The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry

Chapter 789: Either he was beaten or he was poisoned

Chapter 789: Either he was beaten or he was poisoned

Soon, the captain of the guard was pinned down on the bench.

Thick boards fell on the back of the captain of the guard one after another, and the screams were loud.

Although the other guards did not dare to say anything when they saw this, they could see from their eyes that they were obviously alienated from Baili Rongze.

 Who dares to rely on a master who cannot even protect his subordinates?

Don't Baili Rongze know the consequences of being the captain of the bodyguard?


 But there is no way.

Fan Qingyao has brought the matter to such an extent, and soon word will spread in the main city. If Baili Rongze really favors the captain of the guard, even if Fan Qingyao stops pursuing it, when the matter reaches the ears of his father, What does the father think?

A son who puts the face of the royal family at his feet in order to win people's hearts, his father will definitely be disappointed in him.

 In comparison, Baili Rongze naturally wanted to give up the lighter end.

Fifty boards fell on him, and even if he was lucky enough to save his life, he would still be completely disabled. Fan Qingyao stepped into the gate of the Soldiers and Horses Department amidst the screams of the captain of the guard.

Bypassing the courtyard where the office was located in front, Fan Qingyao followed Baili Rongze all the way to the small courtyard at the back. As soon as he entered the door, a strong smell of blood hit his face.

Bai Li Lingyu, who was still unconscious, was placed on the only small bed in the house. There were no obvious wounds on her body, but the back of her head was severely swollen.

Fan Qingyao opened the medicine box with one hand and put his hand on the fifth prince's wrist.

After a while, she took out a pill from the medicine box and put it under the fifth prince's tongue. Then she opened the needle bag and placed the silver needles one after another on the various large points on the fifth prince's head. superior.

 Baili Rongze watched silently from the side, even if he was thinking about other things, his eyes were still attracted by Fan Qingyao's flowing movements.

There are countless beautiful women in this world. If you look at the concubines in the palace, they all have their own beauty and beauty, but they all have a good face and a scheming mind...

 What’s more!

 The medical skills are so superb!

As far as Baili Rongze knew such a person, Fan Qingyao was the only one.

 Baili Rongze calmed down, looked at Fan Qingyao and said, "Is the Fifth Emperor's brother serious?"

Fan Qingyao asked without raising his head or eyes, "Does the Third Highness know who the fifth prince was hurt by?"

If it were anyone else, he would probably be sullen and angry, but Baili Rongze is the kind of person who is extremely good at disguising and suppressing his temper. Seeing that Fan Qingyao didn't answer the question, he just paused and spoke again. , "When I received the news, I led the people to the main street quickly, but it was still a step too late. The fifth emperor brother was lying on the ground with blood on his head, and all the accompanying guards were silenced."

“In that case, the murderer who hurt the fifth prince was not caught?”

"I have ordered people to patrol the city as soon as possible. As soon as there is any news, it will be sent to the Military and Horse Department as soon as possible. But the injury of the fifth emperor brother..." Baili Rongze sighed with self-blame on his face. He looked like he had learned from the pain. A brother who cares about his younger brother.

 But Fan Qingyao knew that everything was false.

 The man in front of me is weaker than his kidneys!

“It’s still unclear when he will wake up from the coma caused by blunt force trauma to the back of the brain.” Fan Qingyao raised his head and looked at Baili Rongze with an apologetic look.

Those dark eyes seemed to be full of sadness and helplessness. Baili Rongze looked at them carefully for a long time, but he couldn't tell whether the expression was true or false.

"I didn't expect that the fifth emperor's brother was injured so seriously. I will report this matter to my father truthfully."

"So what the Third Highness is saying...the emperor doesn't know about this yet?" Fan Qingyao felt that he had really underestimated Baili Rongze's ruthlessness.

“I don’t know medical skills, and I don’t know the seriousness of the fifth emperor’s brother’s injuries.”

"Don't you have any eyes, Your Highness?"

Baili Rongze doesn’t know medical skills, but so what?

 The fifth prince’s back head is extremely swollen. Even if he doesn’t know medical skills, he should wear eyes, right?

To put it bluntly, Baili Rongze was deliberately delaying the fifth prince’s timely treatment!

It is estimated that my grandfather had already expected that Baili Rongze would do something like this, so he sent someone to deliver the news to her. As his mind wandered, Fan Qingyao looked at Baili Rongze with even more disgust.

   You really tricked your brothers and sisters without even blinking an eye!

  Baili Rongze, “…”

If eyes could kill, he would probably have been cut into pieces.

Baili Rongze also did not expect Fan Qingyao to speak so directly, "I know that the Crown Princess is worried about the fifth emperor's brother's injury, but this matter cannot be rushed. Father has said that the more urgent the matter, the more slow down the pace. "

Hearing this, Fan Qingyao almost laughed out of breath.

 Are you trying to move the emperor out to suppress her?

“Your Majesty will be extremely pleased if you listen to what His Highness the Third Prince just said.”

 What kind of father, what kind of cub.

No wonder the adoptive father was so happy to side with Baili Fengming. I'm afraid he had expected that Baili Rongze would be of the same character as the emperor.

 Baili Rongze Yijie, what is this?

If it weren't for Fan Qingyao's sincere face, Baili Rongze would really think that she was ridiculing his father as well.

Fan Qingyao didn't want to talk nonsense to Baili Rongze anymore, so he packed the medicine box and left.

 Baili Rongze has always been a person who is unwilling to let go of clues. He specially sent Fan Qingyao out in person. His words along the way were still full of temptation.

However, Fan Qingyao didn't listen to him at all.

 When he tested her, she did Tai Chi.

Baili Rongze's words were really thin, and he couldn't get a single useful word out of Fan Qingyao's mouth.

Seeing Fan Qingyao get on the carriage, Baili Rongze turned around and left, and the smile that was always hanging on the corners of his lips disappeared completely.

Fan Qingyao was sitting on the soft couch in the carriage, and the smile on his face slowly disappeared.

She waited until the carriage drove out of the street where the Soldiers and Horses Division was, and then she hurriedly ordered, "Go to the palace, quickly!"

Ning Han, who was driving the car, and Lang Ya beside him looked at each other, both looking confused about the situation.

Of course they didn’t know that Fan Qingyao’s face in the carriage had already turned pale.

 For those who are in a hurry!

 The fifth prince's injury is indeed on the back of his head...

 But it was poison that made the fifth prince unconscious!

If you don't take the pulse carefully, you will definitely think that the thin and rapid pulse is caused by coma, but Fan Qingyao keenly caught the disorder under the thin pulse.

That is a sign that only occurs when you are poisoned!

Medicine does not separate poisons from poisons. Fan Qingyao has also refined a lot of poisons, but the poison dormant in the fifth prince's body is extremely secretive, which shows that the poisoner's methods are sophisticated.

The fifth prince went to patrol the city in good order, but he was severely poisoned and beaten to cover up...

The more Fan Qingyao thought about it, the tighter her body became. She had to discuss this matter with the Queen.

 (End of this chapter)

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