about anything else.

The captain of the guard was so impressed by the third prince that he wanted to dig a hole and bury himself on the spot. He thought that this matter would never become a big deal, so he thought of giving the princess a few words, so that he would also show off his power in front of others in the future. Who would have thought...

 Baili Rongze looked at the guilty expression on the guard's head, what else didn't he understand?

 My head started to hurt!

"The fifth emperor brother is still lying inside now. Since the princess is here, it is more important to check the injury of the fifth emperor brother first." At this time, Baili Rongze could only delay for the time being.

Fan Qingyao stood still and said, "In this way, His Highness the Third Highness thinks that I should let the people of the Military and Horse Division bully me to the top of my head without fighting back or scolding them. I also allowed them by the way." Trampling on the royal family’s face as well?”

  Baili Rongze, “…”

 Are you going to pursue the matter to the end even if you don't care about the life of the fifth emperor's brother?

Of course, Fan Qingyao is more worried about the fifth prince's injury, but the fact that something like this happened today proves that Baili Rongze has reached the point where he can cover the sky with only one hand in the Army and Horse Department. If today's incident cannot scare the monkeys, even if She has cured the fifth prince, but she still doesn’t know what kind of cruel treatment the fifth prince will encounter.

 After all, she couldn't be by the fifth prince's side all the time.

 The only solution is to risk the lives of the fifth prince on the entire Army and Horses Division!

When people only care about themselves, they will not only be content but also become more caring.

Isn’t Fan Qingyao nervous and worried?

Her hands holding the medicine box were sweating!

 But she had to gamble.

 It’s impossible not to gamble!

"According to the wishes of the Crown Princess, what should be done about this matter?" Baili Rongze was so entangled that he almost suffocated. He never thought that it would be impossible to move out the fifth prince to talk about the matter.

Fan Qingyao looked at Baili Rongze and said, "In Xiliang, what should happen to those who have no royal family and despise the royal family? I think the Third Highness should know better than me."

What else can Baili Rongze do?

“The captain of the guard contradicted the crown princess, despised the royal family, and fought for fifty!”

"Just fight at the door, and let others see the consequences of defying the royal family."

  Baili Rongze, “…”

Facing Fan Qingyao’s persistent pursuit, he really didn’t want to say a single word.

 Talk too much and it will only make your head hurt more!

 (End of this chapter)

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