Chapter 795 Moved away

What Queen Zhen Xi wanted to do was very simple. After Concubine Liu Shu changed her clothes, she smiled and asked, "If I remember correctly, Concubine Liu Shu has not slept with her for a long time."

Concubine Liu Shu raised her head in shock, completely unable to believe what she heard.

Which woman in this palace doesn’t want to sleep with you?

 This is what she has only dreamed of!

Empress Zhen Xi smiled and said, "Look how happy Concubine Liu Shu is. She even forgot to thank her."

Lily hurriedly walked to Concubine Liu Shu's side, "As long as Concubine Shu follows the instructions given by the Empress, today's bedtime will definitely not be the last one for Concubine Shu."

 “I thank you, the Queen, for your kindness!” Concubine Liu Shu knelt on the ground again and kowtowed heavily.

Of course she knew that the queen was not just letting her sleep alone.

 But no matter what the queen wanted to explain, she had no reason to refuse.

"Concubine Shu can think so, but everyone is happy. The Queen has already asked people to put makeup on Concubine Shu and comb her hair. Concubine Shu can just follow the servants." Lily helped Concubine Liu stand up and gave her away in person. Arriving at the side hall.

Naturally, Concubine Liu Shu would not refuse. She completely obeyed and cooperated. When she was dressing up, she kept everything Lily said in mind. Almost half an hour later, Lily asked the person she had bribed to come and pick her up. Concubine Liu Shu.

After seeing off Concubine Liu Shu, Lily was busy coming back to report to the Empress. Unexpectedly, as soon as she entered the door, she saw the Empress leaning on the Arhat bed, looking out the window at the birds landing on the branches in a daze.

The eyes were dull and lifeless, and the expression was so hollow that it made people feel panicked.

Lily knew that no matter how much the Empress hated the Emperor, the Emperor was still the Empress's husband. She pushed other women to her husband's bed with her own hands. Which woman can really feel at ease?

"Sent Concubine Liu Shu away?" Queen Zhen Xi asked softly, her eyes still looking out the window.

Lily lowered her voice and said, "Everything was done according to the Queen's instructions. Concubine Liu Shu also promised that she would recommend the Crown Princess to the Fifth Prince for diagnosis and treatment when the Emperor is in trouble."

Queen Zhen Xi nodded gently, "This Concubine Liu Shu finally bowed her head obediently."

Lily looked at the Queen's face and felt distressed, "Actually, the Queen could have proposed it to the Emperor herself. Now the Emperor is no longer as cold to the Queen as before..."


Empress Zhen Xi interrupted sharply and turned to look at Lily, "Some words are more effective only if outsiders say them, and the emperor's suspicion will not be so serious."

 “But the Queen…”

 “Okay, I’m exhausted.”

 Empress Zhenxi waved her hand to stop what Lily was about to say.

Of course she knew what Lily was going to say.

 But Lily didn’t know that she would rather send other women to that bed than climb up on it herself!

Just now, she just remembered a sentence: She would like to be a winged bird in the sky, and a twig on the ground.


 Sad, ridiculous.

Concubine Liu Shu's bedtime went smoothly. Early the next morning, the emperor issued an oral order, temporarily leaving the fifth prince to the Crown Princess for personal diagnosis and treatment. As for him... he was still being cared for in the Military and Horse Department.

Fan Qingyao was relieved when he got the news. He quickly got into the carriage with Ninghan and Langya and hurried towards the Soldiers and Horses Department.

 There are still many guards in front of the gate of the Bingma Division.

But as soon as they saw the Crown Princess getting off the carriage, the guards, not to mention blocking her, stepped back to make way, not even daring to say a single unnecessary word.

 After all, the bloodstains of the previous captain of the guard are still soaked in the door and have not completely faded away...

 Isn’t it nice to live well?

 Why do you have to live with your own life? Fan Qingyao left Ning Han and Lang Ya at the door and entered the Army and Horse Department alone. He followed the leader to the backyard. When he entered the door, he saw the fifth prince who was still unconscious.

After not seeing him for a few days, although the fifth prince's condition has not improved, the clothes on his body have obviously been changed, and the soft white cloth on his head is also brand new, which shows that the imperial doctors are also attentive.

Fan Qingyao carefully checked the fifth prince's pulse. Sure enough, the result was still the same as that day. The toxins in the body had not yet been eliminated. Although it was a little more serious than before, fortunately it was still within Fan Qingyao's control.

Fan Qingyao skillfully opened the medicine box, put the medicine prepared in the past few days into the fifth prince's mouth, and then dropped the silver needles one by one according to the acupuncture points for detoxification.

 Soon, a blood bag visibly bulged on the fifth prince’s left middle finger.

Fan Qingyao took out the bone knife and gently opened his middle finger, and purple-black blood spurted out.

Immediately afterwards, a rotten stench dissipated.

This poison is not fatal for the time being, but if it stays in the human body for a long time, it will corrode the internal organs of the human body little by little, and eventually everything in the stomach will turn into a puddle of rotten water.

Now that the rotten blood in the fifth prince's body can be discharged, it proves that Fan Qingyao's antidote is effective. However, if you want to cure it with this method, you must not rush. You need to force out all the rotten blood in the fifth prince's body little by little.

 Fortunately, Fan Qingyao has plenty of time.


Fan Qingyao had just stopped the fifth prince's bleeding when his hoarse moans and groans could be heard on the bed.

Fan Qingyao quickly looked at the fifth prince, and saw that the fifth prince's chapped lips were struggling hard.

 “Yi,er…Zhao, Zhao…Yi…er…”

Although the sound was intermittent and powerful, Fan Qingyao still heard it.

 Zhao Yier.

I knew that the fifth prince was kind to Zhao Yier, but I didn't expect that his affection would be so deep.

After leaving the Military and Horse Division and getting on the carriage, Fan Qingyao told Ninghan, "Help me find a person named Zhao Yier in the next few days. The sooner the better."

When people are sick, they always miss the person they care about the most.

Ninghan can be regarded as a know-it-all in the main city. As long as she can tell someone about anything, she can figure it out.

Soon, Ninghan found out about Zhao Yier.

 But when Ninghan arrived, she found that the house was already full of people.

"Moved?" Fan Qingyao frowned. She had only met Zhao Yi'er once. Because she didn't like her, she didn't pay close attention to her afterwards.

“The slave asked carefully and said that he had moved away a few days ago. There were quite a few people who came to pick him up at that time, and the carriage belonged to an old woman, so the people nearby were concerned.”

If Fan Qingyao remembers correctly, Zhao Yi'er is not from the main city, so there is no such thing as acknowledging his ancestors and returning to the clan. The only thing that can mobilize troops and move people like this is a carriage and an old lady...

 The answer seems to be only one.

“Miss, do you still want to continue looking?”

"forget it."

Whether the fifth prince knew about Zhao Yier's departure or not, there was no need to look for her anymore.

 (End of this chapter)

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