Chapter 796 Qingnangzhai became a thief

 With the turn of the year, the days are passing faster and faster.

Unconsciously, pear blossoms were blooming all over the city.

 The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, and the sixth prince of Donglin Kingdom arrives in the main city accompanied by an envoy.

During the Emperor Gaozu's time, Donglin and Xiliang were also rivals on the battlefield. Later, the new emperor Donglin came to power and took the initiative to reach an alliance agreement with Xiliang, which was considered to be on par with Xiliang's national power and material resources.

With the arrival of the Donglin Kingdom, the attention of the people has gradually been diverted. Now the only one who still cares about the ice lantern is the Queen, and she asks Yan Qian next to her to visit the Bingma Division every now and then.

 To this day, the fifth prince is still unconscious in the Military and Horse Division.

Fan Qingyao is not in a hurry. To completely eliminate toxins, they need to be excreted from the body again and again.

 In the final analysis, it still takes time.

However, Fan Qingyao would naturally not tell the people in the Military and Horse Division about such a thing.

As a result, the people in the Bingma Division increasingly regarded the fifth prince as a treasure, fearing that this man would have some strengths and weaknesses in the Bingma Division.

Baili Fengming's letter will still be delivered on time, but there is still not much progress regarding the missing children in the two cities. However, Baili Fengming mentioned it in the letter, and Qianqi School found out. Some incredible things, but these things still need further confirmation.

Baili Fengming didn't say what was going on in the letter, and Fan Qingyao simply didn't ask in detail. After briefly explaining the current situation in the main city, he put the envelope in the wax pill and handed it to the waiter. Chiwu is on the side.

"Little miss, the whale is here." Nanny Xu came in from outside and said.

"Please come in." Fan Qingyao was a little surprised by Peng Jing's arrival. Ever since she handed over the shop to Mu Yan, neither Peng Jing would bother her easily about the shop.

Peng Jing came very quickly. When he saw Fan Qingyao, he still saluted respectfully and said, "Miss."

Fan Qingyao smiled and asked Ninghan to bring a chair and motioned Pengjing to sit down and talk, "What's the matter?"

In fact, when Peng Jing entered the door, he looked like a hero who would never return, but now when he looked at Fan Qingyao, he didn't know what to say.

Ninghan looked at Peng Jing's unspeakable expression and knew that it might not be a good thing. She quickly turned around and walked out, not forgetting to close the door with her and guard the door.

Fan Qingyao was not in a hurry. While Peng Jing was confused, she simply found a medical book and read it. Recently, she wanted to change the prescription for the fifth prince.

 The room gradually became quiet.

Fan Qingyao just lowered his head and read the book seriously, with no intention of pressing him.

Peng Jing looked at the young lady who was always calm and composed, and her anxious and tangled heart slowly calmed down.

 “Miss.” After taking a deep breath, Peng Jing spoke again.

Fan Qingyao hummed, his eyes still falling on the medical book in his hand, "Have you decided what to say?"

Peng Jing clenched his hands and suddenly said with firm eyes, "During this period, Qingnangzhai's accounts have not been reconciled."

“But has it been carefully verified?”

Peng Jing gritted his teeth before speaking again, "Miss Mu Yan secretly tampered with the money in the account." Fan Qingyao's hand that was flipping through the book paused, and he raised his eyes to Peng Jing, "Are you sure?"

"The slave didn't dare lie in front of the lady. At first, the slave thought that he had attracted a thief. He was afraid of scaring Miss Mu Yan, so he just discussed with Yue Luo in private and took turns staying in Qingnangzhai at night. Unexpectedly, it was actually a thief. I saw Miss Mu Yan come back in the middle of the night, misappropriating the money in the account, and changing the account. "If there is no definite certainty, Peng Jing certainly cannot slander Mu Yan.

Although he and Yue Luo are close friends of the young lady, since the young lady has handed over the Qing Nang Zhai to Miss Mu Yan, he and Yue Luo have the responsibility to help Miss Mu Yan make the Qing Nang Zhai the best possible. It lived up to the lady’s expectations and hard work.

"Yueluo also saw with her own eyes that Mu Yan had touched the money in the account?" Fan Qingyao asked.

Peng Jing nodded. If it was just him who saw it, he would rather think that he saw something wrong.

"Prepare the carriage." Fan Qingyao stood up and picked up the cloak beside him.

Peng Jing quickly stood up and followed Fan Qingyao out.

Fan Qingyao has not stepped into the door of Qingnangzhai for a long time since he handed over Qingnangzhai to Mu Yan. Firstly, he did not want to put pressure on Muyan. Secondly, he also hoped that Muyan could learn to be independent. Muyan did not let him She was disappointed, and Qingnangzhai did a good job, and its reputation in the main city did not decline.

After getting off the carriage, Fan Qingyao entered Qingnangzhai accompanied by Peng Jing.

It was Yue Luo who was standing inside the counter when he saw the young lady coming in and hurriedly greeted her, "Miss."

Mu Yan, who was in the accounting room at the back, heard the sound and hurriedly came out, "Why is Third Sister here?"

Fan Qingyao didn't seem to see the hidden panic in Mu Yan's eyes, and said with a smile, "I came here to take a look when I had nothing to do. I happened to be short of some medicinal materials, so I thought I would take some back from you first. "

Mu Yan knew that during this period, the third sister had been preparing medicinal materials in the yard. Although she didn't know the reason, she was obviously relieved. "Whatever medicinal materials the third sister needs, just take them as long as they are here."

“They are all common medicinal materials.” Fan Qingyao named several medicines.

Mu Yan thought about it carefully and realized that Qingnangzhai really had these medicinal materials. Then she looked at Yueluo and said, "The motherwort is on the shelf on the east side of the warehouse. It was just dried yesterday and was packed directly for the third sister. The bezoar and peony are on the east side. In the cabinet, one is placed on the third floor and the other is placed on the fifth floor. Remember to be careful when loading, and keep the two medicinal materials separately. "

Yue Luo looked at Mu Yan in embarrassment, "Miss Mu Yan is in charge of the medicinal materials in the warehouse. What should I do if a clumsy servant like me messes up those medicinal materials?"

Mu Yan smiled and said, "It's okay, I'll just sort it out if it's messed up."

Facing Mu Yan’s approachability, Yue Luo didn’t know what to say to get away.

With no choice, Yue Luo could only look to Peng Jing for help.

 Peng Jing, “…”

 After confirming his eyes, it was time for him to bravely rush forward.

"There is no reason for someone to mess up the things you organize by yourself. Miss Mu Yan, you have a naturally sensitive sense of smell. You will not pick up the wrong things even with your eyes closed. If there is no miss, Miss Mu Yan will definitely become the next doctor of the Tao family. Girl, you have carefully arranged and cared for those medicinal materials. Yueluo, let alone touching them, even smelling them is a kind of blasphemy to you."

 Muyan, “…”

 It’s not that exaggerated…

 The moon sets, “…”

 Can you be more exaggerated?

 (End of this chapter)

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