Chapter 794: You should be lucky to be the Queen

Fan Qingyao breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Ningtian's reply.

Seeing that it was getting late, she got up and planned to wash up and go to bed.

For several days in a row, she was busy studying and preparing the antidote for the fifth prince. No matter how much she slept during the day, she was still exhausted. It was rare to feel sleepy now.

"Little miss, someone is looking for you. They are waiting at the door right now." Nanny Xu suddenly walked in and said.

Fan Qingyao, who was walking towards the bed, stopped and asked, "Do you know who it is?"

Mother Xu shook her head, "She is a woman, but she refuses to give her name."

 A woman?

"Please come in." Fan Qingyao thought that it was probably the person sent by Su Hong. Anyway, he just heard the news and it shouldn't take long.

 Mama Xu left very quickly and came back even faster.

When the curtain was lifted, a thin figure wearing a cloak stepped through the door.

When he saw Fan Qingyao, the man took the initiative to take off his hat without resorting to litigation.

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

 The second prince’s concubine? !

The second princess looked at the disbelief in Fan Qingyao's eyes and smiled bitterly, "I thought the princess should know why I came here."

Fan Qingyao really didn’t expect it just now, but now he really knows it.

"Sit down." Fan Qingyao walked to Luohan's bedside and motioned for the second princess to take a seat. Everyone had already entered, so she couldn't speak even if she wanted to.

 The second prince and concubine took a few steps forward, but it was "Plop!" ’ With a sound, he knelt in front of Fan Qingyao.

 Fan Qingyao, “…”

 It seems that it is impossible to say it well.

"I know that the concubine should not poison the Queen, and I should not be showing favor to the Queen while still entangled with Concubine Yu, but there is nothing I can do about it. I heard that the concubine has been raped by Concubine Yu when she was young. The imperial concubine was oppressing her, and the mother-in-law was afraid, so she had no choice but to choose a safer path. "

 The mother concubine mentioned by the second prince's concubine naturally refers to Concubine Liu Shu.

The reason why the second prince's concubine became the second prince's concubine was entirely facilitated by Concubine Liu Shu. For the second concubine, Concubine Liu Shu was her former benefactor and the only person she could rely on now. Now that something happened to Concubine Liu Shu, she would naturally come to help and plead for mercy. of.

Fan Qingyao only heard that Concubine Han Xian was in trouble with the Queen, but she didn't know that Concubine Liu Shu was also involved. In this way, she also understood the Queen's method of knocking mountains and shaking tigers.

"The second princess also said that this matter happened inside the palace. You and I are both outside the palace. I'm afraid I can't help with this matter."

 It doesn’t mean that Fan Qingyao must agree to the second prince’s request.

 The second prince's concubine refused to give up, "Who in the palace doesn't know the queen's love for the prince?"

"Just because the Queen loves me, I can help outsiders demolish the Queen?"

In fact, Fan Qingyao didn't know where the Empress was going with this move, but since the Empress had taken action, she must have her own reasons. Fan Qingyao could ignore it, but he couldn't betray.

The second princess took a few steps forward again and held Fan Qingyao's ankle, "Now Concubine Yu has completely cut off all contact with the mother-in-law. The mother-in-law can hardly move in the palace, and the empress is exerting all kinds of pressure...I I just hope that the Crown Princess can intercede with the Queen."

 Love can be sought.

 But not everyone is worthy.

"When Concubine Liu Shu dared to poison the Empress, she should have been prepared to end up today." Fan Qingyao didn't know what happened in the palace, but it was certain that Concubine Liu Shu poisoned the Empress. This little trick could not help her. You can't even hide it, let alone the Queen. The second princess was stunned, "Mother, the concubine poisoned the queen? No, it won't happen. When this matter was first reported in the palace, it was Concubine Han Xian..."

Fan Qingyao sneered and interrupted, "The person who passed the news was Concubine Han Xian, but who was the one who learned the lesson in the end?"

 The second prince’s concubine, “…”

Isn’t it still unclear who it is?

"Concubine Liu Shu even did something like poisoning the Queen. Now she is just reaping the consequences. I don't think there is anything pitiable. On the contrary, I feel that the Queen is kind. If it were me, I would be afraid of the second prince and concubine. Even if I want to plead for Concubine Liu Shu, it’s too late.”

 Who can’t even plead for mercy?

 Of course he is a dead person!

Looking at Fan Qingyao's dark eyes with a cold light, the second princess couldn't help but tremble.

 The mother-in-law said that the Crown Princess was more powerful than the Queen, but she was stupid at the time and did not believe it.

Fan Qingyao withdrew his legs and had no time to accompany the second princess and stare at her, "Instead of the second princess kneeling here to beg me, it would be better to enlighten Concubine Liu Shu. The queen did punish her, but Isn’t she still alive and well?”

The second princess was stunned for a moment, "What the princess means is..."

“As long as you are alive, everything will turn around, it all depends on the decision of the person involved.”

The second princess looked at Fan Qingyao in silence for a long time, then nodded and stood up to leave. It was because she was reckless and did not see the way clearly. The princess was right, as long as a person is alive, there is no death.

Fan Qingyao looked at the leaving figure of the second prince and concubine. He was still half sleepy, so he simply turned back to the desk and continued to study the antidote.

With the Queen's methods, it was easy to kill Concubine Liu Shu.

Since Concubine Liu Shu is still alive, it means that the Queen still has some use for her.

Although Fan Qingyao didn't know the reason, it didn't stop her from helping to push Concubine Liu Shu towards the Queen Mother.

The second princess did not persuade Fan Qingyao, but was invisibly persuaded by Fan Qingyao. After leaving the western suburbs mansion, she rushed directly to the palace.

Concubine Liu Shu is also in a state of distress now. She really didn't expect that the empress would be so ruthless and cut off Concubine Yu's side. Now even her status in the palace is in jeopardy, especially those from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. , not treating her as a human being at all.

Looking at Concubine Liu Shu's current situation, the second prince's concubine was frightened and distressed. She could only persuade her, "In my opinion, the mother-in-law should bow her head to the empress, otherwise if this continues..."

 I don’t know whether I can survive the next winter.

 Liu Shufei sighed, "I understand."

The successive blows from reality have long since wiped away Concubine Liu Shu’s hatred for the Queen.

Even if you can live is a question, what else do you hate?

 Early the next morning, Concubine Liu Shu took the initiative to come to the Queen Mother.

 Empress Zhen Xi was still peaceful, "Concubine Liu Shu is here."

As soon as Concubine Liu Shu heard the Queen's voice, her legs felt weak and she quickly knelt on the ground, "I was stupid before, so I asked the Queen to show me a clear path."

Queen Zhen Xi nodded with satisfaction, "Lily, please help me up. It happened that the Ministry of Internal Affairs sent me some sets of dresses yesterday. I thought the colors were too light, but now I think they are suitable for Concubine Liu Shu. "

Concubine Liu Shu stood up with Lily and saw a maid carrying a tray entering the door.

 Looking at the exquisite clothes on the tray, Liu Shufei swallowed hard.

 What does the Queen want to do?

 (End of this chapter)

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