Chapter 790 Leave it to me

In the palace, Queen Zhenxi was having a big fight with Concubine Yu, who was still living in front of the emperor.

Fan Qingyao could only come to the palace. Bai Tu saw the Crown Princess coming in person. Although he felt it was inappropriate to meet the Queen at this time, he still ordered Fan Qingyao to be sent to the palace where the Queen was. It was claimed that the Crown Princess was worried about the Queen's phoenix body and came to visit her.

In the palace, Queen Zhen Xi was surprised for a while when she heard that Fan Qingyao had arrived.

But she knew in her heart that Xiao Qingyao had always been a measured child. If there was no big deal, he would never be so unruly. When he saw the person entering the door, he waved and said, "But what happened?"

Looking at the Queen's expression, Fan Qingyao knew that Baili Rongze had not reported the fifth prince's injury. He was thinking about things in his mind and could not even take care of the frivolous etiquette. He hurriedly treated the fifth prince. The serious injury was reported to the Queen.

 Empress Zhen Xi really didn't know that the fifth prince was injured. It took her a long time before she said, "Is this confirmed?"

Fan Qingyao said, "It's absolutely true. My grandfather sent someone to deliver the news to my daughter-in-law. My daughter-in-law also personally went to the Army and Horse Department. The fifth prince is still in a coma in the Army and Horse Department."

Empress Zhen Xi was silent for a moment, and suddenly she flicked the tea cup beside her to the ground.


The teacup shattered and the tea splashed on the ground, reflecting the sullen face of Queen Zhenxi.

“The third child is really getting more and more prosperous!” Empress Zhen Xi was really angry. When she spoke, veins were popping up on the back of her hand holding the armrest.

 There is only one chair, and it is normal for the princes to want to fight for it.

 But what is the third child doing now?

Even though the news that Lao Wu was injured had not been reported to the palace yet, if Xiao Qingyao had not gone to the Military and Horse Department in time, would Lao Wu have been completely cold by the time she received the news?

Fan Qingyao was worried about the empress's body, and softly comforted her, "Mom, please calm down. The third prince's delay in reporting the matter is because he knew that the emperor's body was not in good condition. Even if this matter really came up, the third prince would have already taken care of himself." Good reason.”

 Baili Rongze grasped the emperor's desire to sacrifice everything for his own interests, so he dared to suppress the fifth prince's injury until now.

Even if the fifth prince is really dead, Baili Rongze can still do it because he doesn't want to disturb the emperor's purity, and is worried that the emperor will be anxious about it and do something perfunctory.

 With the emperor’s selfish and cold nature, would he really punish Baili Rongze?

of course not.

Not only would the emperor not punish him, but he would also feel that Baili Rongze was really worried about his health.

"You are right, I have messed up my mind." Empress Zhen Xi sighed. She is older and her reaction is slower. The emperor has already been that virtuous, hasn't he? How can the prince he personally trained be upright? She was impulsive.

"Now the fifth prince's injury has stabilized, but it will take some time to completely remove the toxins from his body." The poisons in the fifth prince's body are very complicated. Even if Fan Qingyao has a clue, he still needs a little bit of trying. This is It takes a lot of time.

 Empress Zhen Xi was stunned, "You said Lao Wu was poisoned?"

Fan Qingyao nodded, "The fifth prince was poisoned and knocked unconscious today when he was investigating the fifteen ice lanterns."

 Empress Zhen Xi’s hand unconsciously tightened into a fist.

 What happened that day was indeed strange, but she was busy with Concubine Yu during this period and had no time to think too much.

If Lao Wu was actually injured and fell into coma during the investigation, it was obvious that he had been silenced!


What exactly did Lao Wu find during the investigation?

"Although the fifth prince already has a residence, his daughter-in-law took it upon herself to temporarily leave him in the Military and Horse Division. However, this matter is not a long-term solution. Once other imperial doctors take over the fifth prince's injury, the daughter-in-law will no longer be able to intervene. The Military and Horse Division will I thought that the fifth prince would be sent back to the fifth prince’s residence soon, and once the fifth prince was sent back..."

Fan Qingyao's words were not explained, but Queen Zhenxi couldn't understand them any more.

Lao San can delay Lao Wu's injury today and refuse to report it, and he can take the opportunity to kill Lao Wu tomorrow. When Lao Wu was in the Military and Horse Division, it was really inconvenient for Lao San to do it because he was afraid of taking responsibility. But once Lao Wu was sent back to his mansion, what did Lao San have to worry about?

 At that time, if Lao Wu is dead and an imperial doctor is found to take the blame, the matter will be considered a matter of course.

"I understand what you mean. Just go back and wait for the news." If Queen Zhen Xi couldn't even figure this out, her life would really be in vain.

 Lao San wants to get rid of Lao Wu, isn’t it just to cut off Fengming’s siblings?

  It’s quite beautiful to think about.

 But this can only be thought about.

Hearing what the Empress said, Fan Qingyao knew that the Empress had a plan in mind. Seeing that it was getting late outside, she knelt down and resigned.

 Baihe personally escorted Fan Qingyao out of the imperial palace, and then returned to the palace where the Queen was. "It's already midnight, it's time for the Queen to go to bed."

Empress Zhen Xi smiled coldly, "When the third child caused such a thing, it really refreshed my mind."

Lily was guarding the door just now and heard the conversation between the Crown Princess and the Queen, "The Emperor has cared for the third prince since he was a child, and the Emperor has personally supervised all his studies. I really didn't expect that..."

"It was the emperor's personal supervision that led to the emergence of such a vicious thing." Queen Zhenxi knew very well what kind of virtue the emperor was, and she was a crook, and she still wanted to seduce her son?

 Just dream.

 The ones taught by old scumbags will only be little scumbags!

“What’s going on with Concubine Liu Shu lately?”

"Returning to the Empress, Concubine Liu Shu came to the imperial court today. She wanted to see the Empress, but was blocked by the servants. Concubine Liu Shu said she would come tomorrow."

"This Concubine Liu Shu is quite perseverant." Queen Zhen Xi calculated in her mind that since she came to the imperial court, Concubine Liu Shu had never stopped visiting her.

 But it was precisely because of this that Queen Zhenxi blocked her from the door again and again.

 How do you express your kindness too frequently, but are they from the bottom of your heart?

 At the end of the day, it’s just the weasels who wish the roosters New Year greetings.

“Concubine Liu Shu will come back tomorrow and bring the people in.”

 “Yes, slave, I obey.”

 Empress Zhenxi sighed and raised her hand to support her forehead.

Originally, she didn't plan to see Concubine Liu Shu so soon, but now the matters on Xiao Qingyao's side are more urgent, so even if she doesn't want to face Concubine Liu's hypocritical face for the time being, she still has to meet her.

Sure enough, early the next morning, Concubine Liu Shu came outside the palace again.

Lily thought about the Queen Mother's instructions yesterday, and after a few polite words to Concubine Liu Shu, she led the person through the door.

In the bedroom, Queen Zhen Xi was leaning on the soft couch, closing her eyes and relaxing.

"I would like to send my regards to the Empress. May the Empress be blessed with peace and prosperity." Concubine Liu Shu bent her knees as expected and saluted respectfully.

Queen Zhen Xi closed her eyes and smiled coldly, "Lily, give Concubine Liu Shu a seat quickly. I can't bear Concubine Liu Shu's greetings."

 (End of this chapter)

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