Chapter 793 Father is on our side

Concubine Zhang Shu is right, everyone in Yueyu Palace is in danger at this time.

Concubine Pan De came in a hurry after receiving the news. As soon as she entered the door, she saw Concubine Yu's upright face turned blue.

Concubine Pan De looked at Concubine Yu's expression and stood aside with fear, not daring to show off her anger.

On the other hand, Yunyue, who was recuperating in Yueyue Palace, came out and asked, "Concubine Mother has had a dispute with the Queen recently?"

Concubine Yu frowned, "Now is a good time for us. I don't have time to trouble the queen."

Yunyue was surprised, "Don't you think the Queen Mother's move was too sudden this time?"

 Concubine Yu, “…”

 Thinking about it carefully, it seems that is really the case.

Concubine Yu has been dealing with the Queen for so many years, but the Queen has never found trouble with anyone.

 Besides, Concubine Han Xian scolded the Queen behind her back for more than a day or two. If the Queen wanted to punish her, why would she wait until now?

“Did the Queen know something?” Concubine Yu was confused.

Yunyue did not answer, but looked at Concubine Pan De who was aside.

Seeing this, Concubine Pan De quickly stood up and left.

Yun Yue waited until Concubine Pan De left the yard before she walked up to Concubine Yu and said, "Don't worry, concubine, we have done this in such a secretive way, and with the support of our father, we will never let the news out."

Concubine Yu nodded, agreeing with Yunyue's words.

As long as the emperor is supporting her, what if the queen knows about it?

Furthermore, if the queen really knew something, the prince would not still be trapped in the two cities and being fooled.

"How is the situation with the Third Princess?" Concubine Yu asked in a low voice.

"Although Fan Xuening is not as good as Fan Qingyao in medical skills, she still has a good mind. With the third prince and concubine watching over her, the queen mother can rest assured."

 “It’s difficult for her to be of some use.”

Concubine Yu had figured everything out, and she felt calm. She didn't care about the rumors in the palace. Anyway, in the near future, both the queen and the prince would have to step aside.

 The rumors in the palace have not dissipated, and the queen has been recuperating in front of the emperor.

Concubine Han Xian knelt like this for three days.

 Meanwhile, Concubine Han Xian was so cold that she fainted several times.

 But when she woke up, she had to grit her teeth and continue kneeling.

 Otherwise, if you run away while kneeling halfway, wouldn’t all the sins ahead have been in vain?

Just when Concubine Han Xian felt that she might not be able to eat dumplings this year, the queen's body finally recovered and she sent someone to let out the news. The so-called poison had been verified by the imperial doctor, but it was just a conflict between foods.

Concubine Han Xian, “…”

 What else can be said?

Humble and walk away quickly.

Otherwise, the queen will be poisoned again, and she won’t know how many days she will have to kneel...

 The incident of the Queen's poisoning has passed, and Concubine Han Xian is fine and has fallen completely ill.

Concubine Han Xian was lying on the bed with a blocked nose and dizziness. She was always wondering why the Queen suddenly shot at her.

While thinking about it, Concubine Han Xian thought of Concubine Liu Shu.

During this period, Concubine Liu Shu was the most diligent in running to the Empress. Although she told her that she was going to find out about the Empress, who could guarantee that Concubine Liu would not betray her? The more Concubine Han Xian thought about it, the more something was wrong. When Concubine Yu came to visit her, she expressed her thoughts.

In fact, even if Concubine Han Xian didn't say anything, Concubine Liu Shu would no longer be able to use Concubine Yu after something like this happened. But now that Concubine Han Xian had spoken, Concubine Yu would naturally follow the trend and put all the responsibilities on Concubine Han Xian.

After coming out of Concubine Han Xian, Concubine Yu found Concubine Liu Shu, "I have said everything that needs to be said. You know Concubine Han Xian's temper. Now she has completely fallen out with the Queen. If I are no longer there, Concubine Han Xian will How will you survive in the palace in the future? Unlike you, who has a good temper and is kind-hearted, you will still have a good life even if you leave this palace. "

Concubine Liu Shu knelt on the ground, unable to say anything.

 Waiting until Concubine Yu stepped out of the threshold, Concubine Liu Shu fell limply to the ground as if she had lost all her strength.

Mammy hurriedly came over and supported Concubine Liu Shu, "My queen, please get up quickly."

Concubine Liu Shu looked at her with a silly smile, "Mammy, do you think I was scared like this by Concubine Yu?"

Grandma was stunned.

if not?

Liu Shufei smiled and shook her head, saying nothing more.

She didn’t want to be in two different situations, but she was afraid. She originally thought of it as a double insurance, but she didn’t expect that the Queen’s intervention would directly eliminate her one way out.

"The Queen is forcing me to go over." The smile on Liu Shufei's face became increasingly bitter.

Mammy sighed, "Now the way out for Concubine Yu has been completely cut off. Otherwise, the empress should be more submissive. It is better to be with the empress than not having a big tree beside her."

Concubine Liu Shu snuggled next to her grandma, closed her eyes and shook her head without saying a word.

Of course she knows that the only way she can go now is to be the Queen.

If she really bows her head this time, won't she have to be led by the Queen forever in the future?

 Does Concubine Liu Shu really not hate her?

How can it be!

Although things in the palace have calmed down, there are still bits of news leaking out.

Although what Fan Qingyao heard was just an ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo?

At the same time, the fifth prince was still recuperating in the Military and Horse Department, and the emperor had also sent an imperial doctor to diagnose and treat him. However, it had been three days and the fifth prince was still in a coma.

Fan Qingyao sent people to secretly observe the activities of the fifth prince. Although there was no good news, she was not panicked.

 Since the Queen had taken action, she just waited.

Secondly, it is true that the fifth prince was poisoned, but the poison was deep-rooted. Although she could not completely cure it for a while, at least it would not directly kill the fifth prince. Fan Qingyao would rather take advantage of this period of time. Even if the antidote is prepared in the house, it will not be used to undermine the empress.

 So, we have to wait.

Ji Hongliao was also paying attention to what was going on with the fifth prince. For several days in a row, the imperial doctors who came and went did not diagnose and treat him, so he couldn't sit still.

After Fan Qingyao heard the news, she quickly asked Ning Tian to send a message to the master, asking the master to be calm for the time being. She was sensible about this matter.

The poison in the fifth prince's body is so profound that no matter how the doctors at the imperial hospital diagnose and treat it, it is difficult to detect it. But the master is different. With his medical skills, he will definitely find out that the fifth prince is poisoned as soon as he gets started.

The fifth prince was poisoned, and Fan Qingyao didn't want to drag his master and her into this muddy water.

When Ji Hongliao received the news, although he and Ningtian complained a lot, he at least gave up the idea of ​​going to the Military Horse Division. If his apprentice still couldn't believe it, who else could he believe?

 (End of this chapter)

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